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Thread: Naruto 202-204

  1. #21

    is this arc over...?

    before i d/l this special i wanted to know if the arc was only these three eps or not, ? rather watch the whole arc all at the same time.

  2. #22
    The arc is longer than these three eps ; p

  3. #23
    Speculation (spoilers of Ep 202-204, duh):

    -Their clan was planning against Konoha, probably an usurping or something, and the third discovered their intentions.

    -The clan planned to use Yamakos powers for their malicious intentions.

    -Yamakos parents were "good guys" and went against the rest of the clan, so they were killed to get them out of the way and give the clan access to Yamakos powers.

    -The third decided that the best way to avoid a civil war was to seal Yamakos powers, and place her in Kurenais care, trying to keep the whole incident under wraps.

  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Yakumo is the bad guy. They never explained her smirk when she hugged Kurenai. Yay, finally someone acknowledged Sakura's non-existent skills as a medical ninja. Go Sakura!

  5. #25
    Well hopefully the fillers will ends soon judgeing from the intro/ending. Theyt both made it seem like the fillers will end soon and begining the episode with naruto thinking of jiraya is a plus in that direction. Hopefully this is the last arc that would just be awesome.

    I didnt like these episodes much because they used the same genjutsu over and over again it was getting pathetic. You would think being masters of genjutsu they would have multiple jutsu's at thier disposal.

  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
    I didnt like these episodes much because they used the same genjutsu over and over again it was getting pathetic. You would think being masters of genjutsu they would have multiple jutsu's at thier disposal.
    True, and it just showed how inconsistent genjutsus are. It was stupid.

  7. #27
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromas
    Speculation (spoilers of Ep 202-204, duh):

    -Their clan was planning against Konoha, probably an usurping or something, and the third discovered their intentions.

    -The clan planned to use Yamakos powers for their malicious intentions.

    -Yamakos parents were "good guys" and went against the rest of the clan, so they were killed to get them out of the way and give the clan access to Yamakos powers.

    -The third decided that the best way to avoid a civil war was to seal Yamakos powers, and place her in Kurenais care, trying to keep the whole incident under wraps.
    The old guy mentioned something about manipulating her so that scene with Karanai and the Third was maybe Genjutsu to turn her against the village. Her power was prob sealed cause it's the cause of her illness. And man Genjutsu fights are boring.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  8. #28
    There's a thing I don't understand... Wasn't last week episode the "Naruto 202"? How come this week they call the 90 min special "Naruto 202-203-204"? There are two episode 202???

  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conders
    Not half bad in my oppinion acctually... And I believe that this do show the stop of fillers is in sight, not just because of the ending, but also because they showed a bit of Kurenai's past... It was only the part related to the episode, but I don't belive the filler creators can make up people's past when it's a non-filller character?

    Sorry if there are som typeoes but I'm pretty tired : p
    Not necessarily.....
    A person's past covers a time span much longer than you'd ever actually see from any manga/movie/tv show.....until there's something like a real live "Truman Show" at least.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monomate
    There's a thing I don't understand... Wasn't last week episode the "Naruto 202"? How come this week they call the 90 min special "Naruto 202-203-204"? There are two episode 202???
    "Edit: Strange note, former episode 202 the Best Five Bouts episode is no longer considered part of the series run by Studio Pierrot. Meaning 203 has now become 202."

    This was on the front page of Leaf Ninja

    EDIT: Now it seems as though it's changed back to 203-204-205

    "Edit 2: Stranger note, former episode 202, the Best Five Bouts episode, is now considered episode 202 again on Studio Pierrot’s official site. Weirdness."
    Last edited by fahoumh; Tue, 10-10-2006 at 08:02 PM.

  11. #31
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Dang, pretty good episode(s), especially for filler. I watched all 3 episodes without stopping, it was that involving and kept me wondering what was going to happen next. So far it has a good, somewhat thought-out storyline with suspense and questions. The arc star being Kurenai really helps. Wow, she's a babe. They really need to develop her character in the main story more. I'd like to see some good cosplay of Kurenai! It's weird that Asuma hasn't made an appearance, since those two are probably close. I also like how they're again using each character's techniques to progress the storyline and action sequences, instead of having team members just tag along.

    I don't like how people here are griping about repeat use of genjutsu techniques. It's not a deal breaker, so quit yer whinin'.

    And Sakura played a big part in these episodes, which was cool too.

    Episode(s) score: B+/A--

    I would pay BIG MONEY for that painting of Kurenai with the light beam through her heart. I'd hang that in my den.
    Last edited by Animeniax; Tue, 10-10-2006 at 02:50 AM.

  12. #32
    Anime, just take a screenshot or something. XD

    I don't know about the arc with Anko, but the makers of Naruto are screwing themselves bigtime if they're going to make an arc of every single jounin in the series. Even Sasuke himself didn't even get more than two or three episodes, and that was just a majority of them. Things were happening in the backrgound. Sooner or later Kishimoto is going to say something like, "What! I wanted Anko to really be a blah-blah-blah! But you guys blah-blah-blah!" Or something like that.

