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Thread: Holy Crap! My Play is Being Produced!

  1. #1

    Holy Crap! My Play is Being Produced!

    Wow, I've been waiting for awhile but one of my writing endeavors has actually blossom into something mildly successful. Finally something good has come about from my endeavors. The one act play I wrote a little while back is going to be produced for the Riant Theatre's Strawberry One Act Play Festival. The play itself will be produced and shown in New York at the Riant theatre.

    All right so now I'm guessing your probably thinking to yourself, "Why should I care? That's all fine and good, but I don't live anywhere near New York City, so how the hell am I going to see it."

    Here's the best part, there going to record the performance then broadcast it on their website, allowing people from all across the globe to see it (along with the other plays it's competing against) then you get vote on which play you thought was best. The play with the most votes moves on to the semi finals, then finals, until the final performance where all of the finalist plays compete against each other.

    Only bad part though is that when you want to view the plays your going to be charged a small fee (something like ten dollars), I'm hoping these guys will be smart enough to post the vids on youtube so you guys don't have to pay but that remains to be seen.

  2. #2
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    uh.. what?

    you wrote a play, and now it is going to be produced?

    well.... congrats

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What is your play about?

  4. #4
    It's called: The Last Minstrel Show (Yeah, I went there)

    Basically to sum things up in a nutshell.

    It's about a new up and coming fifty-cent like rapper who's given the offer of a lifetime. To headline an entirely brand new record label, but he's not quite sure about whether it's the right thing to do.

    He's visited by spirits of his ancestors, his grand father (bojangles) and his father (dolomite) and ultimately must decide whether to be true to himself and maintain his sense of integrity or go for the big money.
    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Tue, 12-12-2006 at 11:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    This is the kind of thing that my ambitions thread was for =P
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #6
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Good stuff man, sounds interesting. You should listen to The Minstrel Show by Little Brother

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    He's visited by spirits of his ancestors, his grand father (bojangles) and his father (dolomite) and ultimately must decide whether to be true to himself and maintain his sense of integrity or go for the big money.
    I can see it now;

    "one man"

    "one color"

    "lobstermagnet stars in"

    "be rich... or be black"

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Congratulations LobsterMagnet. I hope someone will eventually upload your play to youtube. Sounds kind of interesting.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #9
    It is your play, they should pay for you to go see it, or at least give you free acess to the Videos of it....

    Oh, and Congrats man.

  10. #10
    Yeah, I'm hoping that they'll be smart enough to load it up at youtube It's going to be interesting to see how my play makes the transition from script to stage since it's not very easy subject matter for those of you who are curious here's a small part of the email I received, should explain how things work.

    Dear Playwright:

    Your play has been accepted into the Strawberry One-Act Festival. You will receive a Release Agreement that will give you all the details about when your play will be performed and when your play is scheduled for a 1 hour technical rehearsal in the theatre.

    The Strawberry One-Act Festival will be held at the American Theatre of Actors from February 15th thru February 25th. The Awards Ceremony & Performance of the 4 plays that are nominated for BEST PLAY will be at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre at Symphony Space on Friday, March 2, 2007.

    Technical rehearsals for the Strawberry One-Act Festival will begin February 12th. Therefore you must be availble between February 12th and March 2, 2007 to participate in the festival.

    Plays are presented in Round 1, if they receive enough votes plays move onto the Semi Finals and then the Finals. The 4 Best Plays are performed at the Awards Ceremony on March 2, 2007.

    At The Awards Ceremony & Performance, awards are presented for Best Play, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress & Best Set Design.

    The Strawberry One-Act Festival Winter 2007
    Release Agreement

    This Agreement is between LobsterMagnet hereinafter referred to as "Playwright" and The Riant Theatre, hereinafter referred to as "Presenter." Playwright hereby gives permission to The Riant Theatre to include his/her play entitled: THE LAST MINSTREL SHOW to be presented in Series A - February 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the American Theatre of Actors, at 314 West 54th Street, between 8th & 9th Avenue, NYC in the Chernuchin Theatre on the 2nd floor. Due to the fact that this festival will be videotaped and aired via the internet on the Riant's website, this will be a non-Equity showcase production.

    For those of you even more curious to see the actual play itself, well here's an except, with some mock rapping, (it's intentionally bad...really bad)

    I personally haven’t heard any of your…material. You wouldn’t mind if I could hear something right now would you?

