So. um....what happened to this?o.0
So. um....what happened to this?o.0
Why? It was finished. It was only 12 episodes. Ayako has released all of them (though I haven't watched yet more than half of them. I should finish this one day... Like so many other unfinished series...).
They're all recaps I believe except for the last episode, and the various intro's within each episode.
The name of the series is Memories. And while you can say they are recaps, it's not quite true, because the purpose is to give more information or other perspectives for some things that happened in the original series.
Why on earth would anybody even make 12 episodes of recaps?
They might give new information, but they do not have any new animation at all except for the last episode. They're recycled clips with new audio, which is also a defition of a recap we find in many anime. The new perspectives might provide a lot of information, but frankly rewatching scenes I've already seen and listening/reading a storyline that's already finished seems like a ploy to milk as much out of the franchise as possible. I didn't bother watching them beginning to end after skimming through them to look to see if they had anything new. Take that however you like.
Well, I don't disagree that much on that. But this series never pretended to be more than that, down to its name. I assume you have some good source when saying there's no new animation, because I was pretty sure there was, though I don't remember the original well enough to be absolutely sure.
Still, I was also pretty bored of all of it, thus I watched it half-way through, then forgot it (though I've downloaded all of it). But on the other hand, there never was any need to expect this to be a second season or an alternative story line, and thus it never could have been more than bits and pieces of new info. Considering what it was, I guess it succeeded well enough in it.
OK, I guess I'll go watch the original, then. It doesn't sound like this series has much to add.