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Thread: Bleach 103

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  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Bleach 103

    Grab it at the usual place

  2. #2
    Good episode. Not that great but ok... I give this filler arc 3 more episodes max.
    I hope they will start the non filler after that.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Every episode that sees the demise of a bounto is good! Seriously, they have been the best filler episodes. Well, the one that got the renegade shinigami killed included.

    This wasn't as good as many other intensive fights, though, because Ishida's attacks and the bounto's moves got too repetitive. They should have somehow made them more innovative, especially the moment Ishida finally beat the chick. It wasn't that impressive, considering how much pressure they had built by letting Ishida get his ass kicked so badly and for so long.

  4. #4
    Okay so did that chick just not know how to heal her self like the others...I mean Earmuffs had a very similar wound and he managed to heal up just fine. I think they just wanted to give Ishida some screen time and make him look useful, but the way it was done actually made him look pathetic in my eyes. But at least there are fewer Bounto left and thus there's more of a chance something interesting will happen in the next ep (like Hitsugaya vs Earmuffs).

  5. #5
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Terrible episode. As much criticism as you all give to Naruto filler, I can't see why you're so forgiving of this Bleach filler episode. Terrible animation, the action was hackneyed, and the story didn't progress much.
    The worst part was the absence of accompanying background music. Like I said in the last episode recap, background music can make even a bad episode watchable, and the lack of it can make an episode unbearable, like this one.
    At least headphones bount guy didn't die to Kariya. I was getting seriously pissed that one of our heroes wouldn't be the one to kick headphones' ass, and destroy his incredibly obnoxious doll too. Even now it looks like headphones will change sides. That sucks. He needs to die like all the other bounts.

    @Yukimura: I guess vital organs can't be regenerated with spirit energy. Plus, Ishida's energy arrow cauterized the wound, so spirit energy can't bind to her flesh to create new flesh, so she was stuck like chuck.

  6. #6
    I'm agreeing with Yukimura with the episode basicly making Ishida look pitiful and just giving him screen time but if he kills a bounto and hurrys this filler along I'm all for it. :-)
    Maybe Hitsugaya will fight and actually when a fight next episode. Who knows :-/
    Read -> comprehend -> post
    do not skip part 2

  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Terrible animation, the action was hackneyed, and the story didn't progress much.
    We have a word for episodes where the story doesn't progress because the entire episode is taken up by fight scenes.

    It's called "awsome".

    The animation was noticably poor though, I'll give you that.

    And of course, that Bounto deserved to lose. If you take 40 minutes fighting someone who clearly can't fight back because your "enjoying" tormenting them, then yes, you are going to die to a lucky shot. That's just a simple fact. She fucked around and fucked around and then she died. Big surprise!

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