View Poll Results: HD-DVD or Blu-ray

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  • HD-DVD

    10 34.48%
  • Blu-ray

    19 65.52%
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Thread: HD-DVD or Blu-ray

  1. #41
    Missing Nin
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    There is a Holyoke near me about a hour away in Massachusetts right next to Springfield. Thats assuming its the same one.

    That Said at this point PS3 has shipped more units then XBox 360 did at launch by around 400,000 units. Thats units shipped I believe and at the same point the XBox 360 shipped only 600,000 units at this time. Please note it appears the data used for the following artical was taken from Sony Press releases. Also note the previous artical I posted from the LA Times stated about 700,000 units have been sold at this point.

    Now AssertnFailure as far as your proof goes you showed two links that refered to production issues not sales issues. You did provide a link to Circuit city who appears to have 2 available for me but thats only listing ones that are currently in stores. Simply put they have a better system set up and are allowing you to buy them from stores and thats why they have some available. Still right now its the post Christmas break from sales I don't know a lot of people that have $600 laying around post christmas and despite the PS3 having backwards compatability the games are not out right now to sell the system it takes time after launch for that.

    The underlying fact hear is more homes currently have Blu-ray players then HD-DVD players and its unlikely for that number to go anywhere but up.

  2. #42
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    The underlying fact hear is more homes currently have Blu-ray players then HD-DVD players and its unlikely for that number to go anywhere but up.
    Is that going to matter all that much when standalone players are down in the ~$100 range?

    Further, that portion of people who watch movies at home is much larger than that portion of people who play video games.

    In other words, the foot-in-the-door of ps3 owners having blu-ray players already doesn't really keep the door very far open. It's a foothold, but it's not a compelling one.

    I'm looking forward to the introduction of format-agnostic all-in-one players that can do blu-ray, hd-dvd, and normal dvd, and can do it all for in the neighborhood of $100. That's when Joe Average will make up his mind about what to get: he'll get it all and not worry about it.

  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    That Said at this point PS3 has shipped more units then XBox 360 did at launch by around 400,000 units. Thats units shipped I believe and at the same point the XBox 360 shipped only 600,000 units at this time. Please note it appears the data used for the following artical was taken from Sony Press releases. Also note the previous artical I posted from the LA Times stated about 700,000 units have been sold at this point.
    Kinda funny that you persist in making this a console war thread, despite you're own protests. In either case, I'll be happy to play along.

    Microsoft 2006 fiscal year 2nd quarter earnings conference call (Jan 27, 2006) It's a ways down so I'll just quote it.
    Our previous challenge in the quarter was meeting the high consumer demand for the console. We sold 1.5 million XBOX 360 consoles in the 2nd quarter, with 900,000 consoles in North America, 500,000 consoles in Europe and the remainder in Japan. This is lower than we expected due to component charges stemming from challenges in ramping supply of a complex product like XBOX 360.
    That's half a million more than Sony was claiming to have sold by Dec 31 at CES early last week. That's a big difference from your LA times article. Who will I believe? A Microsoft quarterly report to their investors, or Sony's Senior Vice President of Marketing? Launch-smaunch, most of the launch PS3s went right to eBay, and several stayed there, still waiting to get sold, unused as Blu-Ray player (or anything else for that matter). Market penetration is key. Which is where the standalone players come in.

    Joe Average Consumer (non-gamer) is not going to buy a $600 gaming console to watch movies on. It'll be the $500 Toshiba HD DVD player against the $800 Samsung Blu-Ray player. Which one is more appealing? (prices courtesy of That's not even counting if they don't have an HDtv in their doublewide trailer or condo.

  4. #44
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    Assertn, you can't argue the fact that you are 100% biased in your reviews of the PS3 without owning one to say the least.

    For whatever reason it may be, you have an undying hate for the PS3. You keep insisting the PS3 will fail, yet the only way to tell is to wait maybe a year and a half and then see.
    And Chaoskiddo drops the ultimatum: Anyone who doesn't own a PS3 is 100% biased against PS3s.

    While it's true that I've only actually enjoyed 2 or 3 sony-exclusive titles so far from any platform, the only reason I even mentioned anything about the PS3 was its entire relevance to this topic. And I speak from personal experience when I SEE store employees show me units not selling and TELL me that customers have only been returning more units as a result of hardware failures.

    But it's cool if you want to base your posts on assumptions though. Those can be fun to reply to.

    EDIT: Lolz, we should have a "pos rep Assertnfailure or neg rep him?" poll. So far it appears to be even!
    Last edited by Assertn; Mon, 01-15-2007 at 12:24 PM.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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