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Thread: Naruto 335

  1. #21
    Hidan is immortal so it not in his instints to avoid direct attacks. Like what Shikamaru done by goin head on. I don't think they showed all their abilitis yet as they were going for nine-tails.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  2. #22
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I like Hidan's character. Always bumbling around making mistakes and leaving himself vulnerable. It's embarrassing, but ultimately it's not like he really cares. He just wants to experience some pain.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    I like Hidan's character. Always bumbling around making mistakes and leaving himself vulnerable. It's embarrassing, but ultimately it's not like he really cares. He just wants to experience some pain.
    I agree, Hidan's character is rather amusing. He is comical, yet not idiotic.

    Can someone remind me please, because I don't feel like looking back through the manga to find it, is Shika a Jounin yet or is he still a Chuunin?

    These last few chapters have been pretty good. I think that has largely to do with the fact that Naruto has not been in them.

  4. #24
    Im pretty sure hes chuunin. I think neji was the only one promoted to jounin from the rookies. Speaking of neji, i'd like to see him again. and rock lee as well. I wanna see how much they're improved during this time.

    I don't think that Kazuku uses just any ninja heart to make his own, i'm still standing behined the theory that those masks are his former partners
    I dont think thats the case. Atleast not entirely. I agree that he doesnt just use any old heart but i dont think they belong to his former partners. The akatsuki has big plans and each member as a specific job from what we've seen so its unlikely they'd let kakuzu keep killing every partner he got just to make himself stringer. He is a bounty hunter of sorts, so it stands to reason that the hearts belong to various shinobi hes hunted up till now. Besides, its unlikely that his past 4 partners just happened to to have an affinity towards different elements

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Nope. Shika is a jounin. Shika, Temari, Neji, and Kankuro were all promoted.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    I dont think thats the case. Atleast not entirely. I agree that he doesnt just use any old heart but i dont think they belong to his former partners. The akatsuki has big plans and each member as a specific job from what we've seen so its unlikely they'd let kakuzu keep killing every partner he got just to make himself stringer. He is a bounty hunter of sorts, so it stands to reason that the hearts belong to various shinobi hes hunted up till now. Besides, its unlikely that his past 4 partners just happened to to have an affinity towards different elements
    I'm with Assassin on this one. Kakuzu said that he would use the Konoha ninja's spirits to replenish his stock; why would he lie to them? This indicates that he has a habit of using the ghosts of his vanquished foes.

    Hidan isn't very strong when you think about it. He keeps getting caught in traps and Kakuzu has to bail him out. When you're invulnerable though you don't need to think about things too hard. On the other hand, he did manage to take out Asuma, the only Akatsuki kill of a Konoha jounin ninja (shown in the manga), so he's not that weak. I just wish Kishi would show off more of his skills.

  7. #27
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I see Shikamaru jumping a few notches up in the next character poll. He's gotten really strong, and much more is expected from him from this fight. Good chapter, and can't wait to see what Kakashi plans to do next.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #28
    Yes I can see him jumping way up in popularity.

    I thought Shika was a chuunin last time I checked,but he might be a jounin now.

    I agree on wanting Kishi to show more skills of him,but honestly with Kakuzu as his partner a guy that cool and powerful,I wouldn't really care.

    One a side note:Correct me if I'm wrong,but if each of Kakuzu's abilities was stolen,and the Lion controls the fire, then why did the bull have the fire attack in this chapter?My theory is that he has each mask give him 2 elemental abilities.

    I like how he uses other people's attacks and abilities and steals them after they're long gone from his doing.

    Theory:along this whole talking about stealing peoples abilities.Does anyone think that Kakuzu, or Itachi would be able to be taken over to be able to take other's abilites?

    complete control?

  9. #29
    Nope. Shika is a jounin. Shika, Temari, Neji, and Kankuro were all promoted.
    Wait where does it say Shika is Jounin? If I remember correctly at the beginning of the the time jump it was established that he was still chuunin. Just wondering if you could site the chapter where it states otherwise since I remember that the only ones promoted to Jounin were Kankuro, Temari, and of course Neji.

    It's amusing that Hidan is so careless, but seeing as he really doesn't have anything to lose I guess he can afford to be careless seeing as how there'll ultimately he's got nothing at stake since he doesn't really have a life to be put on the line.

    I do wonder if Kishi will ever explain Hidan's immortality.

    I wonder if Oro's reason for leaving the akatsuki was because he was envious of Kakuzu and Hidan's immortality.

    I mean think about almost every Akatsuki member has some sort of way of assimilating their opponents abilities.

    Sasori had the whole human puppet thing, Itachi has the sharigan, and of course Kakuzu fricking rips the hearts out of his foes.

