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Thread: Upcoming Naruto Episode Titles

  1. #61
    Thanks for clearing that up, but now it doesn't sound as concrete as before

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by chenga
    The second translation is better. After saikai, the Kanji is "noko(ru)." I'm not sure how it got translated into kono instead of noko.

    Even though translation two is correct and translation one is incorrect, Japanese is also extremely abiguous... The same kanji can be read many different ways. Using the final kanji from episode 182's title as an example, the final kanji is read 'kan' in this case being the last half of the word jikan (time), but it can also be read 'ma' 'ken' 'ai' or 'aida.' When it comes to names, it gets even worse because people choose Kanji readings that are archaic when selecting names. For this reason, waiting lists (i.e. at restaurants) often ask you to write your name in the alphabet (hiragana) instead of in Kanji (Chinese characters).

    Doesn't necessarily sound like the end of fillers, but I'm hoping it is...
    It got Translated the first way the same way some of the kids I tutor in math get answers.. Its called hopeful algebra.. you do abunch of steps that look correct.... but are not... and infact are only makign them becuase you are answering a question That you already know the answer too (just doing leg work inbetween)... Same thing with that title.. someone looked at it and knew what they WANTED to see... so they translated it like that....

    Even if Jyria was coming to pick up Naruto Who knows .. maby Studio Perrot decided to smoke an Extra lump of crack this week and the are gonna turn narutos 3 years of Training into a Filler Arc... hah.... and he can learn Extra Great NEW techniques... Like RASENGAN EXTRA where he makes rasengans With his entire chest like its the plam of his hand so its extra big. Then he can make tornados with it before he SHOOTS IT OUT.... OR maby he will learn how to use RASENGAN Eyes... so he will get all the abilities of Bakaguan and he will learn how to see heat signatures of waterfalls... so he can Train at them ... and one day .. If he is very lucky... be able to shoot lasers out of his hands.

    Wow I hope there is 26 more weeks of fillers and I hope that they read this post and realize tat they should hire me to Write all of them... Becuase after I was done wiriting Naruto fillers... Naruto would be a "semi Transparent Flying Buttmonkey" who (after activating his powers by drinking Car Battery Acid), could Breath Fire and Shoot Beams made of blizzards of TIC TACS out of his palms at his enemies.

    P.S. I know what your thinking.. and yess... He will be shooting Orange Tic TACS out of his hands...not those nasty spearament ones... or the cinnamon ones... ehhh

  3. #63
    Well I discussed the title with a friend who's a native Japanese speaker (and thus better at it than I am) and she would translate the title to mean: "Reunion, the time that is left (in life or to accomplish something etc)." It could be the final part in a multi-episode filler arc. Whether or not it brings the end of fillers remains to be seen.

  4. #64
    well for all i heard episode 182 marks the beginning of a new season...

  5. #65
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickster
    well for all i heard episode 182 marks the beginning of a new season...
    The new season begins in episode 179, after the new intro and ending are presented.

  6. #66
    Well If anyone believes DB doesn't pull stupid shit tricks like the 23 filler eps gag, check out their site...In what I can only assume was an April Fools joke, that is still in play, they claim they've been "Purchased" by FUNimation... More stupid BS

  7. #67
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Heh heh. Their new corporate style website is quite sleek! I wondered what was going on, when I visited the tracker, but since I didn't go to the front page, I didn't notice they changed the style of the whole site. Well, time will tell if it only lasts as long as the joke.

  8. #68
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Actually... the only thing I hate about DB are those gags they write on every damn episode.
    I hope that when the fillers end, they also end them...

    Oh well. If I am not mistaken, ep 179 was already aired... so through today we shall be spoiled with the new intro, or dissapointed.

  9. #69
    I like the gags, and I like DB's whole casual take on fansubbing.

    Why? This is probably just me, but simply because it's a speedsub. Screw gags on - if you don't mind me saying - 'professional' fansubs from say, AnimeOne and Kaizoku-Fansubs. But I think they go just fine with DB's subs seeing how as soon as AnimeOne sub an episode, the DB version is no longer archive quality.

  10. #70
    Personally I don't mind either but I just posted for those who were buying into the extra season of filler shit on their eps(Which as of 179 is no longer in action). I didn't buy it anyway and I do admit their new site design is actually pretty nice lol. I especially like the DB logo with Believe it under it lol. Gives their site a professional feel.
    Last edited by IFHTT; Thu, 04-06-2006 at 04:05 PM.

  11. #71
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    well we can all be thankfull the jokes over lol 3 more weeks and the fillers are done for a while lol as per their info in the new intro.

  12. #72
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Is Lee standing in the ceiling with chakra in the preview for ep 180?

    I thought the could not do even that...or that kind of things are posible for him?


    bleh, wrong thread... can't find delete option...

  13. #73
    For the benefits of people like myself who don't want to read pages and pages of posts... are the fillers over yet?

  14. #74
    im starting to get confused i hope so last night i read someone say another full season now this guy say 3 more episodes >.<

  15. #75
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    yea just 3 more episodes and the fillers are over.Pay attention to the new opening of the past ep.

  16. #76
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meehlimo
    yea just 3 more episodes and the fillers are over.Pay attention to the new opening of the past ep.
    just look at the generic intro which spoils every character's jutsus.

    Seriously... read the thread please... every agrees the intro does not reveal anything. We are all just hoping that it being so generic, it would also be easy to alter.

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    just look at the generic intro which spoils every character's jutsus.

    Seriously... read the thread please... every agrees the intro does not reveal anything. We are all just hoping that it being so generic, it would also be easy to alter.
    I think when he said pay attention to the opening he meant that he's taking Dattebayo's 3-weeks word as solid, not that the opening itself shows proof.

  18. #78

    New episode added in ANN

    It has been updated already
    Episode 183 is added. The name is in Japanese. No English translation of the name was given. It has a comment suggesting that it is the last filler episode. So one more week added to our torture. It is unconfirmed though.

  19. #79
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Ep 183 星は輝きを増して

    An "evil" translation (Babel Altavista) says this:

    -> As for the star increasing shining

    That title makes me believe the Hoshigakure arc is still on -_-

    I'll wait for a good translator...

  20. #80
    i'm really beginning to lose my patience with the naruto anime. i've been kinda so-so with the idea of a filler season, but it's been over 26 episodes now if i'm not mistaken. the whole star arc is getting kinda dumb (find a fallen star pieces that were smashed up and stolen and "star chakra"....very lame)...

    the new opening and ending are amazing, but the content of the anime now just sucks. i don't know how else to put it, but i've been putting up and not minding the filler arc, and hearing that the fillers might be longer than what was expected is kinda annoying me quite a bit...

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