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Thread: New series thread format

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005

    New series thread format

    Maybe I'm a bit of a rule freak, but I've been thinking, mainly after being treated for so long with Bud's nice and complete new series threads (that I have shamelessly plagiarized in the couple of threads I've made), that perhaps there could be somewhere a model, a kind of rude format, for those threads.

    Now, aside from Bud's excellent threads, we have occasionally introduction threads that may contain nothing but a sentence like: "xxxxx is a cool series. Anybody has seen it?". No links, no description quotes from anywhere. And those threads will still remain as the main threads for those series for as long as the series air and even much longer for some choice series. And new people looking for cool new series will never learn anything (but spoilers from later on) from those threads.

    It would also raise the overall quality of the General anime if all new series threads did contain approximately the same kind of basic things:

    • Description.
    • Official site link.
    • Info links (anidb, ANN).
    • Possible first episode sub or trailer link.
    • Thread maker's own impressions if he has already seen the first ep.

    Bud is unarguably the master of these threads here, and his new series threads are clear and pretty much all follow the same kind of format. Also, as is evident by the fact 80% of those threads are made by him, he gladly makes them. Thus I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it was said somewhere that clearly poor new series threads would be edited by him to follow the format somewhat. That is, of course, if he doesn't consider that unethical or a bother.

    Well, I'll leave this suggestion for the higher powers to ponder, if it seems wise at all.

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    lol, i think you're on to somethin here krac. but it's silly to enforce such a rule. Part of the magic of the general anime forums is how certain anime topics rise and fall in popularity and how much of a fanbase they gain on the forums.

    the first post on a thread doesn't draw people as much as the sheer volume of people viewing and participating in the thread draws in newcomers.

    BUT, on the other hand, I do think that having a nice summary/preview of the show in General Anime threads is most worthwhile, especially in the front of the post.

    However, asking so much of Budweineken is not fair. So I propose to do the following:

    If anyone here wants a new and better Intro to an anime to be posted at the front of a particular anime thread, let me know and I'll edit and bump that thread so that people will notice the new introduction and hopefully get drawn into the show. Most importantly, I will only do this if there is NOT a current summary of the show on the first post. None of the original post will be removed, only helpful additions added. I'll also be doing the same for the manga threads.

    so send em in if you're serious about this. but if people aren't willing to sit down and type out a good one to add to the thread, i dont think calling on any particular user to fill in that thread is fair.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    However, asking so much of Budweineken is not fair.
    Hmm... I thought Bud Bauer works best and most efficiently when he's asked to save no less than the whole country in just 24 hours... >_>

    But yeah, I see your point. Those discussion threads with lots of posts undoubtly draw more attention, and naturally are staying on top more easily. It's just that the whole reason why I made this suggestion is that most of the current series I'm watching I pick based on the threads here at gotwoot, and so it's easier if all the info is already there when I visit the thread, so it's not just the name of the series.

    Although I have no idea if I'm the only one or if others also use gw to choose their new shows. If there are any significant number of people doing this, then this could be justifiable. And it doesn't take much time to find that info.

    But I agree there's no need for an actual rule like this. That would be a bit too Prussian discipline. A sticky thread might be the only option, but I don't think this would be important enough for such a cluttering thing...

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