  10. #30
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Yep.....only Kankuro, Temari, and Neji are jounin
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #31
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    First off shika is chunin not jounin. Second on regards to the idea that each ghost as two elements thats isn't to far fetched since these hearts are most likely taken from jounin level shinobi. If that is true then almost all jounin have two elements so that wouldnt be to surpriseing for these Ghost haveing two elements each.

    First time posting was wondering what that dark box under my name means?

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Yep.....only Kankuro, Temari, and Neji are jounin

    Yeah I thought only those were jounin's last time I checked.

    If I'm right about the Kakuzu's bull mask,then I have a thoery:

    Here:the bull has both lightning and fire attacks,those are the same powers that Sasuke has.It makes me wonder if the person Kakuzu stole the powers from, was an Uchiha member.

    Just a thought, but that's my new theory.

    post away!

  13. #33
    @ Dan: I think that's a bit of a stretch. Not all Uchiha have a natural fire affinity, but as it was said earlier anyone can learn any nature manipulation with enough effort, it's just that people who are using their natural element will have a much easier time and thus can focus more on refinement. I'm about 95% confident that Sasuke's natural element was lightning and he leanred the fire skills because they we're taught to him.

    As to Kazuku, it's possible that the hearts he's stolen include the techniques those ninja knew, not just their elemental affinites. So if he had taken Sasuke's heart he would be able to use Chidori and Fireball technique for example.

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Nevermind, I assumed since that he was helping with the exam, Shikamaru was a jounin. My bad.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    @ Dan: I think that's a bit of a stretch. Not all Uchiha have a natural fire affinity, but as it was said earlier anyone can learn any nature manipulation with enough effort, it's just that people who are using their natural element will have a much easier time and thus can focus more on refinement. I'm about 95% confident that Sasuke's natural element was lightning and he leanred the fire skills because they we're taught to him.

    As to Kazuku, it's possible that the hearts he's stolen include the techniques those ninja knew, not just their elemental affinites. So if he had taken Sasuke's heart he would be able to use Chidori and Fireball technique for example.

    Well, I just thought that bc they both had those types of powers and being that the Akatsuki have so much history all around,who knows, he could've killed one of the distant relatives of Sasuke or something,(like one of the cops)

    And I thought and rememberd seeing that Sasukes dad taught him a fireball technique when he was younger, back in the old manga when they were explaning Itachi's story and it briefly went into Sasuke's training.He was teaching him the Uchiha fireball technique,that much I know.And he also said that it's an Uchiha affinity, and skill.

    Yeah i thought that they were attached to his hearts.

    Being that as the rule,how much people(hearts) do you think Kakuzu can have in him?

    my guess is that he's at his limit now, or was when he had four.

  16. #36
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by conquistaDan
    Well, I just thought that bc they both had those types of powers and being that the Akatsuki have so much history all around,who knows, he could've killed one of the distant relatives of Sasuke or something,(like one of the cops)

    And I thought and rememberd seeing that Sasukes dad taught him a fireball technique when he was younger, back in the old manga when they were explaning Itachi's story and it briefly went into Sasuke's training.He was teaching him the Uchiha fireball technique,that much I know.And he also said that it's an Uchiha affinity, and skill.

    Yeah i thought that they were attached to his hearts.

    Being that as the rule,how much people(hearts) do you think Kakuzu can have in him?

    my guess is that he's at his limit now, or was when he had four.

    I think you are deving to far into this one lol. He just took in any old jounin level shinobi (well not just any old jounin someone that is strong of course) thats why the ghost has 2 elements. You have to remember there are many jounin that have 2 elements so there must be a whole bunch of shinobi with fire and lighting elementals.

  17. #37
    Yeah I guess I'am.

    He could've taken it from any talented jounin.I just want to know who he took it from and atleast have some substance or history to his powers,thats all.I'm done now.

    I think Hidan is going to be royally fucked in the next chapter some how by shikamaru or a straegy starting with him.

  18. #38
    I'm pretty sure that when Yamato was showing off his powers for Naruto's training Kakashi said that in order to become a Jounin you have to be able to have atleast 2 elements. So Kazuku could have taken any Jounin and they should be able to manipulate atleast 2 types of chakra

  19. #39
    I don't really think you need to know how to control 2 elements... You're born with them aren't you? Just like Naruto is with wind.

    If you are right, then all the chunnins like Rock Lee can just pack their bags and go home.

  20. #40
    Yeah I agree.

    They have almost no potential to be half as great as as naruto, Sasuke, or Neji.Even Sakura has some potential beyond Rock Lee.

    The thing I don't understand is this:
    Why does Kishi have Shika, and Hidan playing cat and mouse over and over?I mean after a while(hopefully this last chapter)one of them will finally get caught and be done for,I'm guessing Hidan.

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