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Thread: Death Note

  1. #721
    Well, for those that don't like torrents, I have started kind of a small scale Direct Download service for whatever episode version of Death Note I watch. The site is:

    I just uploaded episode 34 buy [Kuro-Hana] so it is there at the bottom of the downloads page. Yes. I know the site is a little crude, but I didn't want to go all out with layout and graphics, I would rather have something that runs smooth.

    A link can also be found in my Signature.

  2. #722
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Sooo... is it confirmed yet that there's 37 eps in this series? As in, three to go?

    I keep hearing different reports - from one source it's 37, another source it's 47.

    After having just watched 34 and not having read the manga, I would assume it'd be a little optimistic to wrap this all up in three more eps.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  3. #723
    It's definately 37, and from the looks of things they're going to end it with Near pulling some more nonsense to outwit Light and defeat him. The fact that Light is making so many mistakes, mainly assuming his team trusts him and not taking precautions against their potential suspicions, is really annoying, However it's quite possible Light has some 'Catch the criminal and get my memories back after clearing my name' level plan set into motion that will redeem him. We haven't seen Ryuk for quite a while..where could he be?!?!?

  4. #724
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Well, simply based on the fact that we haven't seen Ryuk for so long, he'll probably be the one who ends up killing Light! I kid, I kid.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #725
    I just completely updated the site with a new theme (Since there never really was one), and uploaded some more episodes. I am also uploading the rest of the Animanda episodes as we speak. Let me know what you think...

    I am also watching the newest ep right now, Feedback when I am finished.

  6. #726
    yea... depending on how this ends... either they nerfed Light to hell for the second part of the show (grew old and soft?) or Light is a genius (if he wins in the end). I must say, i'm rooting for Light since i hate Near. and what the hell is Mello doing?

  7. #727
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    i have the feeling either mello or near will be killed by light, and the surviver will catch light/kill or like someone said earlier ryuk will kill light, cause didn't ryuk say he will be the one to kill light in the end.

  8. #728
    I am not sure how it will go down. I see N as a little immature not just due to his age. He is extremely smart, But I think it will be L that will kill Mellow, not sure but I see light will most likely kill N and One of the death gods will kill Light. The absence of Ryuk may be because he is currently held captive somehow by the other death gods. Of course most of what I have just said is purely speculation.

    P.S. Just updated the Download site again and it now has 1-30 by Animanda up and ready to go. I also have 19-34 by Kuro-Hana, and just because I already had it I have 1-12 by Live-Evil on there also. Please enjoy!

  9. #729
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    This does not look good for the continued subbing of this series
    image fail!

  10. #730
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    This does not look good for the continued subbing of this series
    GODDAMNIT! And I just started burning DVDs of Animanda's releases today... FUCK

    Kuro-Hana_ Death Note _ Episode 35

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #731
    NOOOOOOOOOO! They can't take away my precious Death Note...Do these people think all the fans will just go buy their DVD's knowing that they're lining the pockets of the same people that forced them to wait a year to find out what happened?

    Apparently every Death Note subber got this, kuro-hana may be able to get the eps out before the 22nd but I think Animanda is just going to give up. No word from c1 that I can find so there may be some hope there. I suspect that the timing of these letters with the airing of the last episode in Japan (June 13th aka Today) isn't a coincidence. Viz is probably trying to drive as many people as they can to their new download service so they can make 2 bucks an episode for their subs (I'm tempted to pay for ep one just to compare it with live-evil's).

  12. #732
    Wouldn't be reading the manga, watching the Live-Action movie, paying for these subs, or watching their dubs be alternative ways to finishing the plot of Death Note?

    Just a suggestion.

  13. #733
    For those that do not like Bittorrent or would rather do a direct download I have episode 35 up and ready. You can download from the link below. The download link is on the front page.

  14. #734
    @BananaFob: If the show doesn't get subbed then yes I'll read the manga rather than wait for DVD rips (paying for things that I can get for free is not my style). I'll still count it as a loss that I didn't get to see the anime in a timely manner though. I saw the first LA movie and it was different enough from the anime/manga that I don't trust that the second's conclusion is the same as the original story so I didn't watch it.

    On 35: If Light knew Mello's name already why did he wait so long to kill him? I thought his father hadn't transmitted the name over the radio when he found out, so I'm confused as to how Light could have given it to the news girl (unless she made the eye deal too, which still shouldn't have worked since I'm pretty sure Light sketched that pic of Mello we saw in her flashback).

    Other than that, Light and Near predicting each others moves is kind of strange, but not that interesting until we see one of them pull ahead one step, which would probably make that person the victor. I'll be on the look out for someone to put 36/37 on toshon as [anon].
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 06-14-2007 at 12:54 AM.

  15. #735
    Light couldn't kill Mello because he knew his name but he never knew what Mello looked like, seems like just a sketch of a person isn't enough to actually kill them. Still find it odd that Mello just died like that, I like how it came so sudden but still, why did he take off his helmet infront of Takada. Mello should think longer then that, I hope it was some kind of bait but I can't see what he could've done to trick Takada or the note so I guess he is just dead.
    Last edited by Uchiha; Thu, 06-14-2007 at 09:46 AM.

  16. #736
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    I just went down to Kuro-Hana website to download ep 35 and .....

    Quoted from Kuro-Hana website :

    Sad news to inform all off our watchers for Death Note.

    We have just received a C&D(Cease and Desist) from VIZ Media stating for us to stop all distribution of Death Note by 22nd June 2007.
    (This letter has also been served to Animanda, c1anime? & Several Death Note fan sites.)

    Naturally, we will comply with Viz’s request and cease all distribution/subbing activities of Death Note.

    Letter from Viz

    We are only two episodes away.............

  17. #737
    Do these licenser's ever actually sue? Didn't Kaizoku-fansubs get a C&D and just blow it off?
    (Besides the fact that it came from Funimation, not Viz )

    P.S. DN is still on C1's active list.

  18. #738
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Is there NO hope left? I don't want to be stuck reading the manga but I might have to because there is no way in hell I am waiting that long.

    So Light was able to predict exactly how Near would move or so he thinks. It strikes me as uncharacteristic of light though to be able to foresee all of this and then screw up with the writing pads in the hotel. Other than that this episode was awesome. I am wondering though, did light actually anticipate Mello showing up or was it a convenient turn of events for him. Guess I will never find out in the way I intended. This sux

  19. #739
    I think it was a convenient turn of events. He is pretty badass for killing Takada. I'm eager to see the end of the series.

    Anyways, I think someone will sub the last 2 episodes, or they will release it on IRC. If there is a will, there is always a way. Remember what they did with FMA.

  20. #740
    I didn't really like this episode for the main reason that Mello is dead and it seems too easy that Light can easily kill anyone and nobody cant do anything. There seems no hope for catching him unless Near is a super genius and he knows what to do next.

    And this is really stupid that they are stopping when there is 2 episodes left. Somebody better do them.

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