    Sure man, of course. What you want to hear? How about, “Humpiddy-hump?”
    (Starts rapping.)

    I’m gonna go a humpidy-hump.
    Inside your rumpidy-rump.
    Cause you be likin’ my humpidy-bump
    Inside your rumpidy-rump.
    Makin’ you feel so scandalous
    Can you handle it, when I wax that
    Can you feel my candle stick.
    Fuck the door now and pull my handle bitch
    Open your mouth, let your tongue hug a thousand kids.
    BA-DONKEY KONG, bitch now you know where the power is
    As I push my shit
    Through yo fine ass.
    Cause your fine behind
    Makin’ me feel a humpidy-hump.

    CORPORATE GUY(interrupting)
    You know what; I have some other business to attend to so maybe I’ll listen later.

    Wait; wait, how about, “I shot a nigga in da club.”

    That’s quite alright. I’m sure they’ll be plenty of time for me to listen to your music.

    Or I could do, “Party Hardy for Ms. Marty”

    CORPORATE GUY (curious)
    Oh, that one sounds nice.

    Yeah, it’s about how we got off from school after a little girl got shot in a drive by.
    (Starts to rap.)
    Party Hardy for miss Marty
    I’m sorry that you’re gone
    When the shots rang out
    Too bad you caught it in the dome.
    Instead of going to that party
    Your stupid ass should’ve been home.

  11. #11
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Lol, not my kind of thing. But congrats nevertheless. May these lead your career on to bigger endeavors.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  12. #12
    For anyone out there who still cares. Everything is set and ready. I got a director a cast and crew and there all just about ready to perform. If you actually want to see real proof about my play you can check it out here. mine is in series A, it's the last minstrel show. The video of the play itself should be posted up by friday. So if your willing to foot the bill (I think it's something like $20-25) you can not only watch it but vote for it as well. Just like american idol. For those of you interested I'll see if I can post the pictures of the actors.
    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Wed, 02-14-2007 at 01:15 PM.

  13. #13
    Sorry about doing a double post but I thought I might update you guys with the latest info in regards for my play. It's been a long expensive road, but last night my play had it's successful debut performance in New York City, if you want to see the fruits of my effort check it out here. Unfortunately there going to be charging you $25 view it so if you don't want to watch I can understand but at the very least I can say that in addition to mine you'll get 3 other really well produced shows. For all those interested check out the link here. If you watch today you also get to vote as to which show you enjoy best. Here's the link and if you decide to watch I hope you enjoy it.

    Oh in case your wondering, my play is The Last Minstrel Show.
    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Fri, 02-16-2007 at 04:20 PM.

  14. #14
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Is your play a comedy?

  15. #15
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Is your play a comedy?

  16. #16
    My play has comedic elements and some really funny scenes, but overall I'd say it's a crisis drama, but trust me though there are some good laughs to be seen throughout the play, plus the other plays are comedies as well. But mine has a sort of unique theme. If you end up watching it you'll see what I mean but I do promise there is some good funny stuff to be seen.

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    That's weird.....

    I imagine the big selling point to theatrical performances over movies is the ability to witness a live performance in person. To experience the acting first-hand. To pay twice as much as a movie ticket to sit at my desk and watch a streaming clip on-line of a play seems to defeat the purpose.

    Not a statement towards your play or anything, moreso towards the system this site is implementing.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #18
    Yeah I know. I completely agree with you. It kinda is rip-off. Unfortunately though I'm not the director of the festival so I can't really do much about it. But hey, at least it's cheaper then flying to New York.I remember during the production meeting he said he'd consider maybe posting the first five minutes up on youtube but that wouldn't be until later.

    Although hey guys good news my play made it to the semi finals. It's going to get another 2 performances. One tonight at 9:30 P.M. and another on Monday at 9:30 PM. Although from here on in competition gets pretty stiff. My play is competing against another set of four plays and only one of those can move on to the finals.

  19. #19
    sorry for the double post but for those of you interested MY PLAYS IS IN THE AWARDS PERFORMANCE!!!

    It's went through the initial round, kicked-ass in the semi-finals, did it's thing in the finals and now it's nominated in the awards performance for BEST PLAY check it out here.

    Now I can finally present you a real free artifact from my play behold.!!!!!!

    Yeah, I went there

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