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Thread: Kiddy Grade 2

  1. #1

    Kiddy Grade 2

    For all you Kiddy Grade fans:

    Kiddy Grade 2 (2006-10-04 11:36:29)
    During the 35th Episode of the The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - SOS Dan Radio show, Aya Hirano announced that a second season of Kiddy Grade was in the works and that it would focus on what happens to Eclaire and Lumiere after the events of the first season. No other details are available.

    For those of you who haven't seen the first series:
    Here's a torrent for it:

    ES members Éclair and Lumière once were involved in a battle to decide the fate of the galaxy. They prevailed and peace was restored to the galaxy. Now, several years later, the galaxy once again stands on the brink of chaos. This conflict will see the dawn of two new heroines; Asukuuru and Kufiiyu.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 03-29-2007 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    A four year old series getting a new season?

    Kiddy Grade is one of my favorite series, but I wonder if the new season is being made partly because Aya Hirano is so popular lately. Coming off the high-profile series' she's been in and her record sales of the Haruhi singles. I'll look forward to it anyway.

  3. #3
    If you haven't watched Kiddy Grade yet, there's a bot in #kickassanime @ with it.

    Here's a torrent for it:

    I think the great majority of the members here are fairly new to anime, so they haven't seen the first series... hopefully with these sources some people can catch up so we can have more discussion once season 2 comes out. It's not a great series, but it's a fun series to watch with some cool action and characters... I think many of you here will enjoy it though, and really like it.

    Anyways, there also seems to be a movie trilogy being made with footage from the first series, re-edited and with new footage also.

    I still don't have any info regarding when Kiddy Grade 2 will start.

    Regarding Kiddy Grade 2... it doesn't seem like Lumiere and Eclaire will be the major characters. I hope they do show though... they're probably promoting it like Gundam SEED Destiny was promoted, where many thought that Kira wouldn't show up in the series and such.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 03-29-2007 at 09:26 AM.

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I was about to post that this was announced some months ago... but then I noticed your post states it as news from last october... hehe...

    This is actually one of those future series I am looking forward too. The (now) 'first season' was good, full of twists, so many in fact I got confused a lot.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was indeed a good and enjoyable series, and I wouldn't mind a sequel. I should redownload the first season as my files are apparently from some poor ripper, and they are barely holding together, causing annoying problems with subtitles if not audio as well. But I just hate redownloading...

    Well, I only barely remember the major parts of the first season, so I should rewatch at least the ending before starting with a second season. I have little recollection of the characters and how they ended up at the end.

  6. #6
    I think I may have to do the same... I don't remember well what was so special about Eclaire's character, like her being immortal or being some sort of clone or some shit... Also need to check if there were some sort of plot that wasn't resolved that may resurface on this new series.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I actually remember the series pretty well. It closed off pretty well. I thought that most if not all the issues had been resolved, mostly thanks to their boss Eclipse's power, as well as some extreme uses of Eclair and Lumiere's powers.

    I'd elaborate, but I suppose spoiling as a recap would be against the rules.

  8. #8
    Na', you can talk about it here... just make sure you put some spoiler warnings for those that haven't seen the first series and make sure you only discuss things from the first series, nothing from the manga and such. So, give us a good recap if you would...

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Okay. If you're giving me the go ahead. I've never actually seen the manga, so that's why I've been looking forward to this sequel. I'll hit the key points of the series.

    Series 1 Recap (spoilers of season 1):

    The earlier parts of the series are all introductory. Introducing each of the teams, Eclair and Lumiere, Sinistra and Dextera, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Viola and Cesario, Alv and Dvergr, and Un-ou and A-un. All of these teams work under the G.O.T.T., the trade organization for the galaxy. Each team serves under Eclipse, the director of their special division in the GOTT. Eclair and Lumiere work at the Reception Desk, though they are really within the special division.

    The only characters who matter are Eclair and Lumiere, Alv and Dvergr, and Eclipse. Lumi has the power to control machines, Eclair has super-human strength when she wears lipstick, Alv and Dvergr both possess the Absorb power. In the mission where Alv and Dvergr are first shown, Alv comments on how weak Eclair is as they display their considerable powers.

    When Eclair and Lumiere are required to help the Nobility suppress a commoner uprising, Eclair sympathizes with the obviously suffering commoners, who are used for very cheap labor. During a fairly peaceful protest that Eclair is charged to stop, the Nobility orders Eclair to stop them. When she refuses, the nobility fires on the crowd. In anger, Eclair sends out a literal burst of power, and the nobility are driven off the planet as a result. "Power" has been her true power all along, it was only suppressed.

    From this, Eclair and Lumiere effectively declare war on the GOTT. A great deal of effort is put in to stop Eclair before she can get back to GOTT headquarters. Memories start flooding back to Eclair, who apparently has a considerable rebellious streak in her past. The visions she sees are people who are her, yet do not look like her. Past lives. Eclair and Lumiere assault GOTT headquarters, and with Eclair's newly remembered power, she easily defeats all the other teams, and assassinates her boss, Eclipse.

