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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

  1. #121
    @Yukimura: You don't have to look hard, at least I don't, to find the bunch of mistakes they do.

    @RyougaZell: Please read what I posted carefully. I didn't put words in your mouth, I merely stated that the reason you posted for Shinsen being one of the worst fansubs was crap. I said that what makes them one of the worst is their translation and editing job.

    But you seem to think that they have "nice translations", which couldn't be further from the truth, but whatever.

    Anyways, this thread just went off-topic... No more comments on the matter. You merely misread and misunderstood my entire post.

  2. #122
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    According to this link:

    the possibility of Code Geass being 50 eps long is posible, with a first season (current) ending on april and a second one beginning on fall (october most probably).

    PS: I don't know japanese, someone translated for me. And then I rechecked with babel's semi translation, and the last paragraph does state the rumor.

  3. #123
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    There are few things more worth waiting for right now:

    Episode 12 - gg

    Edit: Quite an interesting episode. Corpses keep piling... Lelouch uses C.C. quite shamelessly for his plots. And why not; she's one of the few people who know his identity. Otherwise I doubt he would really want to risk harming her, even if she seems to be somewhat indestructible. But it made a good scene at the hideout of the old geezer.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 01-08-2007 at 11:01 AM.

  4. #124
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Creepy implied masturbation scene! I guess I can see what events brought about her affection for...her object of affection, but I can't help but find that very wrong in many, many ways.

    Now we've got full-on love square, one formed of respect (Kallen), one of infatuation and sympathy (Shirley), and one just starting from their own personal intimacy (C.C.) [he knows her name, and they both use each other for their own plans a lot]. Lulu is becoming quite the lady-killer.

    So the Empress (I'm guessing that's who she is) of Japan gave Zero the Guren Mk II, and some rival of the Lancelot creator developed it for them. Interesting. Maybe they'll develop countermeasures against the Radiation Wave or something like that. There are a lot of little details like that in this episode. It's hard to remember all of the ones they brought up.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 01-08-2007 at 11:13 AM. Reason: because I fail at knowing my shapes (square vs triangle)

  5. #125
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Creepy implied masturbation scene! I guess I can see what events brought about her affection for...her object of affection, but I can't help but find that very wrong in many, many ways.
    man no kidding i wasnt sure wtf i was looking at, im still not =/
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  6. #126
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Shirley father die in the landslide?

  7. #127
    Excellent episode, developments, developments, developments...I wonder if Lelouch will be able to stomach knowing he killed Shirley's father. From what we've seen he shouldn't care since the father was probably a loyal Britannian and thus probably repulsive to Lelouch, but we don't really know. And the glasses girls actions are way out in left field, but that doesn't mean they won't have significance later.

  8. #128
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Excellent episode, developments, developments, developments...I wonder if Lelouch will be able to stomach knowing he killed Shirley's father. From what we've seen he shouldn't care since the father was probably a loyal Britannian and thus probably repulsive to Lelouch, but we don't really know. And the glasses girls actions are way out in left field, but that doesn't mean they won't have significance later.
    i swear to you im not trying to be a smart ass i would love perhaps even pay dearly to know what significance her actions in this episode could have later.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  9. #129
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im thinking they made that scene to show how freaky that glasses girl is, and how obsessed she has become over the princess. It will probably lead to a situation where she will do something characteristically stupid and freaky because of this obsession in the near future. (eg raping the princess then commiting suicide, or killed by Suzaku) Kidding aside, did I mention I hope she dies soon? Oh I didnt. I hope she dies soon.
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  10. #130
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, we could see Nina stalking Euphie or some other unpleasant twist. I don't see how the two of them would ever meet again, since the only time so far was pure coincidence, but we could see some repercussions of this incident later in the series. The writers have surprised me before a few times already, we'll just have to wait and see.

