Haha, we got a Don Kanoji cameo and a Gash Bell look(the one where they don't know what the hell is going on).
I liked this ch. b/c we finally get to see Ichigo go up against someone who doesn't seem to rely on a sword. It's about time.
R.I.P Captain America.
Whay about Yoruichi
He never fought against her though.
R.I.P Captain America.
True but dont forget that Grimmjaw never used his sword either. but this guys looks like his going to have a Rock Lee style fighting
Translations of the RAW out by pocketmofo and WinterLion for anyone that wants it :
Bleach 250 - pocketmofo
Bleach 250 - WinterLion
Last edited by Zati; Thu, 11-02-2006 at 02:31 PM.
I have issues with this chapter contridicting previous chapters considering when Grimjaw has his rank revolked his number was basically burned off its a odd choice for them to suddenly insist that if your rank is revolked you get a 3 digit one instead. Aside from that not a terrible chapter.
Bleach 250 LQ/MQ by #blood-scanlation
Direct download :
So can we assume 103 is former espada #3? Or perhaps the order from that point on is random. Either way, why didn't Grimmjaw become an different 100+ number after his "demotion"?
How the hell is Tousen seening things? And Gin is still as cool as ever.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
yeah i was wondering about grimjaws # also. Maybe aizen had orhime healing grimjaw as a plan all along and didnt see the reason to change his # lol makes the most sense. Good chapter the questiong now is can ichigo finish this guy in 11seconds in hallow mode or is this little kid gonna do something special.
Ooh, things are lookin good. At first it seemed like ichigo would be facing goon # 103 here to stall for pages, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it might actually be a battle worth seeing. And since Nell was introduced at the beginning of the rescue mission I guess he'll be hanging around for comic releif/obligatory big-brother moments/shits and giggles, oh well, no big deal. Nice chapter, though I hope Tite can shuffle the upcoming battles as well as I am hoping.
Nell = The Kon character of Heuco Mundo? Maybe not. You never know. There is a chance Nell will wind up saving Ichigo's life (uh-ho, I can almost see that).
As for Grimjaw's #, I'm more inclined to believe that he wasn't reassigned a number because he actually hadn't quite settled into a "new" position yet. Hmm.. oh well, onto waiting for the next chapter!