    But then again, this isn't really the "history" of Kurenai as we're tending to name it. It's just something that happened in the past. Not more than two or three years ago. I stlil havn't heard any personal information about Kurenai: parents, hometown, siblings... When it all comes down to it, everything we've seen for the past one and a half years or so was just BS that is as unmemorable as some random cosplay event for Fullmetal Alchemist. God help me if we start having intense debates about what's-his-face and the magical curry potion. Oh, looks like I already forgot his name.

    Is it just me, or do all the filler character's faces blend together real easy?

  13. #33
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
    I don't know about the arc with Anko, but the makers of Naruto are screwing themselves bigtime if they're going to make an arc of every single jounin in the series. Even Sasuke himself didn't even get more than two or three episodes, and that was just a majority of them. Things were happening in the backrgound. Sooner or later Kishimoto is going to say something like, "What! I wanted Anko to really be a blah-blah-blah! But you guys blah-blah-blah!" Or something like that.
    It's also entirely possible that he'd also go, "Anko? I used her in like 3 episodes. 2 years ago. You want to go into her past? Go nuts. I wasn't gonna bother. I still have a half a dozen gennins I still have to write traumatic flashbacks for."

  14. #34
    Genjutsu fights really are kind of boring too.

    ZOMG pea pod attack!

  15. #35
    Wow, the whole time I was watching this I was really feeling the clichéness of the fillers. Even while the story was pretty good Naruto's actions and the things that happened to him were essentially just comic relief.

    Once again Naruto is blindly sticking his head into places it doesn't belong and in the majority of the eps before the fillers started he didn't do that. Sure he was obnoxious and pushy, but he wouldn't just randomly go and start trying to dictate how jounin should live their lives. He even expressed boredom and dissatisfaction with training by himself....he's been training by himself most of the show, though he almost never seems to improve through training in this fashion he sohould be used to it by now and not acting all depressed about it. In my opinion the fillers do seem to be getting somewhat better storywise, however nearly everything the has to do with Naruto's charachter is just childish idealistic BS. Amazingly he's the main reason I didn't like this filler, instead of the recurring genjutsu theme (which makes sense in so much as the plant binding thing obviously works, so why shouldn't as many people as possible use it?).

  16. #36
    i find the reocuring genjutsu to be boring and stupid. genjutsu is supposed to play with you mind, and a lot of the time you arent even supposed to know your trapped in genjutsu. but this plant theme is like, "oh i dont see the first hokage anywhere, this must be genjutsu!" i mean what happened to the tricky stuff like the "lucky" guys did in the chuunin exam, or the mind control itachi put on the hot chick, or the down right mind fuck that tayuya did to shikamaru? instead is all tenticle rape with a crap load of othe phalic symbolism. (anybody notice the flower kureinai came out of)

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by RasenDori
    i find the reocuring genjutsu to be boring and stupid. genjutsu is supposed to play with you mind, and a lot of the time you arent even supposed to know your trapped in genjutsu. but this plant theme is like, "oh i dont see the first hokage anywhere, this must be genjutsu!" i mean what happened to the tricky stuff like the "lucky" guys did in the chuunin exam, or the mind control itachi put on the hot chick, or the down right mind fuck that tayuya did to shikamaru? instead is all tenticle rape with a crap load of othe phalic symbolism. (anybody notice the flower kureinai came out of)
    I'm glad I wasn't the only one noticing the sexual innuendo.

    Did it bug anyone else that Naruto said TAJUU kage bunshin no jutsu and only 5 clones came out? It should be at least 20 if he goes through the trouble of saying tajuu.

  18. #38
    Dang, pretty good episode(s), especially for filler. I watched all 3 episodes without stopping, it was that involving and kept me wondering what was going to happen next. So far it has a good, somewhat thought-out storyline with suspense and questions. The arc star being Kurenai really helps. Wow, she's a babe. They really need to develop her character in the main story more. I'd like to see some good cosplay of Kurenai! It's weird that Asuma hasn't made an appearance, since those two are probably close. I also like how they're again using each character's techniques to progress the storyline and action sequences, instead of having team members just tag along.

    I don't like how people here are griping about repeat use of genjutsu techniques. It's not a deal breaker, so quit yer whinin'.

    And Sakura played a big part in these episodes, which was cool too.

    Episode(s) score: B+/A--

    I would pay BIG MONEY for that painting of Kurenai with the light beam through her heart. I'd hang that in my den.
    I'm glad thare's at least one person who agrees with me... I noticed everyone on this topic was only talking bad things about this ep so far.
    This filler was really good.... Compared to the Star Village Arc, this filler is wonderful...
    I don't think the genjutsu battles are THAT boring... They're kinda good, because in 200 episodes of Naruto, genjutsu wasn't explored very well by Kishi and the filler writers. And of course it's a good excuse to see these animators work a bit more, because these last Naruto eps are having such bad animation.

  19. #39
    Sigh, and I who had my hopes up that the fillers would end, but it looks like yet another crappy filler arc is getting in the way of joy.

  20. #40
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    Did it bug anyone else that Naruto said TAJUU kage bunshin no jutsu and only 5 clones came out? It should be at least 20 if he goes through the trouble of saying tajuu.
    that also bugged me, why the hell say Tajiuu if you are just going to make only 5 clone!??! that stupid

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