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Thread: News: North Korea goes nuclear

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  1. #1
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    News: North Korea goes nuclear

    Holy shit. The entire international community is gonna start ripping NK a new one. Not to mention that they're giving Japan the perfect reason to remiliterise. Hell not even China will be able to defend them now.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    It's a strange country. The people are starving and they invest their meager resources in a nuclear weapons program. However, I don't really see a war starting over there, unless started by the apocalyptic goverment of North Korea itself. Still, I can't see how this would help them in any possible way. Surely other countries won't give them more food aid because they completed the first crucial phase of the nuke program. Quite the contrary.

    The ones suffering most as a consequence will be the brainwashed, poor population of that country. It's a negative miracle of an iron fist totalitarism that they haven't overthrown their own goverment already.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    However, I don't really see a war starting over there, unless started by the apocalyptic goverment of North Korea itself.
    In all respect I would have to disagree. North Korea would not strike first unless facing an imminent attack upon them. The ideology of the North Korean government is what they call "Juche" and to summarize it is basically self-reliance. The main reason for North Korea perusing nuclear weapons is as a deterrent from an attack upon them. Kim Jong-il is fearful of losing his power to an invasion by the United States and the security of his dictatorship has been an upmost concern in previous negotiations. However, North Korea has been very willing to sell its technology to anyone with enough money and that fact would very likely the reason if any that a war is started.

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Perhaps you are right. I don't consider that technology trade a reason big enough to risk a war against a nuke dictatorship, but I'm not sure if I did believe even in this latest war against Iraq years ago. I guess the threshold of starting a war is in reality much lower than I like to think.

  5. #5
    Not to fear my friends, after collaborating with my pal the conspiricy nut we (really him, but he wouldn't shut up so I had to keep listening) have come to this conclusion. North Korea is apparently acting as the proxy of China, who is looking to pull a Japanese Empire and conquer Asia. With a nuclear North Korea and it's 1.2 million man army as it's puppet China could launch attacks against South Korea to push the US out and gain control of the SK economy and resources (smart people). Once this is done, they could go after Taiwan and perhaps start moving on other Southeast Asian countries. This would either be before or after bombing Japan in one way or another and securing it's either surrender or destruction. Once all the technological power houses are under it's control a move into India was contemplated (this is where I really started begging him to leave me alone as invading India is about as smart as invading Russia in my opinion). In all this I told him that the US would be hard pressed to get the people behind another war off on some foriegn shores that didn't directly affect their daily lives. Because of this, as ong as US troops weren't targeted (another massive whole in this plot) China and North Korea could likely conquer much of East Asia with little resistance. He also brought up Iran's very friendly ties with China when I offered that the Muslim world wouldn't enjoy another superpower right on their doorsteps. We/He came to the conclusion that the US wouldn't get involved until it really started affecting out lives, as no more nice shirts or Dockers pants would come be coming out of Vietnam or Cambodia.

    Now obviously this theory is pretty insane and unlikely, but hey who knows. North Korea gets a lot of aid from China, and the Chinese were informed about the test before it occured, maybe the reason they aren't as up in arms as others think they should be is b/c they have an ulterior motive...

  6. #6
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Interesting theory posted above. I think the real fear here, for China, Russia, and the US, is the threat of a militarized, potentially nuclear Japan...

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