Anime Kraze - Serei no Moribito - Episode 2
also editted Bud's post. enjoy.
Anime Kraze - Serei no Moribito - Episode 2
also editted Bud's post. enjoy.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Looks like an interesting series. As others have said the animation is nicely done, and the story seems interesting. Reminds me a little of Otogizoshi, which is a good thing.
Dash over the fields of rice.
Episode 3 - Ani-Kraze
I think Ani-Kraze messed up with episode 2, the sound is low, really low.
Good stuff in episode 3, the action was excellent, though not much else happened, save a flashback of what I assume was Balsa's dad and/or mentor and some other spear wielder duking it out.
They are using sorround sound, AC3... you need to adjust your filter settings.Originally Posted by Shadow Skill
Ohhhhh, ok, I'll try that and see how it goes, I watched it already with the volume low. :/ lol
I'll remember that for the future incase I come across another anime like that.
I'll try and figure it out with this episode and learn something.
holy shit Balsa is bad ass there is no way they can keep up that lvl of detail for many more episodes. the sound is awsome btw cant wait to get a hold of the ost for this.
Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin
i was raised by this woman =O
That spear fight had to be one of the best in anime history. Quite intense indeed. As were all the fights in this episode. This seems to go for realism with the combats, though with highly skilled battlers.
When it comes to realism that last battle had element that really bugged me, several times we saw one of the combatants throw up mud into the face of the other, but I didn't noticed it having any effect on the fight. If it wasn't going to do anything then why put it in (other than to look that much cooler)?
Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 04-24-2007 at 11:38 PM.
Mmm, I love this series more and more.
@Yukimura - Well, you can tell that they both are HIGHLY skilled warriors, it's probably not hard for them to avoid it from obscuring their vision. Also, I don't know if they're purposely flinging mud. It kinda looked to me like the bladed edge of the spear was in a downward position and attacked from the position bringing mud/water along with it.
Holy jeez, this has been an amazing series so far. The artwork, characters, everything has been so well done! And Balsa is definitely kickass, haha. The fight scenes in episode 3 were definitely top-notch and I'm hoping that the quality will stay that way.
My favorite moment: Balsa taking out Jin with the rock.
Episode 4 is out by Kraze... there's no bt for it, IRC only release, at least for now.
Direct download:
Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 04-30-2007 at 04:38 AM.
Hmm... New people keeps accumulating. Hard to see where this will lead. But it looks interesting, promising and good nonetheless.
This is the only series besides Gurren Lagann, where I'll watch the OP every episode. Good and interesting episode but not much happened. I wondered how they were going to pace it in what seemed like it would be a short series, but they used such a short span of story for a full 17-18 or so minutes. Yeah, there's a buncha new characters. Damn that Tanda, he's a lucky bastard.
Not a lot of action, but nice enough. I like the old shaman, and the part where she stuck her head inside his chest to see what was in there was cool. Looks a LOT like the witch from Spirited Away.Originally Posted by Yukimura
I'm guessing Balsa's plan involves faking her death somehow, but I'm curious about how she'll manage it.
Seirei no Moribito - 06 - [AKraze]
Perhaps some action?!?! We can only hope.
EDIT Sorry, I put the wrong number.
Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 05-14-2007 at 08:28 PM.
You mislabelled the episode number, torrent's for episode 6.Originally Posted by Yukimura
Man i have no idea how Balsa pulled Budini(sp). But I liked the episode, nice horse racing in mounts.
"Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender