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Thread: Possible upcoming Contests planning thread

  1. #21
    Thi3f, Yeah that is a great idea. The intent of my idea was to use MSPaint tools only. But I have always been bad at fully explaining anything so sorry if i miss-represented the idea. I would love to participate in a Comic strip contest. I have also seen some comic type ideas where you sign up for the contest and get assigned in a pre-determined order. The admin starts the comic with 1-3 slides and the next person in the list continues the story with their own slides. and each person has a timeline they have to complete it in before it goes to the next person. Just an idea, hope you like it.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by FrogKing
    You could (as a wallpaper or sig artist) use the skills you've developed to make a good shirt, but you could over do it and make something lame in the public's eye.
    I'm sure "over doing" something wouldn't be a that big of a problem. As as for something being lame in the public's eye, everyone has different tastes, this really isn't any different from wallpaper making. Someone could praise it and another could completely hate it, it's the same with all art.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    You are supposed to use MSPaint or your own art to make a T-Shirt that has a phrase or quote or something to make it funny or fun.
    The entire point was to make something everyone could do, I thought. People here that can draw a decent pic by hand or in MS Paint are far fewer than people who have a moderate amount of skill in PS. And who says a wallpaper can't have a funny quote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    Not just making elaborate ripoffs of someone elses renders or images.
    1 - Wallpaper's can use original art too.
    2 - Once again, I bet 5 at most people here can make something decent is Paint.
    3 - Making a good wallpaper doesn't consist of just ripping someone else's render and making it prettier.

    I'm not even saying it's a bad idea, just that it isn't that different. On a side note, a wallpaper contest could actually be useful to some people, give them a new wallpaper. Who is going to actually get the design printed onto a t-shirt and wear it (I hope the answer is no one)?
    Last edited by xDarkMaster; Thu, 11-30-2006 at 05:34 PM.

  3. #23
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
    I'm not even saying it's a bad idea, just that it isn't that different. On a side note, a wallpaper contest could actually be useful to some people, give them a new wallpaper. Who is going to actually get the design printed onto a t-shirt and wear it (I hope the answer is no one)?
    LOL! I don't think anybody would actually do it. I agree that in the end it isn't much of a difference than a WP contest, it's just that it IS a little different. Hell, there is a 'Show off your new sig/wallpaper' thread. If the T-shirt isn't different enough, then some one needs to come up with something that is...bottom line! IMO a WP contest is a rehash of previous contest; T-shirt maybe close to in your opinion but w/e...back to square one?
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
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  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I guess this claim to fame is as good as any, eh? I'll take it.

    As far as another contest goes, I'm all in favor of having some sort of MS Paint competition. I think that limiting resources usually brings out the creativity in people. Either that, or we'll just get a lot of crap. I have a vision of a messy submission consisting of non sequitur panels depicting crude stick figures, trying to pass itself off as "comedy".

    We could avoid that by having specifically themed submission guidelines instead of open-ended ones, such as (and I know I'm totally ripping off of a staple SA concept here..) "anime characters deal with everyday life", or something similar. That's my suggestion.

    I also completely disagree with a trivia contest, for an obvious reason. We're all using the internet here. All anyone would need to do is keep a wiki or a good anime page open as a sure-fire backup to any question. The only skill it would test would be information retrieval, something that could only properly be measured in a short time limit on IRC, which a large number of users (including myself) don't really use.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    (and I know I'm totally ripping off of a staple SA concept here..)
    Your a Goon....?

    Sorry that was a little off topic, but to redeem myself I have seen the staple SA concept and it is greatly amusing. I wouldn't mind seeing it here. Maybe being outside the twisted world of SA we might be able to find some new creativity and fun ideas.

  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    Your a Goon....?
    Possibly someday. I lurk every now and then. Both SA and 4chan spawn some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen on the internet, in my opinion.

    Sorry that was a little off topic, but to redeem myself I have seen the staple SA concept and it is greatly amusing. I wouldn't mind seeing it here. Maybe being outside the twisted world of SA we might be able to find some new creativity and fun ideas.
    That's pretty much what I was getting at. I think it'd be pretty fun and interesting to see what people from this forum can come up with. The results will probably be similar to those of the first contest in Gotwoot Survivor (the caption contest), which seemed to be the most successful.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  7. #27
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    hmm, i think it'd be neat to have something different. maybe a scavanger hunt of sorts, where people are given a specific clue, and then they have to go around the forums to look for more clues and collect pieces of a bigger picture, and the person who gets all the pieces together using the clues wins.

    or, i dunno, maybe an anime-related crossword. everyone likes crosswords. maybe even a word search without a list, and the person who finds the most correct words by the deadline wins. i tried a contest like that once, and i was obsessed with the thing for two days, but i didn't win because there were so many submissions

  8. #28
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by saman
    hmm, i think it'd be neat to have something different. maybe a scavanger hunt of sorts, where people are given a specific clue, and then they have to go around the forums to look for more clues and collect pieces of a bigger picture, and the person who gets all the pieces together using the clues wins.

    or, i dunno, maybe an anime-related crossword. everyone likes crosswords. maybe even a word search without a list, and the person who finds the most correct words by the deadline wins. i tried a contest like that once, and i was obsessed with the thing for two days, but i didn't win because there were so many submissions
    Those are interesting ones. willing to expand on them? like how they work and how they run/ran. Like how did a word search without a list work a person just gives a clue to a word they are thinking of and everyone tries to guess it?

