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Thread: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

  1. #81
    siegfried is the shit

  2. #82

    So many releases in a row, haven't had the time to discuss. Probably after this one I'll get the chance.

  3. #83
    Wow, Kenichi finally came up with something both awesome and all his own, Good for him. The last few eps have really showcased his growth as a fighter and there's still plenty more episodes for him to get even better.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    British Columbia, Canada
    Yes! Finally, they'e showing off the results of his training.

  5. #85
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  6. #86
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    A Cave
    Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 06-26-2007 at 12:29 AM.

  7. #87
    And 31 now... freaking release frenzy:

  8. #88
    wow so many eps in just a few day sweet

  9. #89
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  10. #90
    Alright, I'm caught up now. Next episode will be great. Sister gets kidnapped. Loki vs. Hermit, and one very pissed off Kenichi. Looks like the Masters may even get a piece of some of the action.

    Oh, and the fight between Ma and his brother was great. I wish we could see the Masters fight some other people of comparable strength in the future, especially Shigure.

  11. #91
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    ...especially Shigure.
    Especially Shigure? Roflcopter. Well, to be realistic, since she uses weapons it could be a bit lethal. But so far there haven't simply been any opponents that would last three seconds against any of the masters, aside from Ma's brother.

    Kenichi surely had a nice and promising expression in the preview...

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Skara, Sweden
    I don't get this "no talent" stuff. The guy just started with martial arts and is already at that level, sure its just a anime but its kinda annoying.

  13. #93
    Lol @ Reversi genius Honoka, that was pretty surprising. I wonder if any of that brain power passed onto Kenichi as well.

    And with the relationship initiated in this ep might Hermit end up switching sides as well?!?!
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 06-26-2007 at 07:46 PM.

  14. #94
    Hermit will most likely change sides

  15. #95
    I don't think Hermit will switch sides so much as he will become neutral... remember, his master is currently MIA. Maybe he'll go off to train/find his master instead of participating in Ragnarok?

  16. #96
    It was pretty cool that Apachai was actually really good.

  17. #97

  18. #98
    Lol Umai & doremi are going neck and neck now. I find it quite funny since I can't imagine anyone choosing kh over ud if given the choice.

    EDIT: Not much going on besides a lot of anger and set up for a big fight, can't wait for 33 now.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 06-27-2007 at 12:34 AM.

  19. #99
    This episode was such a tease... 33 should have a lot of action though.

  20. #100
    Kenichi - 33 - [kuro-hana]

    This arms race is getting insane, but I think Kuro-hana's lack of QC is going to keep them in front despite the best efforts of the Umai-Doremi team.

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