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Thread: TV: Dexter

  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusanagi
    Well technically that girl did go psycho and kill that guy, so someone did die it just wasn't by Dexter's hand.
    Technically he could have been dead before the episode started. What now?!

  2. #102
    Has anyone watched s03e05!!??

    Crazy episode and what happens at the end!! I kinda of saw it coming but didn't think it would be like that.

    And then seeing the preview, tripped me out a little.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    Has anyone watched s03e05!!??

    Crazy episode and what happens at the end!! I kinda of saw it coming but didn't think it would be like that.

    And then seeing the preview, tripped me out a little.
    I don't think I could've sum up my feelings for the episode any better. Looking forward for next episode, it looks great. I don't know how I feel about Prado yet... but I think it's a cool development.

  4. #104
    man, friggin awesome...i totally did not expect things to go this way. i hope miguel's character sticks around and isn't disposed of at the end of the season.

  5. #105
    So.. Do you guys think the skinner is someone we've already seen or someone that hasn't been shown yet? I guess that new treecutter clue implies that it's just a random guy.. if it leads to anything at all.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Xrlderek
    So.. Do you guys think the skinner is someone we've already seen or someone that hasn't been shown yet? I guess that new treecutter clue implies that it's just a random guy.. if it leads to anything at all.
    At certain points I've thought that it was Quinn that is the skinner.

    The other thing I've thought was Miguel's angry brother after seeing the torture scene even though he let that guy go, I think it was more on that he had no information on Freebo or dealings with the dead brother. Possibly both brothers were involved.
    Not sure how I came upon this crazy theory, but yeah.

    Not sure who it is or how it is related at this point, but the only people that fit the skinner are these two people, or possibly even the CI guy. Otherwise I don't think the skinner has been shown.

    On another note, here is some good news:
    Quote Originally Posted by TV
    On October 21, 2008, Showtime renewed the series for a fourth and a fifth season. Each of them will consist of 12 episodes and will go into production in the spring and will presumably air in the same fall slot the series has occupied each year.

    Episode 8 Talk:
    After watching this ep, the end of the episode is great and I kind of saw it coming. It looks like his friend is going to go against the code and ultimately be in the
    plastic room.

    What I'm thinking though is how Dexter is going to find out, will he have to look or will he find out from the clues from what happens.
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 11-17-2008 at 04:53 AM.

  7. #107
    Lol, Prado is completely insane. I have a feeling he'll be visiting Dexter's cutting table soon, if not by the end of the season.

  8. #108
    Agreed, Prado's look when he killed the guy was far more creepy than Dexters to me. I suspect the fact that he was so into bending the rules is what made him look scarier since I just knew he would end up going rogue at some point, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

    I am getting a little bit annoyed with the number of different plot threads that this seasons has created though as well as the way some of the characters seem be spinning their wheels in terms of development. While Dexter is clearly developing via the Miguel plotline he doesn't seem all that interested in the Skinner case like he was with the Ice Truck killer or with investigating himself which feels odd. And the wedding plot line only seems to serve the purpose of keeping Rita in the show while hammering home that Dexter is socially retarded, but we already knew that so it just feels like fluff. Angel (lol especially Angel) and Deb are also demonstrating that they are both partially socially retarded which, again, we already knew from the previous seasons. Laguerta seemed to be falling into a very tertiary position in the cast similar to Masuka at least until her little jaunt with the lawyer (they could probably squeeze a closet bi subplot out of that in a later season if they really felt strapped for ideas) but I don't see much coming from that in the short term unless they play up her suspicion after Ellen disappears. Besides Dexter and Miguel the only other character I've really felt was interesting and curious about has been Quinn, hopefully more will come from that thread but who knows.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden
    Miguel did look freeky there. But Dexters look was priceless as he watched Miguel's expression and i think he saw a kindred spirit in him. Someone that took pleasure in the kill, someone that needed to satisfy an urge. And like Dexter's imaginary vision of his father told him, whatever Miguel does now is on Dexter's hands. Will he be able to teach him the CODE and make him a Reaper of Justice or will he fail and Miguel ends up a monster that gets to have a date with Dexter's plastic room.