    In any case, it just shows how deep the writers are willing to go to flesh out all the characters. Nina has never been anything more than a background character and a symbol of the racial tensions between the Britannians and Japanese. She has the attitude any weak member of an occupation has, she lacks the willpower and viciousness to oppress people different from her own, so she is deeply afraid of them. (There are also references to a past event that must have traumatized her). All the characters introduced in this series have been given some pretty decent development, not one of them (except Rival and a few of the Black Knights who never had names) has been completely relegated to the role of support/background character. Millay had the phone call about revitalizing her Family, Nina had the alluded traumatizing incident and this, Viletta the ongoing clues to Zero's identity, etc.

    It may not seem to fit now, but it could be more significant than we realize.

  11. #131
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Oh don’t get me wrong I totally agree I expect her to have a role to play and I expect it to be something tragic and uncharacteristic of her character. Perhaps she will go from being a timid little thing to a homicidal murder. I guess the example that comes to mind was the girl from the first season of Gundam Seed the one that Kira was sleeping with, she kind of went through the same thing. My big shock was the content and or nature of the scene it was just such a shock I would not have even know what it was unless Ryllharu had pointed it out. That scene could have played out 20 different ways with the lights on and both her hands on the table and had the same impact but im still impressed they had the balls to show something like that.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  12. #132
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quite excellent episode.
    The Kyoto girl will probably become a major character soon (we've seen her since ep1 thanks to the intro).
    I didn't expect Shirley's dad dieing there. Was he living on the city or was he a soldier? Either way... I didn't like the last scene... was it a kissing scene?
    Karen is becoming my favorite female character of this show. I hope she lears Zero's identity soon.
    I hate Nina. I seriously do. I haven't hated an anime character since... ever. I hope Karen kills her. I don't see Lelouch doing it, neither Suzaku (he's a wuss that talks big about justice, but sold himself to the enemy. His father dissapointed face on his vision is priceless). Really... I've never disliked a character like I dislike her. I hope they kill her soon.
    Need ep 13...
    BTW... wasn't ep 12 supposed to have a new intro?

  13. #133
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I agree Karen is great, but I love C.C. way more. Im also kind of pissed Lelouch kissed Shirley in the end. I know its probably because he was shocked and filled with guilt, but what he did is only going to complicate matters with shirley in the future. (not to mention with the two other girls interested in him.)

    Still, it was a great development that added a bit more tragedy to the story, as well as humanity on the part of lelouch. Im just loving this series with every episode. If they dont screw it up somewhere, I think this may even become my fave anime series. (which is fairly impressive considering Ive watched around 450 anime titles)

    edit : I wonder how karen wil react when she finds out Zero is Lelouch. Will she like him more or lose interest completely? Hmm...
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  14. #134
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I do like CC (and her infatuation with Pizza Hut (which made a triumphant comeback this ep) ) but I like Karen more. My current wallpaper is her actually.

    Karen's reaction towards Zero's identity is something im looking forward too. She'll be shocked since she thinks Lelouch is a normal bastard britannian (hotdog man, remember?)

  15. #135
    I don't really mind they kiss and I don't think Lulu will have a problem with killing Shirley's father, he'll probably come up with some excuse to lie to himself. I am more for C.C., and I'm still interested by who she is talking to (and who is that weird guy with the visor in the next scene?); anyone should've seen it from a mile away it was C.C. in zero's outfit, but it was really well executed IMO.

    And Nina is just... creepy... I wouldn't have guessed what it was if I hadn't heard it before I watched it...

  16. #136
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I didn't realise they were kissing. I thought they were just hugging: Lelouch comforting Shirley. But now that I watched the scene again, it's totally obvious. Hmm... Well, Shirley should have been in a pretty witless state, so who knows, Lelouch might be able to avert responsibility once he decides he can't leave the rebellion. Since he was so shocked about the dead of Shirley's dad, that should only bolster his wish to keep Zero's business apart from his cover business (being a student and all that jazz), and having a gullible, innocent girlfriend wouldn't help, I think. Could be hard to explain where he's disappearing all the time.

  17. #137
    I noticed a lot of people are creeped out by Nina. To me, she's just another facet of people in the world. Nina's misunderstanding generates irrational fears. They've hinted that she's suffered some kind of trauma in her past. Her lesbian feelings might be a result of emotional scarring (some kind of brutality?). I'm sure we'll see her sidestory soon.

