View Poll Results: What would YOU change about Naruto

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  • His clothes (orange is not ninja!)

    1 3.33%
  • His strong sense of Justice (I have to save everyone!)

    1 3.33%
  • His Fighting style (charges at enemy with rasengan)

    13 43.33%
  • His obsession with Sasuke

    3 10.00%
  • His goal to become a hokage

    1 3.33%
  • All of the above

    3 10.00%
  • I already gave up on Naruto...let him die and get a new main character

    8 26.67%
Results 1 to 10 of 10

Thread: What would YOU change about Naruto

  1. #1

    What would YOU change about Naruto

    Yes, what would you change about Naruto (the character, not the anime)
    I expected more character development and maturity through his growth. It hasn't changed much...anyhow, as for me, I would really like to change his fighting style...kage+bunshin and rasengan isnt going to cut it

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    His ability to disregard the fact that Hinata is ready to give him booty.

  3. #3
    Just Naruto's overuse of Rasengan.

  4. #4
    His IQ for starters.

    Other than that I would have to go with his fighting style.

  5. #5
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    I would really change the fact that no-one kills people. Every other Ninja village has the ability to kill people but Kohona. The only people who have killed are... Kakashi, Choji.

  6. #6
    His fighting style is the most annoying thing... we know he'll become hokage eventually, so he should start acting like one!! He should get over his obsession with Sasuke too - people who've read ahead in the manga know what I'm talking about.

  7. #7
    His clothes could have been different, but a bit too late to change them completely.

    But his fighting style could definitely use some improvements. In the filler, all he really seems to do is use rasengan. What happened to things like that ass stab he pulled on Gaara, or clone whipping Sasuke? Or using the terrain to his advantage like with the water and tunneling.

    A sense of justice, a difficult dream, and an obsession with one of the main antagonists are characteristics that work for a main character.

  8. #8
    As most people are saying, it would definately be his fighting style, it's boring with the same old moves he uses against every opponent.

    He should have plenty of different jutsu and be more knowledgable in fights now, but he isn't.

  9. #9
    definitely naruto's fighting style. its just plain stupid. for those who've read the manga, will he ever wise up in fights?? its too painful to watch him use rasegan and shadow clone jutsu every freakin time he fights!
    and please, get the f**k over sakura already!!!!

  10. #10
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, I dont really want him becoming like the 3rd Hokage who uses a ton of different jutsu, but 2-3 more would be welcome. I like his head-on fighting style, but this should at least evolve into something less stupid and suicidal, meaning still head on but with a backup plan, like his fight with zabuza and neji from before.

    Naruto is basically naruto because he has only a few jutsus but he can use them innovatively, so I want him to use the jutsus he already has much more creatively.

    Sasuke obsession should be replaced with killing sasuke obsession, maybe if sasuke finally kills sakura.

    My number one wish would be for him to finally notice Hinata and her feelings for him, and maybe they can be a couple or something and slap that on sakuras face.
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