  10. #110
    I think its fairly obvious that miguel is headed for a position in dexters blood stain collection....but at the same time, the fact that its so obvious gives me hope that this wont be the case. I really wish they're play things out differently instead of going with a cliche ending that everyone can see miles ahead.

  11. #111
    We finally get to see Dexter with an emotion, and its's rage, I wonder if this will be a new turn for his character. All I can see coming up is Miguel being on the table, or will it be the other way round and Miguel capture Dexter, haha, I don't know why I came up with that, but it would be an interesting twist, and it would be funny to see how he would get out of the situation if it were to occur.

    I wonder if this is the last of the Quinn angle also, looks like they will keep him on as good and not get done by Internal Affairs.

    The skinner is finally revealed and Antone has been saved, I didn't really think he would die, not too sure why though.

  12. #112
    Wow. I certainly didn't expect it to work out like that but it makes sense as a way to tie the previously unrelated threads of the season together. How will Dexter handle this I wonder. This season continues to keep me on the edge of my seat!

  13. #113
    Yeah, I didn't think it would turn like this either, but now makes sense.
    At the end on the roof top I was thinking it was Maria spying on their conversation, as she is catching on thanks to Miguel coming over to her house and him then driving off.

    This can turn bad in many ways for Dexter, with him ultimately being skinned, which I doubt but as Miguel said on the roof top he could get search warrants, in this case he would be missing, they could do a quick search through his house and could probably find a lot more.

    With only two episodes left it will be nice to see what happens here and how Dexter is going to get out of this. Can't wait for next week!!

  14. #114
    Great fucking episode, this might actually be the best episode of the series so far. I wonder if they'll thoroughly search Dexter's appartment and find his trophies. I would think that's standard procerdure in a missing person's case... if it gets that far.

  15. #115
    i dont think we'll have to worry about dexter's trophies being found. im more interested to see how he'll get out of this, and where things will go from there. Atleast now, he has a way to kill miguel without it becoming a huge deal. he can just put it on the skinner, and then get rid of the skinner. Im still curious though about the will they settle that one. you think they'll leave it as an unsolved case, or connect it to the miguel/dexter/skinner storyline?

  16. #116
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    New York
    I'm calling it guys it's masuka, he is kidnapping dexter for the bachelor party would be a big old "gotcha guys" by the writers.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    i dont think we'll have to worry about dexter's trophies being found. im more interested to see how he'll get out of this, and where things will go from there. Atleast now, he has a way to kill miguel without it becoming a huge deal. he can just put it on the skinner, and then get rid of the skinner. Im still curious though about the will they settle that one. you think they'll leave it as an unsolved case, or connect it to the miguel/dexter/skinner storyline?
    He kills the skinner. Skins Miguel, and puts the ring on his finger.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    I'm calling it guys it's masuka, he is kidnapping dexter for the bachelor party would be a big old "gotcha guys" by the writers.
    That sounds pretty unlikely, but I would certainly burst into tears laughing if Dexter managed to spend half the episode fearing for his life then managed to get free and sneak up on his captor prepared to sleeper hold him and it turns out to be Matsuka.

    More likely though it will happen exactly like Bud said (thanks for ruining the not so surprising surprise ) Lots of Dexter worrying, possibly intermixed with LaGuerta getting conflicted over whether she should suspect Miguel. I hope Dexter and the Skinner manage to have a little talk though, I'm sure that would be interesting.

  19. #119
    One thing though, the skinner seems to be driving a nice car... so unless he stole it (which I don't think he did) or Miguel gave him a car (which I don't think either), this may be someone other than the skinner.

    Who knows, just throwing that observation out there. That Matsuka theory sounds awesome.

    Sorry for ruining it for you Yuki, if that's what indeed happens. Seems like the theory that most makes sense. It'll be awesome whatever happens anyways.

  20. #120
    This show is awesome!!
    Good one FullMetalAlchemist!!

    Just toss and turns everywhere and finally it has come at the end of the episode, but next, how is this case going to resolve? What happened with Maria? Are they going to leave the cases unsolved?

    Next episode is season finale also!

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