View Poll Results: HD-DVD or Blu-ray

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  • HD-DVD

    10 34.48%
  • Blu-ray

    19 65.52%
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Thread: HD-DVD or Blu-ray

  1. #1

    HD-DVD or Blu-ray

    Outside of the next-gen consoles that are coming out that are backing one format over another. I am wondering which format y'all would throw your money behind if you went to the movie store to get a movie. Each format of course has it's benefits and downfalls but what will you choose when it comes down to it?

    Information for Blu-ray - Here
    Information for HD-DVD -Here

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I pick whichever format will have the higher market penetration.

    Probably not the most useful response, but really thats what matters most to me. I read an article once that implied that history has dictated that the better medium isn't always the medium that will hit mainstream (a good example of which being beta vs vhs).
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    I picked Blu-ray because I think it might have better potential and it will probably be more popular and used too. Since I am about to get PS3 soon it will be perfect for me so I don't need to go buy a whole new different player.
    Last edited by Zati; Mon, 01-08-2007 at 02:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There's no neither? I'm more than happy with regular dvds, and after seeing even those on my friend's hdtv, I'm inclined to agree with the many who say we don't need a new format at all. If you want to see all the pimples, wrinkles, and freckles on your favorite actors, that's fine, but I'm more than content with what we've already got.

    I liked this Opinion article from last month. HD disk format wars are over

    That, and I don't believe in "paying for potential." The functionality is either already there or it isn't.

  5. #5
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    I agree with you I don't think I will be buying either right now but will give Blu-ray a try first.

    It will be just easier for me to give Blu-ray a try since I can try it on my PS3 when I get it. I have already collected a lot of movies and shows on regular dvd's and I'm happy with them too so I don't care that much right now about the new formats. I can see your point and completely agree but if I had to choose one of these new formats it would be Blu-ray over HD-DVD for now.

    Edit : Forgot about the Total HD format which I think is a nice idea.
    Well, it thankfully didn't take long, but Warner Bros. is coming out with Total HD, a new type of high-definition DVD that can be played on either Blu-ray or HD-DVD players.

    Hopefully the studios will just start using this, and make everyone's life easier. In theory anyway.
    Full Story
    Last edited by Zati; Mon, 01-08-2007 at 04:05 PM.

  6. #6
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    both, but i prefer HD-DVD. (the porn industry choosed that format, no? *whistle*)

    So, Total HD would be the best solution.

    To me, they are both the same crap, it is just that the blu ray is, supossedly, capable of having more data on it.

    What will they come out with next? movies on sd-card like?

  7. #7
    i would choose blu ray no reason to it....

  8. #8
    As far as I am currently concerned, neither. I don't have the need or money for either, but especially not the blu-ray. At this point it is impossible to decide which one will ultimately win, perhaps they will both flop. If I had to choose however, I would go with HD-DVD.

    This site is an interesting read.

  9. #9
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    I voted HD DVD why you say? Well older people know what an DVD is, if they own a HD tv then they know what HD stands for, combine the two and you have an instantly recognizable name.

    Blue Ray, hmm, they have no idea. Unless you knew what it was before you entered the store good luck.

    HD DVD i think will win for this very very simple fact. The majority of users are not informed hence why Spiegel had to include links to both. People understand what HD DVD is and blue ray is just to ambiguous.

  10. #10
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Blu-Ray, strictly because I bought a PS3 last week.

  11. #11
    Genin Bucket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofcat
    I voted HD DVD why you say? Well older people know what an DVD is, if they own a HD tv then they know what HD stands for, combine the two and you have an instantly recognizable name.
    I think you're under the false impression that older people feel the same urge to follow trends. Your uncle doesn't know terms like "rumble", "IRC" or "torrent" because it doesn't affect his life. The battle for shelf space will have already had to be decided well before the "old people" catch on.

    By your reasoning, Blu-Ray will win, because all you have to do is tell old people that they can have every Starsky & Hutch episode on one disc.

  12. #12
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Blu-ray because it has a cooler name. HD-DVD just sounds some kind of protein or enzyme or some shit like that. Blu-ray sounds like fucking awesome space-ship or some kind of weapon of mass fucking shit up.

