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Thread: Death Note

  1. #881
    Weill I think Light's VA sucks completely for his role. He sounds too young and immature and that will probably makeit so people won't want to take his side. If they gave L a voice that sounds really mature and refined I don't think I'll keep watching since it takes away from the story to try and make one sound lesser than the other.

  2. #882
    It should have ended with L and Watari revealing that they struck a deal with Rem to fake their deaths, did some crazy detective shit to prove Light is Kira, and save Nears ass because Near + Mello are still inferior to L, then Watari pwns Mikami with the sniper rifle while L and Kira fight hand to hand, with L comming out the victor. Then Kira does his crybaby thing and tries the watch stunt and gets killed by Ryuk just like what actually happened.

    Also, L puts Near in his place and sends him back to the orphanage, Rem finds a way to get Ryuk in trouble for breaking some rule and Ryuk gets killed and Kiras dad gets his life span he traded for the eyes with Ryuk somehow and is brought back (but not for long since he obviously didnt have a lot of time left when he made the trade, but long enough to curse Kira, say sorry to L for doubting him, and say something consoling to his family), and Ray Penbar and his fiance get married in heaven.
    Last edited by Necromas; Sun, 10-21-2007 at 06:24 PM.

  3. #883
    Necromas, I have to say, that is an interesting perspective to look at for an ending. Personally I found the ending fitting except for the whole Kira crying like a little girl and loosing all of his normal reserve.

    Also, as always,

  4. #884
    I liked how the movie had an alternate storyline, and I really can't wait to read the novel too, if the novel is about L's past, then he can't die in it!

    Also, L's real name is awesome.

    P.S. A complete tangent here, but does anyone else think L would make a good Gundam pilot? (with Raito as one too of course)
    Last edited by Necromas; Sun, 10-21-2007 at 07:21 PM.

  5. #885
    I would have been totally okay with Light getting arrested as long as they had focused in on the fact that he was still wearing his watch. If the last shot of the anime had just been a shot of him with his hands cuffed (in front of him? Is Mogi a moron?) with the watch glinting beneath the cuffs, I would have been happy.

    Where was the preparation? Where was the back-up plan? Where was the beautiful acting he used to fool Naomi? Where was the patience that kept him from discarding the Note while in captivity that one time? Heck, he could have just told Mikami, "Test it before coming, and if it doesn't work write down my name too but leave this blonde kid's name out."

    But no, just "THIS IS MY VICTORIO!!11!!!1ONE1!"

  6. #886
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    how do you suggest he tell that to mikami considering he had no mean of comunication when takada died?
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  7. #887
    I'd have thought that it would be part of the original plan from before Takada died, just in case. Considering that their entire bait-and-switch was based on the assumption that Mikami was being followed as the fourth Kira, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that something might happen at some point, making it necessary to make sure all the pieces were in position.

  8. #888
    Light rarely demonstrated planing for completely out of the blue unforseen contingencies, especially after the skip. He constantly assumed he had predicted everything and accounted for it in his plans and usually he was right. However he was always vulnerable to events that defied all logic and thus his predictions.

    I tend to blame all of Lights troubles on Near's magic safety deposit box replacement fiasco. Weddy, who was L's personal choice for best person to circumvent security was stopped by HIguchi's home security system, yet that random agent guy was able to rob a safety deposit box, duplicate its contents, and put them back all in the span of an broad daylight. In the face of such a non-naturalistic ability to there really was no chance for a rational solution. Just like L's camera's had no chance of catching Light off guard because he had Ryuk to tell him where they were. Just like people had no chance of avoiding their deaths once their names were entered into the Note. Light would have had to come up with a contingency plan for the supernatural to avoid what happened.

  9. #889
    His plan to take Near down was pretty based on out-of-the-blue occurrences though. He had to assume that they would take the Death Note and try to modify it rather than arresting Mikami outright for having the Note or just taking it and writing Mikami's name in it. It's not "out-of-the-blue" to think that a person might be caught and his unstoppable super-weapon taken away or de-powered when the person is being watched like a hawk and could feasibly give himself away by accident. Like, say, if something causes him to go to the location of the hiding spot of the unstoppable super-weapon.

    BTW, that was totally out of character for Mikami as well; he had been set up as a totally devoted follower of Kira, and the thought that he would just dash aside all that obedience isn't within the boundaries of his tendency to overdo things.

    And honestly, Near's magic doesn't end at the safety deposit box. The nonsense with the room spinning around while Near suddenly had a byakugan made me want to knee him in the face repeatedly like my name was Tony Jaa. It just smashed the suspension of disbelief into a thousand pieces, and that (apart from the finale) was probably the moment of my highest disappointment with the series.

  10. #890
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Death Note special is subed now... but i heard its a terrible sub >_> mirror

    i guess its better than nothing
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  11. #891
    Genin Testarossa Autodrive's Avatar
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    So the subs really fuckin blew it out the ass, but it was nice to see a recap and the added parts. I still have to say that Light is a fuckin' prick and I'm glad he got what was coming to him, even more so after having seen what he did at L's funeral.

  12. #892
    Soo...anyone want to explain the ending to me? I think I got it, just want to hear what other people think.

    This is the ending of the final conclusion.

  13. #893
    The special was awesome. aside from the horrible subbing, of course.

    i really like the way it ended right after L, the way it should have. and how light became a death god (which i figured was what Ryuk meant when he couldnt go to heaven or hell).

    as for the normal ending. Light's irrational behavior, id say is normal. He pretty much went crazy after the whole thing with L, so it would be understandable that he wouldnt be as calm and collected as he was at the very beginning. The inevitable downfall of man, pretty much. But i just hated how Near was always on top of it. Making impossible guesses and not testing anything like L did. He could predict everything Light did without even thinking, and just went with it and was always right.

    but I agree with most of you that the adult swim version looks really watered down. but i pretty much assumed that as any anime thats been played in the US has been watered down and ruined, usually turned into a kids show.

  14. #894
    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster
    Death Note special is subed now... but i heard its a terrible sub >_> mirror

    i guess its better than nothing
    Another Mirror on the front page of my site,

  15. #895
    I don't know why everyone hated Light. I knew he was a bad guy, but as the main character, you can't help but feel sorry that there were circumstances as to how he became a bored 17 year old. Was it that he was too smart and couldn't hold an intelligent conversation with anyone?

    I wish the ending would have been somehow L and Light ended up as friends. They had good times together.

    *Yagami Light IS a cool name, isn't it?

  16. #896
    I used to think light wasnt so bad, but as the anime went on, he became more into the thing he was trying to end. He became really sick and twisted by the end of it all. The way he just treated people, even in his own family. He has to be one of the evilest villains ive ever seen. I did feel sorry for him at the beginning but as the story progressed i hated him more and more.

  17. #897
    Yeah, the turning point in his character came when he tried to kill the fake L. He had no reason to kill that guy.

  18. #898
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I thought the way Light first met L in the special wasn't as good as in the original anime. However, I liked the last scene at L's tombstone.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  19. #899
    Death Note Special - [Kuro-hana]

    It's still kuro-hana but the stories about the other translation were so bad I figure any alternative is better than none. Besides they took so long on it maybe they made sure it was really well done.

  20. #900
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
    I don't know why everyone hated Light.
    Who did???
    Light is the best anime-character ever.

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