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Thread: uTorrent crashes my computer

  1. #1
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    uTorrent crashes my computer

    This is something that only started happening recently. Within the last month or so. Whenever I start up uTorrent, within a couple minutes I get the blue screen of death telling me I have a serious error and my computer restarts. Now I have a message telling me that "The file or directory C:\WINDOWS\system32 is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility." These things only seem to happen to me when I run uTorrent. I haven't found any other application that triggers it. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

  2. #2
    From the somewhat limited info you've given this sounds like it could be a program conflict. Eg. uTorrent is fighting over resources with some other already running process causing windows to crap itself.

    I had a similar problem with azureus and windows messenger a while back. Needless to say messenger bit the dust.

    Anyhow to trouble shoot - shutdown every non essential process you can then run uTorrent. If uTorrent runs fine then the scenario above is pretty likely. Continuing from here just start up the processes you shut down one by one with some wait time in between. When you pc crashes you've found your culprit. Resolving the conflict however is a whole other problem.

    If the above is not the case you might like to include some more details for people to work with, such as:
    New software installed just prior to this problem occurring (updates included)
    The version of Windows you have
    and any other randoms stuff you think might be relevant.

    Well I hope that helps,

    Good luck


  3. #3
    Genin 12345p's Avatar
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    There is also a possibility that the hard drive might be on it' way out. For general information on hard drive maintenence, HP has a nice guide here. Pay perticular attention to the "Scandisk" part.

    Also, perhaps you're hard drive can tell you if there is problems. Discover about S.M.A.R.T. - here.

  4. #4
    OK so I'm digging up this thread because my utorrent decided to start to pissing around with my system in the last 24 hours.

    Basically, I have been running utorrent for ages and it has never given me any problems. Infact, I can't remember the last time my PC gave me a BSOD... its a very stable system. Now though, since the last 24 hours or so, whenever I run utorrent, after about a minute or two the system freezes, I hear the hard drive make a repetitve writing/reading sound, and then the BSOD appears.

    The message (well the important bits anyway) I am getting is this:




    Technical Information:

    Stop: 0x0000007A (0xC03E26B0, 0XC0000185, 0XF89ACDAD, 0X102A5860)

    Ntfs.sys - Address F89ACDAD base at F895700, Datestamp 41107eea.


    The only thing that has changed recently is that I have never had so many torrents listed at one time before (currently about 80).

    I have tried system restore and also upgrading to the latest version of utorrent, but to avail.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I had a thread about this previously.

    About a month and a half ago i over-hauled my system, new mobo, new cpu and new ram... then ended up needing a fresh windows install because of hard drive issues. So when i got everything back up and running utorrent which i'd been using for a pretty long time started crashing my system. I love utorrent, however i could not actually fix the problem with utorrent, instead i reverted back to using bitcomet.... which 'works' but i dont really like in comparison to utorrent.

  6. #6
    I tried using the official bit torrent client yesterday and encountered the same problem. Clearly its not limited to utorrent and something else is wrong. I rane the memtest86 test on me RAM, and nothing turned up so things are pointing towards the hard drive. The error that comes up has something to do with a page file error, though sometimes another error appears about a necessary thread or process being terminated suddenly.

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I think it might be a memory thing, but once i had bit comet working i accepted my fate and just let it go since im not home long enough to worry about what program i am using to dl stuff with. I actually got the newest (final) version of utorrent 1.7 and ran it the other day but i only played with it for a few minutes and it was not connecting, and the blue screen only occurred once i started getting a good amount of packets flowing back and forth.

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