    Eclair becomes the Director, and changes into a tyrant. Other teams are removed or attempted to be assassinated. Obvious clones of Eclair and Lumiere appear, Eclair's new enforcers for the GOTT. One of them appears to gain a conscience, and runs away. While chasing after that clone, Eclair and Lumiere are attacked by...none other than a person claiming to be Eclair (though it's pretty obvious it is her, from the way she acts). The "new" Eclair accuses the Tyrant Eclair of really being Alv, who is eventually revealed. Alv had assassinated Eclipse. Then when things are turning their worst, Eclipse herself shows up once more, and reminds Alv that Eclipse's power is to reincarnate people into fresh bodies, over and over again throughout the centuries, and Eclair and Lumiere have been working with her for the longest. Alv and Dvergr appear to be completely destroyed.

    Eclair quickly comes to terms with the darker aspects of her past. Normal friends (not the special division) that Eclair worked with get adjusted to her new form. While she and Lumiere adjust to their new bodies, there are some problems with Lumiere, that are solved within an episode or two.

    A man from Earth, true home to all Nobility in the galaxy shows up, Chevalier d'Autriche. He wants to stop Eclair for a reason that is not initially revealed. [I remember these details more sketchily.] Somehow, a giant robot/battleship is developed, with large banks that can absorb any matter and convert it to energy. Alv and Dvergr show up once more, Alv with a huge scar on one eye. Chevalier eventually reveals himself to be Eclair's son, from one her previous reincarnations, though it remains unclear whether he was adopted or biologically hers. Alv gets absorbed into the battleship, but due to her own powers, merges with the battleship. During an attempt to stop her, Eclair and Lumiere get absorbed as well. However, they reappear, and Lumiere reveals her own powers were not to simply control machines, but to control all Particles within the universe. Alv is eventually defeated, begins drifting into the sun, and Dvergr reveals that she is in fact Alv's mother. She goes to her daughter (the merged battleship), and the two of them die together.

    Eclair and Lumiere are once more given new bodies, as well as Chevalier (who is turned into a baby, since he only wanted to be cared for by his mother, to free her from the cycle Eclipse has put her in). The series ends with the two once again manning the Reception Desk.

    End of spoilers
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 03-30-2007 at 04:54 AM.

  10. #10
    Damn, you went all out with that recap, thanks... Saved me 5GB+ worth of redownloading... Made me think if I had really watched the series, as I couldn't even remember half of what you mentioned. Well I do hope KG2 brings back Eclaire and Lumiere somehow, even if it's just for a couple of episodes.

  11. #11


    Well we all know how long they have lived right??

    i was thinking the changed so many time's already zo why woulnd they change there name's as well.
    i mean in (the now) S1 eclaire and lumiere changed there body's as you can se in some eps so why not

    it says NEW heroëns but for all we know at te end of the serie it them again

    i hope its as good as KG1 but we'll just have to wait and see.

  12. #12
    Yeah, that's a big possibility, but I don't think they'll go that way... I think we'll see two entirely new characters to keep things fresh with Lumiere and Eclair doing an appearance either at the end of the first episode, or a couple of episodes in.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The way the first series went, we largely know everything about Eclair, and most of the things about Lumiere. Eclipse recruits in new people all the time (one of the teams was a long-time enemy of Eclair and Lumi during one of their incarnations), so I'd actually be more interested to see a new pair, with new powers and new overused catchphrases.

    Just like with the third series of Nanoha, it's strange to be used to one set of characters in a franchise and have a new set shoved on to you, but if the characters are fully developed, a change is usually a good thing. It at least keeps it from going stale.

  14. #14
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    More of a long promo that gave us zero information about the new girls, but it looks absolutely amazing. Where to even begin? It does seem that they'll cut away from the old series by killing a lot of the old cast off during a spectacular battle. But it is Kiddy Grade, so some people don't always stay dead. I did like the clip of loli-Eclair beating soldiers/robots up on the shuttle with an adult Lumi sighing at her lack of form as a proper lady. A flashback perhaps.

    So I guess the silver haired one can teleport, and I really have no idea what the purple haired one's power is supposed to be. Ascule and Kufiiyu (whichever one is which).

  16. #16
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Here I was thinking they were Lumiere and Eclair with yet another makeover....
    Ascule and Kuffiyu are their names then?

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I've heard a lot of different variations of the spellings of their names:

    Asukuuru and Kufiiyu, Ascule and Que Feuilles, etc. I imagine that the second spellings are the correct ones, since Lumiere and Eclair are both French as well, but two-word names don't look right to me, so for now I'll go for a mixed version.

    The silver-haired younger looking one is Ascule, and the purple haired one is Kufiiyu/Que Feuilles.

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