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Thread: Upcoming Naruto Episode Titles

  1. #361
    i think that 90 min special is their way of telling us to shutup... it sounds to me like they plan to release the gaiden all at one time,... could be wrong though...
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 01-10-2007 at 01:39 AM.

  2. #362
    I really do wonder if naruto still even has a fanbase in Japan? I can only imagine that the fillers must have nearly obliterated it seeing as it's now playing right after pokemon in Japan.

    No more merchandise has been produced for the fillers, no more video games either. The entire naruto empire seems like it's slowly being choked off. Only thing left really are the 17 pages of the manga we get each week.

    I really do wonder if they'll bother to air the fillers here and in other countries as well?

  3. #363
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Naruto is as strong as ever (I wonder how many times I've written this now?). Naruto is very popular among kids, yes, kids as in "we do not care about this being filler because all we want is action" (ah, I remember those days). I'd say the reason for no new merchandise or games is simply because there's no new material to work with... they will hardly create a Naruto filler game now will they. ;S (wouldn't surprise me so much I suppose but yeah)...

  4. #364
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    I really do wonder if they'll bother to air the fillers here and in other countries as well?
    Kids here will love it because they don't give a damn about storyline.

  5. #365
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    Accordint to ANN this 90 minute special is not ______.

    Were you all deprived of oxygen at birth? how many times have we warned people about mentioning stuff from the manga. I dont care if the whole damn world knows the name of the next arc, if it hasn't been animated it can't be mentioned here.

    Next person to mention it goes on a vacation.

    EDIT: Well sorry for my stupidity but the name of it has been said so many freaking times in this section everyone by know probably knows about it, I don't read manga yet I know about it from reading this part of forum.
    Last edited by zibo; Wed, 09-13-2006 at 07:14 PM.

  6. #366
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Come on mod, you threaten to ban people all the time over spoilers and you never do it

    I almost feel free to rail off a million poilers right now without fear of consequence.

    Grow some balls and do it.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  7. #367
    Zibo, i dont care how many people have mentioend it or how many people know about it. Its not part of the anime, therefore it cannot be mentioned here. Just because other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean its ok.

    And fyi, you never know if someone has just gotten into naruto and has only recently started browsing the forums. Just cuz you've been spoiled doesn't mean others should be as well.

  8. #368
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    I don't want to ruin it for others but I don't think that saing the name will spoil it since you can't conclude very much from the name.

  9. #369
    You're missing the point here. The rules aren't naruto specific or arc specific. If we let people mention this arc, we can't stop them from mentioning others in any other anime. The rules are what they are, and they're not up for discussion.

  10. #370
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Naruto is as strong as ever (I wonder how many times I've written this now?). Naruto is very popular among kids, yes, kids as in "we do not care about this being filler because all we want is action" (ah, I remember those days). I'd say the reason for no new merchandise or games is simply because there's no new material to work with... they will hardly create a Naruto filler game now will they. ;S (wouldn't surprise me so much I suppose but yeah)...

    well they are makeing a game for the ps2 which looks kinda rpg like i forgot the name of it. it actually looked pretty good the gameplay reminded me a lilttle about the berserk game, mechanic wise not in the gore of course lol.

  11. #371
    Quote Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
    well they are makeing a game for the ps2 which looks kinda rpg like i forgot the name of it. it actually looked pretty good the gameplay reminded me a lilttle about the berserk game, mechanic wise not in the gore of course lol.
    Hmm... I'm highly skeptical about this comparison; see, there are, at most, two characters in the Naruto universe that could hope to emulate Guts.

    And based on the little knowledge I have of the couple of Berserk games (they're not that hard to figure out by watching) I can safely conclude that any Naruto game (RPG, especially) CANNOT play like the former.


  12. #372
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Naruto is as strong as ever (I wonder how many times I've written this now?). Naruto is very popular among kids, yes, kids as in "we do not care about this being filler because all we want is action" (ah, I remember those days). I'd say the reason for no new merchandise or games is simply because there's no new material to work with... they will hardly create a Naruto filler game now will they. ;S (wouldn't surprise me so much I suppose but yeah)...
    While this may be true of the free weekly episode, the 3rd movie performed pretty poorly compared to the first two, so the series is definitely weakening in its native Japan.

  13. #373
    think those guys are just waiting for toonami to finish their episode runthrough before putting out? get everyone on the same page?

  14. #374
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    What? That doesn't make any sense. How the hell can the english dub catch up if they keep making filler episode. A new episode every week in america + new episode every week in japan = the shows are always gonna be 3 years apart.

  15. #375
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    filler galore...

    206: Those which control senses
    PS: bleh

  16. #376
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    9th Intro and 15th Ending on Naruto 203
    #9: "YURA YURA" by Hearts Grow (eps 203-)
    #15: "Scenario" by SABOTEN (eps 203-)


  17. #377
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    203~205 Commemorating Naruto’s Move to Thursdays!
    Confrontation between Love and Hate, Students and Teachers…
    Genin and Jounin all come together in this rampaging 90-minute special!
    NARUTOお引っ越し記念!木曜になってもやったらあ!愛と憎しみの師弟対決、上忍も下忍も入り乱れて9 0分大暴れだってばよスペシャル

    [203: "Kurenai's Decision, Team 8 Left Behind"]
    [204: "The Targeted Eight Clouds, The Sealed Ability"]
    [205: "Kurenai's Top-Secret Mission, The Third's Promise"]

    206: Those which control the five senses

    207: Expectations of the sealed ability
    #207 封じられたはずの能力


  18. #378
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... So we get the triple episode and then a skipped week. Well, that makes sense more or less. Often double episodes are preceded or followed by skipped weeks.

    Kurenai? That's not actually bad. Not too much Kurenai shown even in the manga based episodes so far. Basically little more than the short fight against Itachi and his buddy (whatever was his name). Well, let's hope Asuma is there as well... They make such a nice couple. Almost as nice as Shikamaru and Temari.

  19. #379
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    Episode 207 is a filler or not filler ?

  20. #380
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zibo
    Episode 207 is a filler or not filler ?
    Beats me... the title isn't revealing... it could be either...

    What I want to see is the new op/ed sequences...

    Are you referring to the sharkcoon... err... Kisame?

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