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Thread: TV: Dexter

  1. #81
    We're are you reading this? At least the main Showtime site has it still un Sunday's.

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    992 shows it on saturdays

  3. #83
    Yeah, I had checked that and and it also said Saturday. But I wonder why the official Dexter site has it still on Sunday as always, especially after it apparently had it's best ratings yet last Sunday.

  4. #84
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    It now shows it on sundays so it was a false alarm from me. Well haven't checked if it's out yet but it should be any minute now if it isn't already.

  5. #85
    Haven't seen the second episode yet, but this is a curious story in the meantime:

    Jimmy Smits stabs a stuntman.

  6. #86
    Episode 2 was amazing. A must see, without doubt.

  7. #87
    Ugh, I don't like the type of obsessive, emotional, whiny character this new guy (the lead from Cane) is shaping up to be. While him getting closer and closer to Dexter will certainly help increase drama I'm not looking forward to the inevitable awkward angst fest.

    The baby story on the other hand I found quite entertaining. Dexter's reactions, or more often lack of reactions were strangely humorous as it showed he didn't seem to have a clue how to deal with the situation.

    EDIT: curse you spelling errors.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 10-07-2008 at 12:31 PM.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Ugh, I don't like the type of obsessive, emotional, whiny character this new guy (the lead from Cane) is shaping up to be. While him getting closer and closer to Dexter will certainly help increase drama i'm not looking forward to the inevitable awkward angst fest.

    The baby story on the other hand I found quite entertaining. Dexter's reactions, or more often lack of reactions were strangely humorous as it showed he didn't seem to have a clue who to deal with the situation.
    Well, the whiny portion of the character is about to change (I think). He already got his revenge, so I'm expecting a big change in his emotional constitution. Since he knows the guy is dead, I think we'll see him being unexpectedly (to other characters) happy, and smiling. I think that's going to lend itself to some interesting scenes with the people still looking for Freebo.

    As for the baby thing, I loved the part when he imagines his son being a killer and possibly having killed one of the step-siblings.

  9. #89
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That Dexter is one crafty bastard...I was half-expecting him to get caught. It'll be interesting to see how this unravels (because you know it will). And cotdamn, if Deb isn't one of the most annoying characters on television. Like, half the time she's dropping the f-bomb, there is no need at all to be doing it; and she's whiny; I'd rather take the mean Japanese (or whatever she is) bitch over her any day. And lol at Dexter out-detectiving all of the detectives at the precinct as usual.

  10. #90
    great 3rd episode...i rather love debra's character, and she was great this episode.

    im wondering about the end though, when dexter says "its a jungle out there" an smiles....are they implying that he's gonna raise the kid to be just like him?

  11. #91
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    You like deb? I guess to each his own. I just find her loud, foul-mouthed, and like boring (even Dexter has a life outside of work). She's kind of pathetic, and its hard to look at. And she's totally gonna fuck that C.I. guy.

  12. #92
    Yeah, I don't like Debra either, but I have to say that song the snitch made for her was freaking awesome.

    Anyways, I thought it was a great episode with Dexter protecting the family and the whole, King of the Jungle theme they had going.

  13. #93
    I like Deb also! Every time I see someone complain about her they mention that she cusses a lot, interesting that it still impacts people this day in age. =)

    Very good episode, I'm happy that this season looks like it is going to be intense just like the others.

  14. #94
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Its not cursing that annoys me. Its the way her dialogue is. She inserts curse words in sentences where there is no need for them and no emphasis is added to what she's saying. And I can understand that, yea of course she doesn't know about what Harry and Dexter were up to, but her whole Electra complex kinda gets to be a bit much.

  15. #95
    Another good episode last Sunday... I liked how Dexter screwed the brother.

    But, for the important part of this post... series has been picked up for TWO more seasons:

  16. #96
    oooh glad to hear it.

    The final scene was really well done. I was surprised that no one died in the episode though.

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessper
    oooh glad to hear it.

    The final scene was really well done. I was surprised that no one died in the episode though.
    Is this a first?

  18. #98
    I wasn't sure so I didn't want to say it but it sure feels like it.

    Would be interesting if anyone wants to spend the time looking it up...

    Anyone else think they have a girlfriend story for Angel coming up soon here? I'm not sure if I would guess the detective since it is a bit cliche after his speech...

  19. #99
    Well technically that girl did go psycho and kill that guy, so someone did die it just wasn't by Dexter's hand.

  20. #100
    Yeah, but we're not interested in technicalities here... so you lose.

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