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Thread: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Cute reactions out of Miu in this eps. Nice rhythmic gymnastics too.

    The stronger opponents line is foreshadowing a lot of fights for poor Kenichi though.

    I'd like to introduce a theory: If a female character has a name, she has a top-notch figure. The only exception is Kenichi's sister, but you saw his mom...

  2. #22
    Although I hate Kenichi's VA, I think they've been handling this series pretty well... The fighting scenes are pretty good.

  3. #23
    Another good ep, it looks like Kenichi's desire to get stronger is affecting all the masters as well, maybe even the drunk Karate master will get in on the action.

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Does anybody right away recognize Kenichi's mother's (Shirahama Saori) voice actress? She sounds so familiar but I can't straight away pinpoint her. ANN and Animenfo aren't listing the character at all.

  5. #25
    Yeah, I'm also liking the way that this series is being handled.

    I love Kenichi's reactions to people that are stronger than him, I loved the parts where he goes a bit 'crazy', after thinking he was dead with his sister and then realises that he's alive.

    Apachai is so cool, should soon get to see some techniques coming from Kenichi.

  6. #26
    and finally more eps cometh.

    ep 04
    ep 05

    Merry Holiday I fixed your links
    Last edited by Deadfire; Mon, 12-25-2006 at 11:21 AM.

  7. #27
    Nice 2 episodes this time.
    This series is actually turning out better than I thought. Does anyone know how many episodes is going to be?

    Signature by Lucifus

  8. #28
    i watched couple eps and this is really good and i like his reaction to people that are bigger than him

  9. #29
    This years first realese
    Episode 6

    Signature by Lucifus

  10. #30

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This series is working surprisingly well. Kenichi is still a coward most of the time, but unlike I seriously thought in the beginning, it's bothering me less and less. I guess it's integrated into the plot so strongly that they can't simply change it. Of course it is a little unlikely how ordinary punks still frighten him after he has easily beaten karate club captains.

    There are plenty of excellent details in this series, as well. The masters have quite sharp and distinct personalities, as well as Kenichi's family. In fact I hope his little sister would get more screen time. She's so funny. Sebastian wasn't a bad character either, but got very little screen time (although I doubt he could support any more)...

  12. #32
    Student Ikepuska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I guess it's integrated into the plot so strongly that they can't simply change it. Of course it is a little unlikely how ordinary punks still frighten him after he has easily beaten karate club captains.
    Part of the basic factors in Kenichi's character which appear to have carried over from the manga is his basic lack of self-confidence. His development is much slower as far as internalizing the truth of what his current strength is, and much of that is due to him becoming more and more focused on protecting his friends during this, the "Ragnarök" Arc. In many ways I really approve of this though; because quite honestly it is much more realistic and also in character for him to have difficulty accepting that he is no longer powerless.
    Episode 04 I think it was, the fight with the three punks in the alley happened a bit later in the manga, a fair bit after his second fight with Daimonji which is when he really began to transition, as I'm sure you noted in episode 07. Plus his fear of daggers in 08 is pretty accurate. Having studied martial arts myself, without having been exposed to training on how to handle weapons and the like, it's actually fairly unbalancing to come up against them. In Kenichi's case unbalancing means reverting to being a coward and being nervous.

    Being as how I'm an Otaku when it comes to Koryū, this next bit is a bit long and obsessive, just a warning to those who are bored by such discussions.

    Also consider that in all honesty Kenichi has yet to begin his "Technique" training, and is only receiving training in the fundamentals, aside from one of the Bald Monk's Yamazaki--random factoid:which is actually more than just that one technique, it's a bunch of attacks centered on the idea of hard penetration of an opponent's defenses. Honestly even that isn't really technique it's more in the nature of an attack, or "move" (see monologue below for analysis). So really Kenichi has not yet overcome his basically fearful nature. Even later on he still has a pronounced distaste for hurting people, although he isn't really afraid of violence, just unnecessary harm. In a lot of ways it's kinda a bad combination with the nature of what he's being taught since traditional martial arts focus on brutal attacks that maim, cripple, or kill the opponent. "Self-defense" is a modern notion, and most traditional martial arts are ill suited to protecting yourself without seriously harming your opponent.

    "Techniques" are more fluid and tend to be comprised of a series of "moves" which can be strung together either in a malleable form that can be rearranged easily to suit the situation, or in shorter but more fixed sequences which aren't easily changed but are designed to be very effective given some condition, be it the opponent is off balance, or the opponent has an opening on the right side near the ribcage. That form of technique tends to be quick, effective, and brutal so that the opponent can't really take advantage of the rigidity of it.
    "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth

  13. #33
    well at least kenichi is improving a little but still a coward

  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Apa, apa... Apachai!

    Episode 9 - umai-Doremi

  15. #35
    I liked the way everyone reacted when Kenichi died... "he's trained long enough, he wouldn't die from this..."

  16. #36
    It was an OK episode, but next episode should be a good one. The fight is finally going to happen, or at least begin.

  17. #37
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    What happened to this one? Everyone just drop it?
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  18. #38
    No, umai-doremi are still doing it, it seems episode 10 is upto QC, and episodes 11 and 12 have been translated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doremi IRC topic
    Kenichi 9: !Kenichi9 10: QC 11: TL100% 12: TL100%

  19. #39
    Torrent: Kenichi 10 Torrent [umai-doremi]
    XDCC: /msg Umai|Eruruu-chan xdcc send #18 , /msg OverMind|XDCC xdcc send #18

    Chapter Talk
    I like how this episode went, with the ring and all that, and Kenichi being the good person he is and stopping on the bell.

  20. #40
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ho... This thread seems to have fallen somewhat into negligence.

    Episode 11 - umai-Doremi
    Episode 12 - umai-Doremi
    Episode 13 - umai-Doremi
    Episode 14 - umai-Doremi

    Well, aside from these episodes, the episode I've been expecting for a long time is finally going to happen, it seems, based on the preview. Honoka is going to visit the dojo. This has high potential for funny moments. Even without Sebastian.

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