So it’s almost that time again… we’re about to celebrate the coming of 2007 and say goodbye to 2006. Everyone has got a thing or two that they would like to improve or accomplish in the year ahead.

Are you one of those people who'd like to quit smoking? Study more? Make an effort to get back in shape or just thinks -- “I’m perfect I don’t need to do anything!” A lot of people say they don't bother but definitely have goals they'd like to address, be it in the next year or the next month. It strikes me that New Year's can be a good excuse to step back and examine yourself, see where you've come in the past year, and where you hope to go in the next.

So my fellow Gotwooters let’s hear your New Year’s resolution(s) that we all know you’ll break anyway

I'll go first:

Smile more
Be more decisive
Go out with my friends more often
Stop playing too much Guild Wars
And last but not least, post more in the Gotwoot forum