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Thread: Devil May Cry

  1. #21
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    all these Hellsing talks made me wanna watch it..hellsing that is..

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    -.- released a second version. I wonder if they recruited a QC. Well, I'm not going to find out. Surely some other group will eventually pick this up and use also a better video source.

  3. #23
    Animanda's suppose to sub this series so I'll wait for their version.

  4. #24
    Kuro-Hana & NEET Fansubs, have picked this up and subbed the first episode.

    Devil May Cry - 01 Kuro-Hana & NEET Fansubs

  5. #25
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Finally a DMC anime but man I dont want to be all hyped up and all of a sudden they make the series seem gay. If the creators of Deathnote made this anime damn theres not gonna be that much good action. Lets just hope.
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    -Mazer Rackham

  6. #26
    The Death Note creators were adapting a manga with no action, so there was no action in Death Note. I don't think they'd adapt a game full of action to an anime with none. The first ep had buckets of blood and heaps of corpses so I wouldn't worry about lack of action.

  7. #27
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    So, I went ahead and watched ep 1, finally, and felt like publicly reacting.

    DMC3's portrayal of Dante, in my opinion, nailed exactly the right character. He was cocky, he was arrogant, he was energetic, he was typically shallow, and he managed to kick a lot of ass all the time, but the only time he ever acted like things were serious was in his fights with Vergil. DMC1 had a similar character dynamic, wherein Dante was similarly badass, similarly arrogant, and similarly lighthearted (see also: mercilessly taunting that stupid magma spider at every opportunity). DMC2 ... fucked up, and doesn't count.

    The anime portrays a serious, unenergetic, unenthusiastic Dante. He talks a bit, but he's not goading, he's not dancing around, he's not making fun of the demons he kills. Basically, he's Dante on barbiturates.

    The biggest characteristic of Dante in the games (at least the ones that count) is that when he's killing demons he's having a blast doing it. This Dante seems, by comparison, withdrawn, sullen, and in general like he's not having a good time. It's like he's lost all the playfulness, all the humor, all the energy that made him great in DMC1 and 3.

    This is disappointing. Alucard from Hellsing is closer to what Dante should be than this Dante is.

    If you throw away your preconceptions about what Dante should be, then I don't think this series is particularly bad. The art and character design are reasonably good, the animation is fairly solid (but cuts a lot of corners, leaving a lot of the action to the imagination). Really, my only strong objection here is that it doesn't meet the inherently high expectations I have for any portrayal of a son of Sparda.

  8. #28
    maybe its because i never played the game seriously but... the episode was extremely confusing to me. I understand this is an introduction, but there doesn't seem to be a link between all the different parts of the ep. I'll watch ep 2 tho.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    The anime portrays a serious, unenergetic, unenthusiastic Dante. He talks a bit, but he's not goading, he's not dancing around, he's not making fun of the demons he kills. Basically, he's Dante on barbiturates.

    The biggest characteristic of Dante in the games (at least the ones that count) is that when he's killing demons he's having a blast doing it. This Dante seems, by comparison, withdrawn, sullen, and in general like he's not having a good time. It's like he's lost all the playfulness, all the humor, all the energy that made him great in DMC1 and 3..
    Exactly what i thought when i watched the ep last week. I was expecting the cocky high energy Dante throwing out snappy(albeit corny) one liners. I mean jesus, in the opening of DMC 3 the guy throws on some metal in the jukebox and proceeds to use a demon to surf around the room while he dispatches of the rest. Instead they gave us a very typical quiet, brooding, reluctant hero. Outside of that, it's a decent action anime. Perhaps if the show ends up being popular we'll see less corner cutting in later episodes though.

    As far as story goes, nothing story oriented in this episode relates to anything from the games. I'm not sure how this ep will connect to the rest, except that the demon from the hotel said that there was a power struggle going on in the demon world between 4 of the strongest. I'm guessing that eventually Dante is going to get caught up in that.
    Last edited by Crash; Sat, 06-23-2007 at 11:11 PM.

  10. #30
    yea.. but dont forget DMC2. In DMC2 he quite match up with the anime one.

  11. #31
    just saw the episode awsome...but they've got to make dante look more crazy and make the battles last a bit longer...i mean he killed the boss in like 10 seconds come on in DMC you had to spent at least five minutes and with having the best of luck to kill a boss...i hope it gets a lot better in the next episodes...and speaking of which...when will a new episode will be released???

  12. #32
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oakleya
    yea.. but dont forget DMC2. In DMC2 he quite match up with the anime one.
    Sure, but DMC2 is the revolting pariah of the series.

  13. #33
    Just found the OP on youtube. I haven't played the games so I didn't recognize any of the people, but I did recognize the chick from the infamous LIIIIIIIIIIIGHT scene in whichever game that was. She looked pretty badass but it wasn't apparent whether she was going to be friend or foe.

    I'd say the Dante in the OP didn't look very happy go lucky or cheerful at all, so I guess maybe they're following the path of the apparently dreadful DMC2.

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Too bad they didn't make him as kickass the way he was in DMC 3. Man he is insane in that one.

  15. #35
    This video featuring the first cutscene in DMC3 pretty much defines Dante's character. This is how he should be:
    Let's get this party started
    (I never seem to get tired of this particular scene)

    I still have some hope that they'll bring out the real Dante somewhere in the serie.

    One side to look at it is how this past mission might not have been the most thrilling for someone like Dante. It also seems like he's been having his business for some time in the Anime, while he's just started it out in the third game thus it has become alot more dull?

    Those might be the reasons why Dante's character was portrayed as it was, but i still wont believe that Dante's personality would be able to change like that after seeing him in DMC3.

    Really hope they'll show Dante's original character otherwise it'll just end up as a crappier copy of similiar characters we've already seen enough of.

    (just finished DMC3 without having played any of the earlier games before. Thus this is based on that game solely )
    Last edited by Sandldan; Mon, 06-25-2007 at 02:43 PM.

  16. #36
    DMC 3 does define how he should be, but that's when he was younger and started his demon hunting days. In DMC 1 and 2, he is more mature, and older. However, he does retain much of those qualities in DMC 3, though not as badass as he used to be when he was younger in DMC 1 and 2.

  17. #37
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I loved DMC 3. It's one of the few games which I can go and retry a level multiple times just to test out new moves and blast whatever pisses me off. DMC 2 bombed though.
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  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Did anything important happen in DMC2 storyline wise? I never played it because everyone that I know who played it said it was a major disappointment...

    As for the anime, I was also hoping to see a DMC1 or DMC3 Dante here and I don't see any connection to the games, at least from the first episode. The second episode looks like Lady is going to make her appearance, so once she and Trish show up, then hopefully the anime may connect the dots a bit.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  19. #39
    DMC2 sucks. i coudnt get into the action or the storyline.

  20. #40
    Devil May Cry - 01 - [AonE & Conclave]

    Devil May Cry - 02 - [ACG English]

    EDIT @ Below, replaced link with DDL
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 06-26-2007 at 08:50 PM.

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