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Thread: ICE

  1. #1


    First episode the ICE OVA by Makoto:

    Here are the subs just in case you have the raw:

    Here's a trailer by yu:

    By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen...until only the women were left alive.

    They live huddled in small corners of a world mostly reclaimed by nature.
    There are those who accept their inevitable extinction and live a carefree life...
    There are those who try to continue on the race with the help of science...
    It is a society of constant conflict over their differences of principles and policies.

    The story takes place in the center of Tokyo. It is one of the places left for them. The conflict over the specimen of “ICE” and the chance it may provide to save humanity begins.

  2. #2
    Finished downloading it, cause it sounded interesting. Will comment back when I finish watching. The art looks like something from Golden Boy.

  3. #3

    Girl looks like that nurse from NSN. Just wanted to point that out...

  4. #4
    Looks like it's a really yuri show even with reading the premise, which I didn't think so at first because I thought the main character I guess (the captain?) with white hair was a dude, but I guess I was wrong. I hate it when they do that. Women and men that are indecipherable with their genders. Holy shit, the captain is such a huuuuuuuuuge fucking rip of Kaze from Final Fantasy Unlimited through the attire, the demeanor and the habit of pulling out a big gun from under your cape, though the bullets don't summon monsters. The mechs looks like stuff from Escaflowne. The voice acting sounded extremely shoddy with no emotion at all. That girl from the Kisaragi Family, Yuki Ice-T (wtf kinda name is that?) annoys me to no end with her voice. Sounds like she's got a stuffy nose that won't clear up. The only decent Voice Acting I thought was from Akira Ishida (Chrono from Chrno Crusade), but still even using such an effeminate voice that is easily distinguishable as male is pretty weak. Though "it" might really be male, we don't know yet. In conclusion, that wasn't a very enjoyable watch at all.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    That girl from the Kisaragi Family, Yuki Ice-T (wtf kinda name is that?) annoys me to no end with her voice. Sounds like she's got a stuffy nose that won't clear up.
    I completely agree. That was my first thought as well after the very first lines she spoke. It was insanely annoying to listen to. They should have waited till the VA isn't sick anymore before bringing her to the recording studio.

    Well, the voice acting was indeed quite bad throughout the cast. I guess the director didn't pay much attention to it, or maybe this kind of feeling was even what he was looking for. The anime gave me a feeling of trying really hard to build something epic in all aspects yet falling short in all of them.

  6. #6
    ICE - 02 - [Makoto]

    Sounds like everyone hated it, but it was weird enough that I decided to get the second ep (the yuri vibe helped). Anyway It felt like they left out a lot of information that might have been helpful in explaining what the hell was going on but it had it's little moments.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    The third episode of this strange ova was released some times ago, and today I finally got around to watching it.

    Episode 3 - Makoto

    I didn't remember too much of the previous episodes but then again, this is so confusing a story anyway that even remembering the old things wouldn't probably have helped much. I have little idea what happened at the very end, but oh well... I guess all is well when the end is well (though I don't know if it ended really well).

    Fortunately Yuki "stuffy nose" Ice-T didn't have too many lines in this episode, only some nearing the end. Hearing her speak was so agonizing.

  8. #8
    I couldn't tell what the hell was going on but I know Yuki liked Hitomi and Hitomi liked Yuki.
    Hitomi died saving Yuki and Yuki decided to 'ICE' herself for some reason. Hitomi was somehow the girl from the beginning of the first episode, and she woke up from her dream with the knowledge of the Hitomi we knew. Sometime between then and when the main story took place Hitomi found Yuki and they were happy. Very confusing, to the point i'm not even sure I actually enjoyed it.

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