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Thread: Naruto 214-215

  1. #1

    Naruto 214-215

    Naruto 214-215 by Dattebayo

    Signature by Lucifus

  2. #2
    Missing Nin
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    Not that this was particularly good but atleast it was quick with minimal parts that were unbareable. Likely one of the best filler arc's mearly for not being to long and having some meaning and actually link to the main story line.

    No new Naruto until the Jan 13th who knew.

  3. #3
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    I guess for everyone, that's the best present we could've gotten.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Someone post what happens on the next episode preview.

    And its jan 11. I had already posted that on the upcoming episodes thread since last week (I guess nobody reads it anymore... bleh)

  5. #5
    this filler wasn't even that bad

  6. #6
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    This was not as bad as i thought it would be...

    it was an okay filler i guess.

    i just hope the next episode will be good.

  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Not a bad arc overall. Sure, there was the usual filler stupidity. Like a force of ninjas being twarted by a ten foot wall when they can jump over 10 trees at once normally. Or having someone sacrifice themself to set off bombs when you have a guy that can make clones of himself standing right next to you.

    But still, the plot was far from the worst one, it was good that it was somewhat tied into previous episodes. And having the usual filler character naruto's age that he makes friends with actually die for once was a refreshing change of pace.

  8. #8
    I can't believe Naruto didn't even use clones or rasengan to build the wall.

    How could that wall possibly have stood up to the first wave of explosive tags?
    Last edited by Necromas; Fri, 12-22-2006 at 07:21 PM.

  9. #9
    well, it just shows you have quckly they ruined a potentially good filler arc..

    the 1 hr filler for this week shows clear signs they just rushed to end it, which i think was pretty dumb~

    i dunno..

    at least the next (and final??) filler arc has the sound trio. anything with gaara should be amazing..

  10. #10
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimbap629
    well, it just shows you have quckly they ruined a potentially good filler arc..

    the 1 hr filler for this week shows clear signs they just rushed to end it, which i think was pretty dumb~

    i dunno..

    at least the next (and final??) filler arc has the sound trio. anything with gaara should be amazing..
    They didn't ruin anything. Stop your complaining because this was one of the best arcs we've had so far. And I think you mean the "sand", not "sound" trio.

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    They didn't ruin anything. Stop your complaining because this was one of the best arcs we've had so far.
    Once again, damning with faint praise.

  12. #12
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I didn't really like these 2 episodes, which sucks since the episode from last week was pretty good with some attention to detail and character building.

    I couldn't stand how they made Naruto state over and over with such confidence that Menma was a good guy. That really ruined it for me, since then they made Naruto act like an idiot for the rest of the arc trying to prove he's right. The entire wall concept was retarded, but I guess they had to do it to show that the townspeople were forgiving and decent, plus to show Menma was really trying to atone for his past. Like DE said, how is a 10 foot wall going to stop ninja??

    Why oh why doesn't Naruto create clones to help build, but repeatedly uses them to no avail in fights? As ever, rasengan defeats any and all badguys and saves the day. Really, every ninja in Konoha should master this technique, and then they could rule the world!

  13. #13
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    As ever, rasengan defeats any and all badguys and saves the day. Really, every ninja in Konoha should master this technique, and then they could rule the world!
    I agree. They should've atleast made naruto make his opponent actually vulnerable before destroying him with rasengan. I mean, come on, rasengan is just a straight thrust, how can a high-level ninja not dodge that?? All naruto did was knock away his little kunai. =/

  14. #14
    Yet somehow with a rasengan to the face... the bad guy was unscaved and tied up at the end -_- I swear the only time I think I have seen a guy die from all the rasengans Naruto does... was that one legendary mist sword guy... AND HE WAS BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE!

    Anyways not a bad arc. The guy dying was a surpriseing end. I was like "So how is Naruto going to rescue him at the last min THIS time". Really surprised me that he ACTUALY died. Goes on my short list of a more desent filler.

  15. #15
    I wonder if the filler writers even read the manga...the Naruto they've created is nothing like the one from episode 135 and I daresay after a year and a half a lot of people will be confused if he up and goes back to acting like his old self. The first time Naruto faces an enemy and doesn't immediately try to be his friend or Rasengan him will be like a hard slap in the face for some people.

    Anyway, this little arc was so neutral it's hard to think of anything to say. Yes they kid died, but so did the old trap guy if you remember (and in basically the same way I think). I think Animeniax makes a good pont the wall was more a symbol than a wall, just like a lot of the rediculous shit thats's been going on in these fillers. Basicaly everything is a message about courage or friendship or being a good person and how these things overcome all obesticles.

  16. #16
    well, i just see the fillers like this...

    a. it's filler
    b. it's a given that it will suck compared to the "real" story
    c. i don't take anything seriously from what the fillers have shown. like naruto being able to throw the rasengan, magic ocarina that gave naruto super speed & strength, tony the tiger mizuki, mixin ramen dough with rasengan, raiga...being part of seven legendary swordsman (i thought they all were from hidden village of the mist? why can't or doesn't raiga use any suiton type jutsu..?), etc

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    I thought that this arc was good, but as Kimbap said, it was rushed. Either that or the writers are complete and utter idiots (which would not be a stretch if you analyze what they have produced). There really is no other reasoning behind all the plot holes (i.e. the Rasengan being a linear attack yet no opponent, no matter how skilled he/she was supposed to be, has dodged it).

    As Yukimura stated, it will definitely be a slap in the face for those who don't know that everything that has happened for the past year and a half (or has it been 2 years already?) was not supposed to happen or have anything to do with the actual storyline. Lets hope that the next arc with the sand ninjas will provide a smooth transition from his "filler personality" to his "normal personality." Then again, they've made a lot of the characters just seem utterly retarded in the past year and a half and i doubt they are going to do anything about them.

    It would also be a slap in the face when the real story does not refer to anything in the filler whatsoever (one of series' characteristic was to show flashbacks intermittently throughout the episodes).

  18. #18
    The arc started out with promise, and went south fast in this special. I didn't like the wall, sure it was supposed to be a symbol, but at least make it fit within the naruto universe (e. g., a wall cannot take a zillion exploding tags and still be standing). At least do something creative, like fortify it with chakra or something. And the bad guy's death at the end seemed more of an afterthought than anything else. Filler writers: "Oh crap! We forgot to kill off this nameless filler villian... rasengan to the face, yeah that'll work!!"

    Completely forgettable.

  19. #19
    Surely this filler arc was one of the more interesting ones... It managed to lock my attention to the episode the whole time ( O_O Miracle! ). Menma sure was an excelent character... He got some degree of personality... He strongly reminds me of Fye from Tsubasa Chronicles... The typical "Lazy Guy" personality, which for some reason I love!
    Of course there was many holes in the plot as it was stated in this topic, but the image of self-sacrifice in the end was kind of better than having the "filler-character-always-survive" cliché...
    Another plot hole I noticed is when Menma saves TenTen from the flying arrows when the group enters the village... If a smart guy like Neji knew they were entering a village which was recently set on fire, he could be more careful and detected the arrows with his Byakugan... But, oh well...

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