Maybe I'm a bit of a rule freak, but I've been thinking, mainly after being treated for so long with Bud's nice and complete new series threads (that I have shamelessly plagiarized in the couple of threads I've made), that perhaps there could be somewhere a model, a kind of rude format, for those threads.
Now, aside from Bud's excellent threads, we have occasionally introduction threads that may contain nothing but a sentence like: "xxxxx is a cool series. Anybody has seen it?". No links, no description quotes from anywhere. And those threads will still remain as the main threads for those series for as long as the series air and even much longer for some choice series. And new people looking for cool new series will never learn anything (but spoilers from later on) from those threads.
It would also raise the overall quality of the General anime if all new series threads did contain approximately the same kind of basic things:
- Description.
- Official site link.
- Info links (anidb, ANN).
- Possible first episode sub or trailer link.
- Thread maker's own impressions if he has already seen the first ep.
Bud is unarguably the master of these threads here, and his new series threads are clear and pretty much all follow the same kind of format. Also, as is evident by the fact 80% of those threads are made by him, he gladly makes them. Thus I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it was said somewhere that clearly poor new series threads would be edited by him to follow the format somewhat. That is, of course, if he doesn't consider that unethical or a bother.
Well, I'll leave this suggestion for the higher powers to ponder, if it seems wise at all.