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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

  1. #101
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, it's about the time to have a look at the swimsuits, don't you think?

    Episode 10 - gg

    Edit: Damn, this was one badass episode. Somehow I always like theatrical elements like the "choice" Lelouch gave to his soldiers, after first getting them pretty much trapped and their backs against the wall. And another scene which really fits my tastes was how Lelouch seemingly alone yet full of confidence faced the British trio, but then at the last moment Karen jumps in out of nowhere with the new super Nightmare.

    And of course I simply love how the battles and tactics are planned beforehand and then executed more or less succesfully. Like no doubt in the next episode Lelouch's archenemy Suzaku will save Cornelia, or at least somehow spoil Zero's elaborate plans.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 12-16-2006 at 06:43 PM.

  2. #102
    Another excellent ep, I'm already salivating over the Guren Mk. II vs Lancelot battle that is sure to come. However from the preview it looked like C.C. will use some type of power on Suzaku, so who knows what may happen to him.

  3. #103
    The Guren is a pretty badass machine. I LIKE!

  4. #104
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    A very good episode indeed.
    Karen's new Knightmare is incredible. But I wonder if Jeremiah really died. He was auto-ejected, but Villeta said he had died.

    The reporter guy is already trying to enroll to the Order... a spy? or does he really intend to help Zero?

  5. #105
    Good episode; great planning on Zero's part as usual. That Guren MKII is an interesting mecha, the right arm is like a mini Genesis.

    I'm curious as to what C.C. will give/do to Suzaku next ep.
    And I doubt Jeremiah is dead, it just appears so to Villeta, given Sunrise's track record *cough*GS/D*cough*; heck, Clovis is probably still alive somehow too...

  6. #106
    i've caught up... and i'm kinda happy i managed to wait to have more of this great show to watch back to back... last ep... damn! this is my favourite show right now (well... i still ahve several eps of Death Note to watch tho)...

  7. #107
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Certainly a kickass episode, especially with Karen's new toy. I'd hate to die by her right claw weapon (getting electrocuted or something like that to death has got to HURT). Don't know if Jeremiah is dead, but I feel bad for him frying like that; it wasn't a pretty sight to see (was cringing when I saw his face semi-melting with the blood starting to pour out).

  8. #108
    I think the claw releases heat. It was like the radiation wave thing, but used on a suit.

  9. #109

  10. #110
    See, I told you he's not dead.
    This episode certainly revealed a lot of new things and raised a few questions too, I really like the way it's going; and quite the convienent water drops, huh?

  11. #111
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    A really good episode.
    Wonder what happened to Suzaku though.

    And was Karen jealous when she saw Zero with CC?

  12. #112
    Indeed a good ep, Karen looked quite jealous and I sensed a vicious catfight brewing. Once again Suzaku ruins everyone's plans but I realize now that he always gets punished in one way or another after ruining someone's day. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson soon and stop being such a flaming Kira.

  13. #113
    So I assume CC's name is something along the lines of "Snow White"?

  14. #114
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    I thought it was referring to the water falling, which could refer to a tear.

    Which is like namida or something

    R.I.P Captain America.

  15. #115
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Dunno if this has been asked before.
    But what version you prefer guys? The fan preferred names or the official ones?

    You know..

    Karen vs Kallen
    Nanali vs Nunally
    Rival vs Rivalz

    I kinda prefer the fan ones... the official look... weird...

  16. #116
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Argh, when will SHS-Ureshi release episode 8?
    I hate .mkv-files >_<

  17. #117
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    if SHS stands for Shinsen Subs... in about 6 months.
    They are one of the worst fansubbing groups. They stop releasing episodes for whole months, release one and stop once more.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    if SHS stands for Shinsen Subs... in about 6 months.
    They are one of the worst fansubbing groups. They stop releasing episodes for whole months, release one and stop once more.
    Please, that has nothing to do with making them one of the worst fansubbing groups. If you're going to characterize a group (like shinsen) as one of the worst, at least explain how they have piece of shit translations and editing.

  19. #119
    @MFauli don't knock all the new, I used to avoid mkv's as well but now that I have CCCP I rarely even look at the type of file a release is encoded into.

    As to the Shinsen Releases, my only beef with Shinsen is that they do too much and thus leave some series like CG cold for long periods of time. I haven't noticed that many editing mistakes with their releases like Bud but I don't look all that hard either.

  20. #120
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Please, that has nothing to do with making them one of the worst fansubbing groups. If you're going to characterize a group (like shinsen) as one of the worst, at least explain how they have piece of shit translations and editing.
    And who mentioned anything about shit translations? Please don't put words in my mouth (or in my keyboard?)

    I said they are one of the worst because they lack organization. They try to cover too many series and end doing nothing. They stopped subbing .hack//ROOTS halfway for example, but their page still states its an active project.

    In Code Geass' case, they released 7 eps the same day, November 28, and haven't released anything afterwards. Most likely they will release another batch someday (or never).

    If they can't handle a few series, why try to sub too many? They may have nice translations and everything, but having no organization makes them one of the worst fansub groups on my book. As in the group, not the translations.

    I mean... like GG hasn't made horrible mistakes (like saying "Lelouch orders those of Britannia" instead of "Lelouch vi Britannia" on ep1). But they accept their errors and release regularly.

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