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Thread: Byousoku 5 Centimeter: 5 Centimeters per Second

  1. #41
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    American Empire
    I picked up the dvd a few days ago. I want him to keep making films and for companies here to keep licensing them. If I can't send money right to his house, that is as good a method as any.

    Of course, I download them as soon as a torrent shows up.

  2. #42
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Paris & Versailles, France
    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I just skimmed through the 1080p version and it's stunning.
    True that it's clearer, but the 704*480 version is a very high quality encode.
    I compared the 3 versions (704*480,1280*720,1920*1080) on a HD projector, at 6 feet from a 107" screen and I have to say that you need to search for details in the first scene of this anime. Obviously there are differences, but not that much.

    Then I compared the Bourne Ultimatum trailer in 1080p to an old Matrix Reloaded SD DVD I have and the conclusion is very different. I was wondering if I needed glasses when watching the DVD.

    I guess the differences didn't show that much on the anime for a simple reason, it's an anime. Very beautiful and artistic, but these remain drawings. Even if they are detailed, lots of things are different from lets say a true face, skin, surrondings etc... there the eye can discriminate so much things it's incredible.

    Anyways, I may rewatch it (which I never do with anime, at least full ep/movie rewatch).
    I need to get the feeling of what's happening a little better, had a seemingly ressembling experience when I was 17.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #43
    Yeah, it's much harder to spot differences in high resolution anime because it's mostly solid lines and colors, as opposed to actual textures.

    I think the main advantage of watching a high resolution version is that it drastically reduces artifacts and blocks. If I watch the 1080p version on my 22" monitor, it has to downscale it to 1680x945, which essentially removes all edge artifacts in the process. I get a perfectly smooth fullscreen image out of it.

    With the SD version, the original resolution is less than 1/4 of my screen.

  4. #44
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    I just watched this myself as part of may holiday anime binge. I have to say, I want to buy this when it come out here, even if I'm broke. Almost wanted to cry when I saw that engagement ring on Akari. Almost...

    Best enjoyed when you don't have to rush off to something else straight after.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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