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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

  1. #1

    Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

    This seems to be a much anticipated show this season.

    Japan has been invaded and conquered by the Britannic Empire. Japan are now known as "Area 11" and it's citizens known as "elevens." The Britannic Empire takes away Japan's autonomous power and imposes it's rule. The Britannic Empire enforces it's rule through the use of 'Nightmares'. The Empire's rule has never faltered, but cracks have begun to show...[Source: ANN]

    GG - Episode 01

    More info:

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Looks quite interesting, but I have no idea what happened at the end of the episode, and who was the girl, and what was the contract. Well, perhaps something will be explained later.

    But those Britons sure are evil people...

    Edit: Btw, Kikuko Inoue has a role in this series. In the first ep it wasn't that big or a significant looking role, but who knows how it will develop. Nevertheless, she's probably the one voice actress you can't help but recognize...
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 10-15-2006 at 01:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Just watched the first episode, I enjoyed it... I'm pretty sure that the main character will suffer form multiple personalities, which makes that last scene great. The first episode was not great, but it was good enough for me. At least I think the action will be good enough to keep me interested in the series. The episode reminded me of Innocent Venus a bit.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Finally, been waiting for this all week!

  6. #6
    I'm really liking this series, the main character is interesting enough. I thought the action was better in the first episode, but it was still OK on this episode. As the first episode, the final moments of this episode were great too.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    After the second episode this continues to look like a fine series. Whilst the details were very vague in the larger battle in this episode, it's still good there were a part where wits played a role. I hope that trend will continue and it's just not a superior mecha that will solve everything in the future. They did, after all, go through some trouble to make the main character look intelligent with the chess matches and all.

  8. #8
    I just watched it, so far I'm really liking this series. I was afraid it was going to go down similar paths as some other mecha anime *cough*GundamSEED*cough* (with good reason, heck, they're from the same producers) Even thuogh CLAMP is behind the character design, there is quite a few resemblence to characters in Gundam SEED; in appearance and personality. When Lelouch and Suzaku was fighting, I had flashbacks to Kira and Athrun. But it turned out a lot different, and that's good.
    As said before, if this keeps up it'll definately be a very good series.

  9. #9
    Just picked this up and it certainly looks interesting. Mecha/sci-fi blended with some superpower stuff. Don't see this often.

  10. #10
    Wow, just blew through the first two eps in a flash and I'm pretty impressed. While I noticed elements from several other shows, the fact that they seem to have been blended so well is a good sign that this show might rise far above the sum of it's parts.

    It's funny that just today I was just thinking that supernatural and sci-fi/mecha didn't go togeather too often in anime and all of a sudden Arcness suggests I pick this one up. Good call!

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    As if to impress Yukimura even more, the third episode was released:

    Episode 3 - gg

    Edit: Quite an episode. I was actually positively surprised that the super power had such a strict limit. It makes things definitely more interesting. Otherwise the story also proceeds nicely, and it's good to see Lelouch doesn't hesitate to kill his enemies to get to his goals. And even better he had to confess to himself he's not yet such a cold blooded killer, despite what he has done. The script also looks intriguing enough right now, with nice details like how he fooled the girl to think he's not the owner of the mysterious voice on the phone.

    And of course I didn't mind the fan service in this episode...
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 10-29-2006 at 09:38 AM.

  12. #12
    The shower scene was a bit odd. In the beginning Karen was intent on exposing Lelouch and even pointed a "strange" knife at him. But after the phone call she immediately reverted back to her other identity as if nothing happened. She didn't even try to explain what she was doing with the knife and stuff. I expected her to at least threaten Lelouch to keep his mouth shut about what had happened. After that whole thing they just casually walk back together.

    Karen completely blew her cover as an innocent school girl but didn't do anything about it.

  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'd just think it as minimizing the damage. After all, while Lelouch "proved" that he wasn't the commanding voice, it should still be pretty obvious to Karen that he's no fool. If she had tried to come up with lame excuses, it could have made the situation worse, from her point of view. For Lelouch it would have of course been all the same. And I tend to think that people who have personal secrets also know how to respect the secrets of other people, and don't make extra inquiries, unless it's their disposition due to a job or something. Well, I'm like that even without many secrets...

