Spoilers: (What I think)
The background of when the King/Lord of Britannia looked like one of those Greek-myth type of places...he's definately the biggest mastermind of the operation here, since he might have the Geass powers (that CC might have gave him). We can also all assume that he's trying to take over the world so he can activate these Mental Elevators for something...
From what Euphie said, this means that Cornelia probably didn't kill Lelouche's mother because she was an idol to her. I have a strong feeling the King probably killed Lelouche's mother.
Can anyone confirm if CC was talking to herself? For what we know, she might have telepathy powers, and that she might be affiliated with the King (so he could find the mental elevators for CC). It would make sense, because the military captured CC, and are trying to look for it back. Maybe all that CC wants is to go home with her Geass friends? I don't know...
I also have a feeling that Uranium that Lloyd and Nina talked about will play a big role in those Gawins...
What bothered me the most about the episode was Lelouche's piloting skills. I understand how he would be able to pilot a Knightmare, but a Gawin? He even knew what buttons to press and how to fly.
I wonder what's going to happen to Suzaku. Second offense of treason should be a bigger punishment.
As for the romance part, I support Lelouche and CC. Suzaku would go well with either Kallen, Cecile, or Eupie. I hope Euphie doesn't have any feelings for Lelouche, considering they're both half-siblings.
I liked this part the most:
Schneizel should have fun with this statement.
Anyway, I'd recommend watching the Your-Mom episodes for now, although there was something that wasn't quite right around 19:13-19:22 in episode 19.