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Thread: Death Note

  1. #141
    It was kind of fun to see them seriously talking about a murder case while eating ice cream. Also, did you notice the chief gets three scoops? :p

    By far the best part of the ep was Light eating dramatically chips with exciting music, zoom, AND bishounen sparkles. Awesome.

    After his earlier recklessness it looks like Light is in defensive mode. Nicely convoluted back-up plans too. I also lol'ed at Light's father being shocked seeing him look at porn, and L being like, "Oh, that's totally normal behavior."

    Ok, I found it on youtube:

    BEST SCENE EVER. Seriously, though, I LMAO
    Last edited by Mae; Fri, 11-24-2006 at 04:04 PM.

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by eat_toast
    Ep. 7 - whew, man. What an episode. Even though I have read the manga and knew what was happening, I was still blown away by the scene. I was rooting for Light the whole time, though it was enjoyable to see him start to squirm a bit, because it gives him a weak side too.I started to laugh a little (God that sounds horrible), especially when Light starts to really hook in that girl. The "I am Kira" sequence, imo, was very well executed. A great Ep. overall, I cannot wait for the next!

    Just caught up so...

    You started to laugh!? I was freaking cheering! I am officialy starting a Kira sect! although, I wouldn't have said that if I was him (maybe she had a fake ID card). that scene was still nice though.

    Ep 8 was good, but watching it back to back with 7... it felt slower. It also shows that Kira isn't as smart as he thinks he is. At this point, L has got to know that Kira is in either of the two families, and Light is suspicious because of the fact that he foiled EVERY attempt at a reaction from L. Also, he only kills criminals after L does something these days (except those set to die in the next few weeks... this was a smart move).

  3. #143
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Mae

    Ok, I found it on youtube:

    BEST SCENE EVER. Seriously, though, I LMAO
    I found the op. of DN, but with a change: Potato Note

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    I found the op. of DN, but with a change: Potato Note
    Haha! Oh that's awesome.

  5. #145
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mae
    Ok, I found it on youtube:

    BEST SCENE EVER. Seriously, though, I LMAO
    Yeah, I sure hope this doesn't become a habit in the anime. This is the second time they do this. I guess the first one wasn't that bad but man, talk about over dramatic. =/

    "Ahh...Tricked by the cover again!". Yeah, we've all been there Light.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Deblas
    Yeah, I sure hope this doesn't become a habit in the anime. This is the second time they do this. I guess the first one wasn't that bad but man, talk about over dramatic. =/

    "Ahh...Tricked by the cover again!". Yeah, we've all been there Light.
    I think the dramatic thing might be a joke... at any rate, i don't mind, it advances the story and is funny as hell.

  7. #147
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    L is kinda. cool. He's such an oddball. Eating ice-cream. Lol.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  8. #148
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    L is a such a peculiar character that him eating ice-cream looked perfectly natural. The fact how eagerly the regular cops also accepted and devoured it was far funnier, though.

  9. #149
    Student Darth Zin's Avatar
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    i live on Seiran
    for me i think the creators intended for L to be odd, first his appearance is a sure giveaway, next the ice-cream. Sure nothing wrong with eating ice-cream... but green... ^_^ L is a very cool guy.
    "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." by Sir Winston Churchill"

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Zin
    Sure nothing wrong with eating ice-cream... but green...
    Probably greentea-flavored, gotta stay awake, after all. Still, by the looks of it, L doesn't appear to need such a thing like "sleep" to operate.


  11. #151
    I must say, I am enjoying this series completely. Can't wait till 9...been watching 7 and 8 constantly :P

  12. #152
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    TW just released!

    Episode 9 - TW

  13. #153
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Great episode again ^^
    Started out slow, but then...BANG!
    Interesting development, but i fail to see, how itīs any good for Light, to....well, i wont spoiler anything, as seemingly none has already seen the episode.

  14. #154
    @ above, it came out 7 hours before your post that's plenty of time.

    Anyway, L put Light into a very interesting predicament, I know he got his resolve back but I have no idea how he plans to implement his plan to get away with killing Ryuuzaki. Chances are he'll end up taking the bait though and working on the investigation with L and his dad, so it'll be interesting to see what he says to them about the Kira murders.

  15. #155

  16. #156

  17. #157
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ok, then here i go:

    I fail to see, how itīs any goot for Light to be close to L. He seems confident, but...he said himself, that "he got me" and that heīll instantly under suspicion if L dies. So what can he do? Well, manga reader, dont spoil me :P

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Ok, then here i go:

    I fail to see, how itīs any goot for Light to be close to L. He seems confident, but...he said himself, that "he got me" and that heīll instantly under suspicion if L dies. So what can he do? Well, manga reader, dont spoil me :P
    Not a reader of the manga, so...

    As to what Light can do? About the same as L, competing against each other to unearth the other's secrets.
    L more or less levelled the playing field when he revealed himself.


  19. #159
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Hot damn was that an extremly entertaining Ep! L rules!
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  20. #160
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Never thought I'd see Light have an outburst like that. That was such a great scene. I'm guessing L will use his influence to be room mates with Light. The best course of action for Light now is to get L drunk at a frat party to get some info out of him.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

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