  14. #14
    Just finished watching it; words can not describe my glee, finally! A mecha anime where the pink stuff between the ears is actually put to use... And a character that doesn't just relies on ideals, instead willing to dirty his hand to accomplish his goal.
    I thought Karen not explaining it was a bit weird at first, but I think Karen knows by that point that Lelouch doesn't really care, or he doesn't want to know; something along the lines of don't ask, don't tell, it probably would have turned out differently if Lelouch had kept pressing the issue but he just dropped it.
    Still no news on the green hair girl yet.

  15. #15
    From what I noticed in the scenes with that lab there either was more than one green haired girl or they were flashbacks. I'm hoping there's another one b/c then Lelouch can become the pilot of the badass Nightmare with the green haird girl as his 'Navigator' clenching yet another cliché. For some reason the way this show is being presented makes me want them to add in as many cliches as possible...since I think they'll be well handled.

  16. #16
    I only saw one green haired girl, but there seemed to be multiple "poison gas tanks."

  17. #17
    My guess is there were a bunch of them at one point, but seems like C.C. (the green haired girl's name) is the only one left. I'm guessing those were flashbacks... and is it just me? or is she over 100 years old?
    Assuming it is based on our history, the picture showed her with WWI tanks and airplanes... and assuming that's her in the picture...

  18. #18
    She's likely from another world or dimension, but there's the possibility that she's a science experiment from many many moons ago.

  19. #19
    Im pleasantly surprised by this series, at first I only read the description, maybe I shouldve read past that and then I wouldve seen it had Mecha :>.

    My objections are though, that alot of the scenery is "Flat" in the background. In other words a cheaper animation which couldve given more touch to the storyline and the hopefully intelligent plot.

    Im "happy" that chess is involved, because this series promises to be a combination of brain, humor and fighting. Our lead character is somewhat untouchable. In the sense that I don't really get moved when he sees flashbacks or thinks about his younger and disabled sister. There's little emotion on that part, making him an overall pretty cold character to watch. Hard to attach yourself to him.

    As far as the linked characters go, theyre as flat as could possibly be. Which doesnt mean it has to be a bad story ( Lord of The Rings anyone? ), but so far they dont add much to the athmophere. Im sure it will evolve to be a group of characters that play the main hero roles and another group to play the bad guys. With on both ends a king.

    I cant help myself compare our hero to Light ( Death Note ). This guy could be a partial Anti-hero, except for the fact that the storyline doesnt support us to "doubt" his reasoning. 11's are being slaughtered,so much is clear, thus we cheer for Lelouch. Looking at Light, we have the same characteristics on the path of brainpower and ethics. They don't give jack shit about human lives ( although more about 11's probably ), they both fight for a thing called righteousness and they both think first, shoot next, view the battlefield and withdraw.

    So we have a cold killer, no emotion whatsoever, uses people as he likes, he should be dislikable in every way Light could be seen as dislikable, YET we are forced to see him as a hero by the surrounding plot.

    Lots of talk over just one sentence and I probably repeated myself too, but I cant connect with this hero... yet.

    edit2: I do not see vomiting 1 day after killing that guy as an emotion. Especially because the editors left such a scene out at the moment of the murder. Which couldve made him a little bit more sympathetic.

    edit: *cough* but I like the Mecha's :P
    Last edited by ?igma; Mon, 10-30-2006 at 05:04 PM.

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The main character certainly has anti-hero traits. And being able to sympathize with him or not depends just on your personal disposition and how pure heroes you need. I've come to really appreciate shows with more realistic main characters like this, and not those bulk can't-kill-even-the-worst-enemy-who-wants-to-kill-you heroes. Thus it's my disposition to easily like Lelouch. And no forcing involved.

    edit2: I do not see vomiting 1 day after killing that guy as an emotion. Especially because the editors left such a scene out at the moment of the murder. Which couldve made him a little bit more sympathetic.
    Wasn't that when he watched the TV news? Whatever else he might be, he obiously wasn't a seasoned soldier, and likely when he watched those news he saw for the first time really clearly and objectively what the battle meant aside from politics and tactics. Kind of post-traumatic shock. I think it was a good detail, like I wrote earlier; he wasn't yet a true cold-blooded killer. During the battle he probably had enough epinephrine in his system to outweigh any psychological shocks. So, in the long run this isn't a factor making him more sympathetic, just more human. Although those might be the same things...

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