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Thread: New Bleach opening

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    New Bleach opening

    I made this topic here because there isn't an Open Discussion. If you haven't see the new opening, you can here:

    Now, after watching this, there isn't any direct spoilers in it, like with them adding the few pictures of the Arrancar and such in the opening, but a lot of what's happening here reminds me of a lot of the recent events in the Manga. It really does look like it's vaguely showing the future events. Ichigo vs his Hollow (in his world to top things off), a lot of imagery in general about Ichigo and his hollow, Orihime breaking down (and being hugged from behind from someone with a sinister smile... guesses?) We also see Aizen. And glimpses of what appears to be intense fights with some Captains, including Hitsuyga's Bankai, on a very dark knight.


    EDIT: One person on the comments even mentions they saw Grimmjaw, but I wasn't able to see him. Anyone else have better luck?
    Last edited by Vegechan; Wed, 10-04-2006 at 11:35 PM.

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