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  1. #1

    TV: Dexter

    This show started yesterday on Showtime, and I have to say I found it really good. It has an awesome and unique main character; he's great.

    Here's the first episode HDTV:

    "Dexter is a forensic expert in blood patterns who works with the Miami Police Department. He is also a serial killer, who kills people that the police can't bring to justice. He has to hide his double life from his sister, his girlfriend and his co-workers. He is intrigued by a killer who has found a way to kill girls without leaving blood behind.";title;0
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 01-16-2008 at 04:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Shit, I missed the premiere. I guess I will be downloading the first ep. The previews for it did look quite badass.

  3. #3
    Here's the HDTV version... you should probably get it instead:

  4. #4
    I can't believe none of you guys are watching this. This is the must see show on TV right now.

    Here's episode 2:

    Go watch it, you'll thank me later.

  5. #5
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Is this show really bloody and violent? I saw some parts of it on TV didn't know if it was good or not but I will give it a try since Bud says to watch and you are always right.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Zati
    Is this show really bloody and violent? I saw some parts of it on TV didn't know if it was good or not but I will give it a try since Bud says to watch and you are always right.

    I thought this would be the case, but it really isn't. I would say Nip/Tuck is more graphic than this. But the main character is simply amazing, he's really twisted and it's great being in his mind and learning his outlook on life and such. I like how there's a season or series long case that they are trying to solve and the weekly cases in the middle. My favorite portions of the show is when he's getting intimate with his girlfriend, it's sick.

  7. #7
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Watched the first episode. This show seemed different. The character is unique indeed. Need a few more episodes to find out weather this show is going to be huge but its very promising.

  8. #8
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Man I'm so happy watched this show. Fucking amazing. The best thing about the show was that they used cast from OZ. Gotta love Doakes.

    I'm sort of tempted to read the book. Anyone read them?

  9. #9
    Wow, I saw this tread a long time ago but never thought much of it so I never read it. Then I was talking to my brother and he recommended downloading it so I was like, Ok. I started watching it and couldnt stop. I Love It! I cannot wait for a second season.

  10. #10
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    i just watched the 1st season, and i must say, its REALLY good....disturbing, but nevertheless good. I cant wati for season 2 to come out...

  11. #11
    Same as rockmanj and Spiegel.. Damn i went from only watching prison break to dexter,heroes,house and prison break.. I love it thx ppl..!!

  12. #12
    Just watched episodes 1 and 2 of season two and Love it. I can't get enough of this show.

  13. #13
    DAMN this show is good... first 2 episodes were orgasmic.

  14. #14
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    were the hell you get the episodes lol

  15. #15
    Try torrentspy.. Or typ "dexter torrent" in google.

  16. #16
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    If you guys have Digital Cable and showtime I believe its On Demand

  17. #17
    Episode 3 is out:

    Very nice episode, in fact we get introduced with this cool guy "Bob".

  18. #18
    I like the plot where he's dancing around with his dirty work via the BHB case but I'm really getting annoyed with the Rita side of things. The only reasonable resolution for the plot with her is Dexter becoming a normal guy who doesn't have kill people. I wouldn't want to watch the show if Dexter gave up killing and focused solely on blending in. I really like the way he talks with his victims and tries to understand normal people through them but I don't want him to actually assimilate into society because that would make him boring.

    Rita's face at the end of the ep looked like pure jealousy, it should be interesting to see Dexter's reactions since I don't think he's explored jealousy yet.

  19. #19
    I wonder if this "Dark Passenger" will begin to have a bigger role in Dexter's life. Maybe he starts to experience split personalities through him, or maybe he really becomes a serial killer, using the "Dark Passenger" as his cover or something.

  20. #20
    I'm praying they don't follow the books, because from reading their wikipedia entries I've concluded that the "Dark Passenger" and its role seem totally cliche and dumb. Not to ruin it for anyone, but reading the synopsis of the final book makes me pray that the show will go on its own path.

    Apparently they're not following the books on this season, though, so there's a ray of hope.

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