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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

  1. #621
    Who's Sayako again? Can someone screenshot?

  2. #622
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nunally's maid.


    Damn, my massive post was the last one on the page. I hate when that happens.

  3. #623
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    This post contains absolutely no spoilers gleaned from the preview videos the last few weeks. It's all taken from the series so far and a couple random speculations by yours truly.

    Gearing up for the final two episodes of this season, I thought I'd bring back up a few important things I noticed while marathoning the series again the last two days.

    - We know Sayoko plays a bigger role now (since seeing her meeting with Diethard at the festival), but to my embarrassment, we all should have known she was a member of the Black Knights, or would be, since episode 9. During the OP, there are the transitional scenes starting with Cornelia and the royalty and ending with the Order of the Black Knights. The same characters transition in the same spots (Suzaku appearing with the army and then at school, Lelouch turning into Zero, etc). Sayoko appears in the school section and then the Order with an evil scowl. I can't believe I never noticed it, especially that early in the series!
    Wow your right, in the opening she is practically hidden behind all the Order members, I never noticed O.O
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  4. #624
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I never really rewatch an opening Ive already seen, so I didnt see it.
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  5. #625
    With the last two episodes coming soon, anyone have any predictions as to what will happen at the end of season one.

    -No spoilers please -.-
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  6. #626
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The best part about this series is I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen.

    Totally Random speculations (some serious, many not):

    - Lelouch uses the Geass on Cornelia to join him. There's no other way that Cornelia wouldn't be killed, violently and in a Knigtmare fight, now that he's shot Euphie. He wouldn't be able to get any information out of her about Marianne's death otherwise. This would occur after Lelouch has completely dominated Japan.

    - China attacks the "United States of Japan" (bad name choice Lelouch...). We saw the back of a Chinese leader at the end of 23.

    - Nunnally opens her eyes (literally or figuratively). I still fail to see how her eyes were injured in the attack on Marianne. Trapped under her dead body, her eyes are clearly working quite well. When exactly were they injured? Perhaps they didn't show it because it would have been censored, perhaps her eyes "stopped working" because of the mental trauma, but I'm skeptical on how she remains so completely naive. She's still the daughter of the most evil emperor and apparently the strongest/smartest of the Queens, since all the other royal children seemed to love her the most. I bet she's got a secret or two.

    - Zero and C.C. put Suzaku out of the action, only to get beat down hard by Orange-kun.

    - Nina dies, nobody cares, some cheer.

    - Viletta regains her memories, kicks some ass, but sees Ougi and gets all dere-dere again. Torn between her duty and her love, the season ends without giving any new information about these two characters, as usual.

    - Shirley outs Lelouch as Zero, Milly counters the gossip she didn't know about by announcing he's a Prince, Kallen cries.

  7. #627
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Tomorrow huh?
    Hopefully gg will release soon a sub...

    And I totally agree... Nina should die. Preferably by Kallen's hands. Zero should be busy enough with Orange-kun.

  8. #628
    Wow, where are you guys getting your subs? I've already watched the whole season over a month ago. Do you guys wait for a certain sub and DL / watch episodes individually?

  9. #629
    What're you talking about?

  10. #630
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ody
    Wow, where are you guys getting your subs? I've already watched the whole season over a month ago. Do you guys wait for a certain sub and DL / watch episodes individually?
    In case you haven't noticed, read this thread or have been living under a rock....
    Final episodes of Season 1 premier tomorrow at Japan (or today considering time zones)

  11. #631
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    well, my predictions for the last two episodes: (haven't even watched the trailer)

    - Suzaku confronts Lelouch (still thinking he's Zero) and, with the help of newly revived Orange and Viletta, deals some serious blows to the Black Knights. I'm not sure about Viletta's "I love Ougi and will change my wills for him even though I have my memories back"... I'd imagine that occurring in the second 'series', over time... especially if Ougi dies in the upcoming battle.

    -Lelouch does manage to get to Cornelia and Geass her into telling her about his mother, but it'll only create yet another lead as to who exactly in the royal family was responsible for it

    -V.V (or whatever his name is) has a super vague, super foreshadowing conversation with C.C. that won't be really understandable for awhile...

    - Nina dies (please?)

    -The ex-Japanese general guy dies (can't recall his name...) and maybe Ougi too... you need some Black Knights to go down after what happened with Euphie

    almost forgot all about Shirely, Karen and Milly... I think Ryl's prediction is pretty dead-on here, except that I like to think more highly of Karen, and that while she'll have some angst about fighting Suzaku, she'll do her job.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #632
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was half-joking about Milly responding to Shirley outing him as Zero that Lelouch is a Britannian Prince, but Shirley definitely will soon if not these two episodes. As for Kallen, she might. She completely idolizes Zero. She takes a lot of pride in being his personal squad leader. She goes back and forth about how she feels about Lelouch, calling him a coward, weak, arrogant, etc. Tell her the Zero is Lelouch, and she'll respect Lelouch a lot more for clearing himself so early in the series.

    All of the Black Knights and the rest of the populace know Zero isn't Japanese. They don't care about that. But reveal that he's a Britannian Prince, even a deposed one, and the first reaction of nearly anyone would be that the whole thing has been a plot by the royalty. If her idol was outed, Kallen might be deeply hurt by that.

    I think you're right about Viletta though, thinking about it more. Dead on for V.V. and C.C.

  13. #633
    btw... it was said somewhere that Nunally's eyes are due to mental trauma. She's not blind.

    but man... your predictions involve an awful lot to happen in two eps... but that'd be pretty cool

  14. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    In case you haven't noticed, read this thread or have been living under a rock....
    Final episodes of Season 1 premier tomorrow at Japan (or today considering time zones)

    I thought I had seen all 25. Maybe it was only 22 to 23 episodes.

  15. #635
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    My god. The suspense is killing me. Its my BD the 30th. Seems like i'm getting a early present on the 29th. Or hell, maybe even the 30th. C.C. returning! Praise the lord.

    Those are some pretty nice predictions everyone but what I love and hate at the moment is that I have absolutly no idea whats going to happen. I've never been able to predict what Code Geass was going to do before (For example, that little bit with Euphemia) but I know whatever they surprise us with is gonna be good.

    Quote Masa: -V.V (or whatever his name is) has a super vague, super foreshadowing conversation with C.C. that won't be really understandable for awhile...

    I'm willing to put money down on this one.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Fri, 07-27-2007 at 01:55 PM.
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  16. #636
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    How is episode 23 an ending to you? @_@
    The last thing i remembered was Lelouch's geass went out of control and he's in the middle of a war.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  17. #637
    My prediction:

    Kallen and Zero get some sexy time. Zero takes off the mask and surprises Kallen. Then we get a series of "NOO! STOP IT!" followed by a series of "DON'T RESIST! YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!" and capped with a long string of moans.

    At the end the screen fades to black with the words "To be continued..."

  18. #638
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im just hoping C.C. and Lelouch get another scene together.

    Im thinking that the conversation between CC and VV will reveal some important things. Even if there is a second season, they should not end the 1st with only hanging questions. Mystery is good, but if it merely confuses people, it wont work as well.

    I hope the raw is uploaded ASAP, Ive been so deprived of CC that I am fooling myself to thinking that her clone in DTB is her.
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  19. #639

  20. #640
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye. There are a couple of files at Tokyotosho marked as Code Geass #24 RAW...

    Damn. This feels surreal!

    Edit: Raw, that is...

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