    But back to ep12, we finally get to see Lulu's reflection over his actions. Now that one more of his Britainian friends hates Zero, is he beginning to see the cycle of hate? It brings me to my next question: would Lulu kill his own friend to obtain his goal?

  18. #138
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im not creeped out by Nina, I just hate her. I agree with your analysis on how she represents another facet of people in the world. I hate that facet. I hope she doesnt have a sidestory, or if she does, she should die soon after it finishes (hopefully in like 10 sec, including the backstory)

    I hope Lelouch is not willing to kill his friends to obtain his goal (at least his close friends) since that would be like how Light in Death Note turned out. Its going to be too similar, and I really dont like people who would sacrifice their friends. But if it came down to a choice between his sister and a friend, I guess everyone knows how its going to turn out.

    On another note, it seems that all the girls are starting to like Lelouch, but only the Zero side of him. Karen kind of idolizes Zero and his skill, Shirley said she started to like Lelouch because of how he ignored a small incident from before (since he has bigger plans as Zero) and she was enthralled at the mystery of his thoughts, and C.C. just likes being needed, again by Zero in his plans. None of them really know or care about the side of Lelouch that cares deeply about his sister (what I believe to be his best trait), or his tragic past (which they dont know about).

    This brings me to the question, if Lelouch never thought about revenge or about becoming Zero, would any of the girls still have interest in him? or will the boring Suzaku take the prize?
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  19. #139
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Everyone on the Student Counsel knows how much Lulu loves Nunnaly. The two of them live in that building. Millay has apparently been around the two of them even longer than the others, because her family was the one to take them in. Karen is definitely in love with Zero, but Shirley loves Lulu as he was before he ever got the powers that let him adopt the Zero persona. He acted like he does as Zero before, playing chess to humiliate nobels, planning a grand scheme that would take forever. C.C.'s intervention and granting him the Geas just accelerated his plans. He says as much in one of the episodes, and C.C. was impressed by that.

    C.C. is the only person who really knows every side of Lelouch. She listens to his ambitions, takes part in his plans as Zero, witnesses first hand how he cares for Nunnaly. C.C. (if she likes him at all) likes Lulu as he really is.

    Without the Geas, Shirley would still want to be with Lulu, Karen wouldn't care if he existed (or be dead), C.C. would be back in captivity, and Suzaku would still be boring (or dead).

  20. #140
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What I meant was that Lelouch would have been a completely different person if he had never thought about revenge.(becoming zero is a part of it) I should have said cared only on the part about his concern for Nunnaly (I just realized everyone does know). Thats because the 3 girls like Lelouch for specific reasons, which they either said or are obvious. Shirley mentioned in an episode specifically why she likes Lelouch, and the characteristic that she mentioned is part of the Lelouch who vowed for revenge, who cared about few else, that is why I said she fell in love with the Zero side of Lulu.

    C.C. so far has shown no interest in Lelouch himself, except when he expressed his need for her on eps 11 and 12. I interpret this is the reason she has started developing feelings for him. It doesnt matter that she knows about all his sides. What I meant by Zero isnt just the masked persona he dons, but rather the Lelouch who is bent on revenge. I never said anything about never having geass, since it wasnt geass that changed Lelouch as a person, but his desire for revenge since long ago. The chess playing, grand scheming lelouch was born from this.

    And C.C. definitely likes lulu, or at least has started to like him. It is obvious with the slight change in her demeanor towards lulu.

    Other than that, I think Shirley would treat lulu just as another classmate since without his vengeance plot he would be much less mysterious, Karen wouldnt care if he existed, C.C. (if she still chose Lelouch and gave him geass) wont get the chance to be needed, and simply use lulu and be over with it. Suzaku would still be boring, and so would Lelouch.

    I am of course basing my image of the non revenge seeking Lelouch from how he acts with Nunnaly. I assume since he doesnt want her to be involved, he tries to act as he did even before the tragedy that befell them (the kind Onii-san Lulu).
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