Mon, 12-04-2006, 06:57 PM
Break a Leg
Hi there, I've been hitting up these forums for quite some time now (funnily enough I actually wrote a college paper on them, I know I know, I am now king of the nerds), but I'm not quite an active poster, so many of you are probably scratching your noggins in puzzlement as to who this fellow is and why he has the audacity to come in here with a shameless plug, but I'm here to spread the word about the pilot for the sitcom my friends and I have been putting a good chunk of our lives into, that is the pilot for Break a Leg
which can be viewed at:
It's a dark comedy sitcom about making a sitcom. We've put a good amount of work into it making it and we've been getting a lot of positive responses, so I'm trying to spread the word to as many people as possible.
So give it a look see, and be sure to let us know what you think, feedback is always welcome.
And if you really like it and want to support us please rate us on YouTube after viewing the clips, we're trying to get featured and can use as much support as we can get.
Thanks for any support you send our way and I Hope you enjoy the show.
Mon, 12-04-2006, 08:27 PM

ty psj for this sig
Mon, 12-04-2006, 08:47 PM
It's really fucking good man. I love it.
Tue, 12-05-2006, 11:59 AM
Awesome, glad you guys liked it, my personal favorites are the whole back story on why Francesca hates being a mime and doesn't like scales, gets me everytime, oh also, we released a new video blog recently, parodying the whole sleeping kitten thing on YouTube, I actually was away for the weekend and didn't have a hand it making it, so it was fresh for me, made me crack up.
enjoy ;0).
Tue, 12-05-2006, 02:15 PM
Missing Nin
Wow watching your show depresses me, not so much that it's bad, it's just infinitely better then my stupid pilot thingy. Good job overall, it's really impressive and professional.
Just makes me feel sad, for not having the time or the resources to make something like that but anyway congrats, on an awesomely professional series as well as your website.
Just curious how long did it take you to shoot the pilot?
Wed, 12-06-2006, 12:17 AM
Well the pilot was shot and edited over a period of about... gee, I forget, I think it was like 5 months or so, mainly because we all have jobs, and getting the cast together for the group scenes was a near impossible scheduling task most of the time. We had to pull a lot of long shoots as well as all nighter editing sessions to get it out in anything remotely resembling a reasonable timeframe.
Anyway, thanks for the kind words Lobs, but I cannot accept them with such a self dismissal (insert motivating speech here) :0P, nah, just trust me, I have felt your pain, I'm lucky enough to have gotten together with an upstanding cast and crew, the writer director (that be the main character David, yarrr) is a friend of mine since High School as well as Chase Cougar being a co-worker and friend and so on and so forth, Mint being another good friend from high school. In a lot of ways things just fell together for this to happen, not to say that we didn't put a shit-ton of work into it, but it's all in who's working on it, and the stars aligned to bring us all together it would seem *shrugs*
Anyhoo, I'm kinda babbling, so I say thanks again and keep on truckin, there are always options, find someone who you can team up with or hell, just I don't know, put a cute thing like a kitten or a puppy in some random object like um.. a box, or a jar, and get famous on YouTube. ;0)
Mon, 04-23-2007, 11:46 AM
Break a Leg Episode 2 Part 1
Hey there everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted about the independant sitcom I'm working on, but we just released the 1st part of the second episode and I'm here to spread the word. The following link will take you to the release:
You can also visit our myspace or our website at:
Break a Leg is a dark comedy sitcom about making a sitcom in which the main character will die at the end of the season. It's a pretty sany world with a lot of laughs and a quirky feel.
If you're a fan of Arrested Development, the Office, Scrubs, or similar shows the Humor is probably right up your alley.
Anyhoo, enough of the pitch. This show is something I've had a lot of fun working on and have put a lot of hard work into along with the rest of the crew that makes up Late Again Films.
Check it out and if you like it, please help us spread the word.
Hope you all like it
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