    That would sort of work as we could have something like name that anime using the screen shot or writen clue...
    image fail!

  9. #29
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    well, the word search contest i did had an our lady peace theme (a canadian band). it was pretty big, and it included lots of words relating to our lady peace, everything from old producers to song names to people in their videos. lots of research. there was no list or hints or anything, and the person who found the most words (that were actually included) on their own won. i don't know how that would work relating to anime; maybe just pick one show that everyone watches as a theme.

    as for the scavanger hunt, i was thinking, there would be a few frequent posters on the board picked and links to different clues would be hidden in their old posts. the mods would start off giving one clue about where to find post #1, which would include a link to a page that had one piece of a particular picture divided into pieces, and the clue for where to find post #2. then post #2 would have another link to another piece of the picture and clue #3, and on and on until someone found all the pieces and put them together and submitted it, hence winning the contest. how's that?

    erm, if it seems like i've been thinking about this a lot, it's because...i have. o.O

  10. #30
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    I like the old post idea, because the hints could be like "garaa vs sasuke" and a mod would find an obscure post about it and edit in the next clue. it would be spiffy.

  11. #31
    I noticed this thread has been sitting here for a while now. Has there been any diliberation within the mod community as to if we are going to have an upcomming contest. Or has the great Idea we are all looking for not manifested itself yet?

    I am just wondering becuase I have been waiting to Compete and enjoy a forum contest.

  12. #32
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    I noticed this thread has been sitting here for a while now. Has there been any diliberation within the mod community as to if we are going to have an upcomming contest. Or has the great Idea we are all looking for not manifested itself yet?
    no and no.

    remember deadfire != rest of the mod squad. I stayed clear of this thread for awhile because i've been pretty busy and couldn't do a whole lot towards a big contest. and after i stopped helping out in the Survivor contest, it just sorta died...

    but it would be nice to have a contest here. I was really thinking that jadugar's idea from the old survivor contest, people competing to make a frontpage post, would be pretty cool. It could be an anime review or a bio on a gotwoot user or anything. i like this idea because it would require just about zero work on my part

    The scavenger hunt or anime crossword would be fun too; but that's also quite a bit of work, so unless we get some eager volunteers to facilitate...

    and, of course, a sig/photoshop/paint contest is always good too.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #33
    I'd be willing to help out with an art contest, or even any of the other ones. It just so happens I have quite a bit of free time for the next month.

    master_me + dA = <3

  14. #34
    Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 04:56 PM.

  15. #35
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Sig contests are always fun, and don't take too much organization. Granted, they only encompass a small portion of the forum, but they're the easiest to set up. Maybe I'll get one going sometime soon, since there isn't much else on the horizon.

    In terms of a broader contest though, I was thinking that with the return of Naruto to manga storyline and the subsequent flocking of new people to the forum, it would be neat to have a newbies-only contest. So for instance, you'd only be able to participate in the contest if you had less than 50 posts or had been a member for less than 3 months or something like that. I've already sketched out some wicked Naruto-themed knitting patterns that I could make as contest prizes. I think it would be a neat way to involve more new people in the community, without them feeling intimidated by competing against older members.

  16. #36
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    knitting patterns? cool!! maybe there should also be a another contest for non-newbies with the same prizes <_<

  17. #37
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    i'm very appreciative, yet critical, of art. I'd love to see some of the stuff people can draw though Huzzah for art contest!
    i saved a unicorn

  18. #38
    I think we should have a short story contest. I have seen we have not really done anything with the whole upcoming contest so I figured I would give another suggestion. Anyone who would want to participate could write a short story involving their favorite anime characters in whatever situation they choose. It would be something different and something I have not seen suggested here yet. Rules of course would be set by the Contest Moderator, such as story length requirements and restrictions, Must have proper grammar, and so forth.

    Also, We could make it into another Team Styled contest where teams of 2-4 would turn in one story put together by the team. You could also split it into two different contest threads, Team stories and Individual stories.

  19. #39
    Genin Sasori's Avatar
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    Writing a story on your own is great, but in a team, it has more likelyness to fall apart. I would love to compete in a short story contest as long as I can work alone. All in all, I really like the idea. By the way KitKat, what kind of newbie contests did you have in mind? I still have 21 posts left before I'm out of the newbie spot.

    Special thanks to Lucifus for this fine sig and avatar!

  20. #40
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Contest ideas:

    - A sig contest where you provide rules that have to be kept while still letting the maker have free will on how he would design the sig. For ex. you would provide us with the anime we would have to base on or the character even ( It would be even cooler if it was a recently deceased yet loved character of some anime ) . You could also just have small rules like the colors it would have to be made in or some other ones so the sig makers had to change they're style even if just a little.

    - The same thing, only with wallpapers

    - There's always the classic "worst wallpaper" contest that is always fun but the voting should really consist in just all the mods so there's no cheating while voting lol

    Any other contest idea would b good cause i like contests but i strongly disagree with any for of contest that doesn't accept all the members like the newbie idea since i think that all should b allowed to join the fun.
    Last edited by Archangel; Sat, 07-19-2008 at 02:20 PM.

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