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Thread: Pumpkin Scissors

  1. #121
    Oh I didn't know there will be more episodes after this season.

  2. #122
    Benevolent Dictator
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    oh, we don't either. Haven't you been paying attention to the last page or so?

  3. #123
    Yeah BoC, haven't you read what we've been posting about for the last few pages?

    Final episode of what is hopefully season 1:

    The final frame of the episode:

    So that we may meet again!
    By the way, great episode. I didn't have high hopes for this episode, but the episode ended up being quite nice.
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 03-20-2007 at 05:33 AM.

  4. #124
    Benevolent Dictator
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    A festivus for the restivus:
    standard-def h264 version
    Xvid version

    As expected, Leonir defines the term "badass with a butterknife" ...

    I was happy with this episode. Definitely hoping they pull out another season or two for the rest of the story ... it seems to just sort of beg to be told.

  5. #125
    Hehe, I was waiting for someone to mention Leonir and the butterknife. And did we get a glipse of the low tolerance to alcohol from Alice in any earlier episode, I don't quite remember but I think it has been mentioned before or something?

    I really can't wait to see Orland against the Silver Wheel, I wonder how he's going to handle them. Orland is too slow, and not only are these guys fast, they seem very destructive. I can't expect to see any other members of Section 3 "powering-up", so at the moment their future seems very bleak.

  6. #126
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It does seem that section 3 is overloaded with strength. Orland is obvious, and Alice needs a lot of room to use her stronger sword techniques.

    Oreld and Machs seem more like intelligence officers than being able do to much of anything physical. Maybe that will help Section 3 more than anything.

  7. #127
    Wait, you actually think Section 3 is overloaded with strength, especially compared to the Silver Wheel?

  8. #128
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Strength versus speed. I didn't mean actual numbers, where the Silver Wheel is FAR superior. Just combat styles between the individuals we've seen.

    The masked guy and Leonir are both very fast blade fighters, while Orland is overwhelming (via the Lantern and the Door Knocker), and Alice's double blade is not particularly fast in comparison to the Silver Wheel members we've seen, but due to its weight, is very powerful.

    I was speculating on a lot of one-on-one fights.

  9. #129
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I think the silver wheel is a little more subtle than to end up in what amounts to a tournament with Section 3. At least, I'll give them more credit for it than that ...

    I'm interested in what their real motives and intentions are. It's pretty obvious that they're not particularly in favor of the status quo, and they're not particularly in favor of Alice's reconstructed world either. Are they just discordians?

  10. #130
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I wasn't implying a tournament, but this season was all single fights in isolated areas, so I assumed the rest of the story would be the same. One flamethrower guy, single tanks, etc.

  11. #131
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The greatest question left in my mind after this episode was what Leonir really felt and wanted. In the earlier episodes it had indeed looked like he was genuinely interested in Alice romantically, but what he said in this final episode made it look like he is looking forward to having her as an opponent in the schemes Silver Wheel seems to exists for - and Pumpkin Scissors fights against.

    Of course it could be for Leonir those two are the same thing. He certainly gave the kind of impression he wants challenges and not easy victories. Maybe fighting against Alice (in a broader sense and not sword fighting) would be for him what more traditional courting would be for some regular guys. I hope the next season, if such is really coming, would have something along those lines. I still simply can't see Alice and Orland together as a romantic pair.

  12. #132
    I really hope there's another season.... So many things left unanswered.

  13. #133
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    A good final episode. Although at first I was dissapointed Section I didn't interfer. But then to be revelead that not only Leonir, but also the Marquis where in league with Silver Wheel saved the episode.
    Overall good series, that desperately needs a 2nd Season.

  14. #134
    In the end…I didn’t get the feeling of completeness at all, just like with Trinity Blood…..but still….

    As far the animation production went, everything went neat.

    Character development was done fine (at least for Randel and Alice). However, Randel’s dark past was never fully explained for some un-holy reason. Quite a disappointment, since he was the most interesting character of the bunch. Alice was fine, but uninteresting. I wasn’t really that interested in her past or her. The other characters were OK, but nothing especial…well except the wacky woman doctor (The one that made Randel the way he is; she seemed quite interesting character, but…she was just lost somewhere in the middle) and Leonir (he looked stable most of the time, but at the end…he just seemed quite mess up rather than well)

    In all, the series started great, but in the end nothing was fully explain; a lot was left in the air which was quite a disappointment (that’s if a second season isn’t made)…still there is no doubt I enjoyed it.

  15. #135
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    um, do you really think there wont be another season`?

  16. #136
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Woah, thats a long time and noone replied ^^
    Anyway, being remembered by that new anime, is there word about a 2nd PS-season? The ending really wasnt a conclusion at all, so i would have thought somethings coming.

  17. #137
    Hard to say, you never know they've plans to do something until they announce it. Anime seem content to leave stories unfinished. The other thing, was the anime loyal to the manga? From what I can tell, only 9 volumes have come out in Japan and I'm willing to bet that that's just about enough content to make one season (which we already have).... so until Japan releases more content, I can't see a second season coming, and that's assuming that the anime was loyal to the manga.

    Library War is reminding you about this right?

  18. #138
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Anime covered a little more than 5 volumes of manga content, so if it's to continue, I'd imagine they'd need another 5-6 volumes. Which means about the time volume 11 wraps up would be a good time to start, depending on how dense the material is.

    If only 9 volumes are out ... no idea, but that'd probably be like 2 more years before we'd see that next set animated, minimum.

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