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Thread: Naruto 209

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I thought that since DB was bought out by a legitimate company that they would have to clean up their act and that idiots like timecop would get kicked to the curb. I think the [yhbt] tag at the end of the the title means it is a joke, and just a coverup for some other delay in releasing the latest episode.
    YHBT is an abbrevation from Usenet for "You Have Been Trolled." So yeah, it was definitely a prank, like most of DB's antics.

  2. #22
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    am i the only one who think the animation of this episode kinda sucked?

    the story of this arc seems "good" so far.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm normally somewhat blind to the delicate graphical / animation problems so many sharp eyed people here easily notice, but this time some glitches did catch my attention. However, I didn't actually jump back to check them any more carefully. I'm not that interested in Naruto filler animation quality.

    The plot seemed more promising than in fillers for a while (well, the Kurenai arc had a somewhat interesting story, but anyway). This hasn't so far trying to be anything really epic or complicated. And the villains seem believable. And I have to say cutting the ship in half was actually a very neat scene. It looked so funny and I certainly didn't expect them to pull off such a prank just get release one prisoner. But all the better this way.

    The genin group in this arc is also not bad: two witless guys who only want to fight, no matter how it would affect the mission (who cares about such small details?), and then Sakura who desperately tries to keep them in check.

  4. #24
    Genin Boomstick's Avatar
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    Eh okay episode for a filler, better quality then the last few(except for the animation).

    Ash"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. This... is my BOOMstick"

  5. #25
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Pretty good episode, especially for Naruto filler. I like how they elaborated on little things like the team selection, and the genins eating their ramen lunches. The Naruto vs Rock Lee training was cool too, and something I suggested they animate way back. They could fill up several episodes of training fights between the various genins. I really liked the character interaction between Naruto, Rock Lee, and Sakura. It's too funny listening to Naruto talk trash and then Sakura trying to apologize for him.

    What really made this episode watchable was the background music. Just like in the latest Bleach episode, the right theme for the right scene makes the action flow so much better. One of the worst aspects of the filler-parts of the Freeza (sp?) saga in DBZ was lack of appropriate background music.
    Last edited by Animeniax; Sun, 11-12-2006 at 05:14 AM.

  6. #26
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I thought that since DB was bought out by a legitimate company that they would have to clean up their act and that idiots like timecop would get kicked to the curb.
    The fact that you think that DB, a group that provides a completely illigal service, would have been bought out by a legitimate company, and then anything but closed down, shows some real gullibility on your part.

    The entire "corporate persona" thing DB does is just another one of their running gags.

    And I can't believe people bought into that Pythagoras Switch thing. They never intended to make that many people download it. There were delays with Naruto for completely other reason so they made up another line to jerk people around.

    And like EVERY time, half the people on the internet fall for it like retards.

    As for the episode itself, it was shittastic. But I really enjoyed the little interplay between Naruto and Lee at the beginning. It was just funny. "It's how men bond."

    Other than that, mostly crappy. ANOTHER beauracrat with a hitler mustache. Badguys powers are okay I guess...

    Anyway, the video quality was also terrible for this episode. Not sure if there was a problem with my codecs, or if their raw was just shitty. I just upgraded to a more recent version of CCCP and I think it made my video quality WORSE.

  7. #27
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    The fact that you think that DB, a group that provides a completely illigal service, would have been bought out by a legitimate company, and then anything but closed down, shows some real gullibility on your part.

    As for the episode itself, it was shittastic. But I really enjoyed the little interplay between Naruto and Lee at the beginning. It was just funny. "It's how men bond."

    Other than that, mostly crappy. ANOTHER beauracrat with a hitler mustache. Badguys powers are okay I guess...

    Anyway, the video quality was also terrible for this episode. Not sure if there was a problem with my codecs, or if their raw was just shitty. I just upgraded to a more recent version of CCCP and I think it made my video quality WORSE.
    Your posts would have more impact if you could spell middle school level words like "illegal" correctly.

    The interplay between the 3 genins made the show well above average for fillers since it's something that is often left out in filler episodes.

    I was wondering about the video quality myself. Is it a poor quality raw, or cheap filler budget, or some other fault of DBs?

  8. #28
    I also have noticed the bad quality of this ep. Take a look at this:

    There are these "squares", which indicates its Lo-Quality.

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