    "They've got us cornered... start up the Blu-ray of hell from infinite doom!!!"

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Blu-ray because it has a cooler name. HD-DVD just sounds some kind of protein or enzyme or some shit like that. Blu-ray sounds like fucking awesome space-ship or some kind of weapon of mass fucking shit up.

    "They've got us cornered... start up the Blu-ray of hell from infinite doom!!!"
    I never thought of it that way... Makes me think of Star Trek and wish I had a "Blu-ray of hell from infinite doom!!!"

    By the way I personally voted for Blu-ray because I like the prospect of the extra storage on it which means best video format for longer time period, Because of its lovely 54Mbit/s data transfer rate, and I like Blue. The price for the player is a little more which I can understand. The Blu-ray disks also cost more, but you are also getting more storage out of the disk therefore cost per GB is lower than that of the HD-DVD. I think the comparison page said that for a single layer disk of each brand cost $17.99 for the 25Gb blu-ray and $14.99 for the 15Gb HD-DVD. That works out to be $0.71 per GB for Blu-ray and $0.99 per GB for HD-DVD.

    If you have not looked there is also an article comparing the formats side by side Here.

  14. #14
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    I picked Blu-ray, my reason is the same as the reason said already..
    image fail!

  15. #15
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    Why isn't there an "I don't care at all" option?

    I didn't vote. Both are completely irrelevant to me until either:
    (1) I can affordably burn them and use them on a wide variety of computers (at which point, the data capacity, speed, cost and compatibility are all that matter)
    (2) I have an High Definition display to watch HD-media on.

    Neither is forthcoming in the next year of my habits and finances. Thus, I don't care about HD-DVD or Blu-ray at all.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    I pick whichever format will have the higher market penetration.

    Probably not the most useful response, but really thats what matters most to me. I read an article once that implied that history has dictated that the better medium isn't always the medium that will hit mainstream (a good example of which being beta vs vhs).
    Assert is absolutely right - it doesn't matter in the end which format is "better", but which one has more movies out. If the new Die-Hard is only out on Blu-Ray, guess which one I'm gonna buy? I'll probably wait and see which format gets more support before I start buying, though. I know someone who was absolutely screwed in the betamax vs. VHS debacle - she ended up with dozens of tapes that were completely worthless. Although I hear you can still sell obsolete formats on E-bay

  17. #17
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Blu-Ray because I actually intend to buy a PlayStation 3 at some point.

    ... If I weren't, I'd say neither.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  18. #18
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Blu-ray since I have a PS3.

    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Blu-ray because it has a cooler name. HD-DVD just sounds some kind of protein or enzyme or some shit like that. Blu-ray sounds like fucking awesome space-ship or some kind of weapon of mass fucking shit up.

    "They've got us cornered... start up the Blu-ray of hell from infinite doom!!!"
    Chances are, if people can't figure out HD-DVD, they're going to walk into the place thinking the blu-ray is like a fucking x-ray...which of course, they have heard all these horrible things about x-ray, so to stay away from blu-ray radiation they'll flee for the enzymes...

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  19. #19
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    I would vouch for Blu-Ray. It's just so much bigger. Now if only they can create faster burners for Blu-Ray. I heard it takes like 4-6 hours to fully code an entire BluDisc.

    The potential for storing 2 times the quantity in a single disc and price difference poses it's problems. If Blu-Ray Discs were competitively priced (which it soon be with over-production especially by our friends in Taiwan). The question is what the heck do you store on them?

    You can store a standard quality tv show of 23 hours. Thats watching how many movies? 7 movies in one Blu-Ray. 9 Hours high definition. And if a movie's only 2-3 hours, you kinda feel cheated about the rest of the 6 hours. Unless it's competitively priced like a hd-dvd and you don't mind having alot of redundant space on it.

    Which would make it interesting for things either than movies however. I think I can store my entire Naruto & One Piece collection on 1 Blu-Ray.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  20. #20
    Missing Nin
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    Blue-ray is my pick not only is it a larger size but it will have far better penetration into the average household due to the PS3 using the disks and having a built in player.

    On the other hand its optional on the X-box 360 and its a useless option unless you intend to buy HD-DVD.

    So overall I would say Blue-ray has the edge as long as the PS3 is a sucess.

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