Thanks a lot, KitKat & Kooshi, for the links!
Aww I hope that isn't too obvious, if not it's going to drive me nuts too. =|Originally Posted by Everon
Thanks a lot, KitKat & Kooshi, for the links!
Aww I hope that isn't too obvious, if not it's going to drive me nuts too. =|Originally Posted by Everon
Yeah, I the live-action there was obviously an emphasis on the actual playing of the instruments and the still shots aren't really doing it for me. Fortunately I like the VA playing Nodame and its still pretty funny.Originally Posted by Everon
From what I can tell most people aren't terrible at mimicry. Maybe they had some choreography; I think a few know how to play at least a little. Its pretty clear that Mine and Chiaki are faking.
Its not that big of deal now that I think of it. It would have been an extreme requirement if every actor needed to know how to play.
Last edited by Everon; Tue, 02-27-2007 at 03:59 PM.
Just caught up and hooked on the series.![]()
Got this series recommended to me by a friend, just caught up to it and im enjoying it quite a bit. Will need to stop watching it late at night when everyones asleep at home, hard to keep silent at times
Wow, it's really great to see people enjoying this series! I would've thought that the classical music part would discourage many people, but it doesn't seem like it's the case![]()
Classical music would discourage people? I don't really know if that's just a far too hasty assumption, and I'm not saying I couldn't ever think like that myself, but on the other hand it's good to remember most of the big spectacle movies, for example, rely solely on classical music (examples are too numerous to list, but think of LOTR or Star Wars, etc.). And also great many animes do that as well. So, even if all the people don't buy and listen to classical music cds, they surely have heard lots of it; both modern and the "classic" classical music.Originally Posted by kooshi
Thanks for the softsub website, kooshi! Now I can watch both the anime and the live-action at roughly the same pace.
I found that watching the actors 'play' didn't really bother me at all. I'm also more convinced that the differences in playing is more pronounced in the live-action. For instance, in the anime when Chiaki points out the squeaky clarinet, I wouldn't have been able to tell, but in the live-action, the squeaking is painfully obvious.
And in terms of the appeal of classical music, I think it's maybe more so the fact that many of us have had music lessons or played in a highschool band, so we can sympathize with the characters to a certain extent.
Yeah, the only real variations I've heard were coming mostly in the first episodes with Mine and Nodame. I'm not exactly sure why they haven't done variations on the symphonies so far.
In any case, I'm enjoying the anime. I can't wait till they come out with an OST.
Last edited by Everon; Fri, 03-02-2007 at 03:26 AM.
Episode 6 by Froth-Bite.
Yes, indeed. I don't know why I forgot that! >_<Originally Posted by KitKat
Ahh, the good ol' music lessons when we were little kids. I should really whip out my violin and start practicing it again, haha.
As for episode 6, I kinda felt that the whole scenario with Sakura was solved a little too quickly. It just seemed to zoom through everything.
Other than that, it was another awesome episode. I'd say the best part was when Chiaki lost his patience and snapped (pun intended). There is no way a conductor should tolerate the crap he has been getting from his orchestra.
Episode 7 by Anime-Keep:
Loved this ep. Great stuff.![]()
Episode 8 (anime-keep) is out.
Excellent. Gotta watch this before I head to bed.![]()
Comment later.
Edit: Oh man, I can't wait for the next ep. This one was great. You can't beat Stresseman.
Last edited by Lucifus; Wed, 03-14-2007 at 12:55 AM.
After hearing so much about this in #gotwoot I figured I'd give it a try. I don't usually like classical music b/c it makes me feel things I'd rather not feel, though I do appreciate it's beauty. However there was more than enough humor in this to balance out the very pleasant piano playing so now I'm definitely interested. I should be caught up by tomorrow.
I really liked this episode a lot. It looks like they're building some depth into Stresseman's character rather than having him continue to be the one-dimensional perverted old man stereotype. I loved the deportation scene, and how he reappeared the next day. And the reason that he's there was a complete surprise to me. I like being surprised by an anime. In the last couple episodes the story seemed to be dragging a little, but it has picked up nicely now. I'm very much looking forward to the next ep.
Finally caught up with the series and I really like where this is going. Hahaha, good ol' Stressman, I always love it whenever he appears on the screen. Just his appearance is good enough to get a small laugh out of me. And yeah, I agree with KitKat about being surprised on why he decided to go to the music academy, despite his.... actions and personality towards other women. Nodame should just slug him again, haha.