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Thread: TV: Carnivàle

  1. #1

    TV: Carnivàle

    I just watched all two seasons of this show, and found it to be brilliant. It's one of the smartest tv shows I've seen and a pretty disturbing one at that.

    The credits alone were the most costly and timely to make. The show does not lack in the quality that the credits bring. Set in the 1930s Dust Bowl, 18-year old Ben Hawkins finds himself all alone in this world when his mother passes on. But a travelling Carnivale takes him in. We also see the story of Brother Justin, a priest who is trying to find his way in the world. Little do Ben and Justin know, but they are to fight in a biblical battle. With help on the side (Ben with the carnie folk (Sofie, Libby, Apollonia, Ruthie, Samson, Lila, Lodz, Management) and Justin with his sister, Iris) they find out which side each are on and try to battle with the other for what they believe.
    It was aired on HBO, so you won't see any censorship which is always nice. One thing though, it's very slow paced, but that just lets all the characters develop. By the end of the series you pretty much know everything there is to know about all characters, even the minor ones. There are rumors floating around about possible continuations of the story, which I hope will come true. Anyways, it's an excellent series which if you haven't seen I recommend you track it down and get it.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 01-18-2008 at 03:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Halloween Town
    God, I absolutely love Carnivàle. That show is so damn insane. My wife and I sat down and watched the entire first season in one sitting.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  3. #3
    From what I'm reading around the creator is thinking of continuing the story as a comic book. Everywhere I've read people love this show, I'm getting tired of networks cancelling good shows after good shows and leaving us with a pile of shitty shows year after year.

    Seems like we've only been entitled to a small portion of the whole story, like the whole story is 6 parts long and we've just seen up till the finish of the first part. Don't get me wrong, it had a great ending... But still, it's not really a series ending episode, more like a really good season ender.

  4. #4
    Well guess i'll have to check it out, if it really is that good. Atleast i'll be able to watch the whole series without having to wait every week for the episode.

  5. #5
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    From what I'm reading around the creator is thinking of continuing the story as a comic book. Everywhere I've read people love this show, I'm getting tired of networks cancelling good shows after good shows and leaving us with a pile of shitty shows year after year.

    Seems like we've only been entitled to a small portion of the whole story, like the whole story is 6 parts long and we've just seen up till the finish of the first part. Don't get me wrong, it had a great ending... But still, it's not really a series ending episode, more like a really good season ender.

    Yeah i watched all the episodes every sunday. HBO canceled it because it cost alot to make, and they also came up with the excuse that "they liked where it ended at, and felt there was nothing else to really be made from it" which is complete crap the way it ended lol. I was so looking forward to a third season. Then that came crashing down after i read those reports. I even think the show made a few rewards. Hope everyone here on the forums gets to watch it, it is an excelent show i know many of you would like.

  6. #6
    I started watching Twin Peaks the other day, and I have to say it's pretty good and it's pretty much the closest I've seen a tv show similar to Carnivàle.

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