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Thread: Death Note

  1. #21
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    well, that was an okay start. Hope this series won't get screwed up, and TW > Live-eviL ?

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  2. #22
    Translation wise, TW should be better... heck their translator translates DN manga for Viz. I haven't watched either version completely so I can't say very well. But if your going to get the TW version get their v1 over their v2... reffer to a previous post of mine for reasons.

  3. #23
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Thoughts on Ep1 (potential spoilers?)

    Somehow Raito/Light seems a lot more... more "evil" in the anime. The way he was laughing to himself in his room, his facial expression and near-fanatic mannerism in which he penned down the names in the Death Note... all those kinda freaked me out. I don't recall him being protrayed as such a twisted figure in the manga. =|

    But overall, the animation was quite okay, although I don't really like the choice of Ryuk's VA. And the way the animation likes to go "split screen" kinda irks me.

    Looking forward to Ep2 and the debut of L!!!
    <3 <3 <3

  4. #24
    As above, *possible spoilers*.

    Its been ages since I read the start of the manga but yeah I thought that Light seemed a bit too mad as well, but maybe they wanted to make it more apparent who the 'bad guy' is to viewers who haven't read the manga and might piss off after the first episode. I'm hoping there isn't too much of that evil laughter in the series.

    I think the split screen and the fast camera stuff when he's writing names is probably to make something fairly slow and mundane seem more dramatic. It'd probably be better if that didn't happen really, but I suppose it keeps the pace up. Some people might not just want to sit still for a second watching him write before the consequence happens (although I think that'd be better, I don't like unneccessary fast camera stuff).

    I'm pretty chuffed with the way the ep came out though, the voices are all fairly decent (imo) so far and the show looks fairly nice.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I do have a bit hard time seeing how this can support 37 episodes, but that's only because I haven't read the manga and thus I'm unaware of all the adventures there will be. But from what I've read in this thread, any such worries are needless.
    Trust me, after reading the manga, its more like "I do have a bit hard time seeing how all this can fit in only 37 episodes."

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Don't expect the TW version to be as good as they used to be. They are some random members who called themselves TW. Just about the only original member is the translator, most of the old members of TW don't want anything to do with this group releasing Death Note.

    Heck, they are fucking up with the v2 changing official names. They are forum members, not the actual group.

    What are the official names???

    oh... haven't read the manga, but i'm now officially on with this show! That guy is obviously nuts with the book (i'd be too) and i don't see how he can be countered (by humans anyways... i mean really, it takes forty seconds to kill ANYONE...).... and what he did already amounts to a small scale genocide (and he's planning a large scale one)... this show will be great if this keeps up!

  7. #27
    Ryuk is the official name, not Ryuuku or whatever they used in the v2.

  8. #28
    just saw the first episode, i thought it great
    agree with what people mentioned, the anime did set Light as an evil character right fromt eh start, whereas in the manga it wasn't that noticable until much later. (i guess red eyes automatically makes an character evil )

    and ya...i have read the manga, i really don't see how they gonna fit all that mind blowing plots in 37 episodes..

    ....god i wanna hear L's voice....he is my favourite character in this series!!!!!!

  9. #29
    I'm wow'ed by the first ep of this series. Everything seemed pretty top-notch, and, yes, like many others, I am looking forwad to how they do L. What gets me though is even if you haven't read the manga, this first ep. has a great hook to draw you in. It's a pretty fresh concept, and the dark atmosphere just brings out the evil in Light like nothing else. Definitely on my list to watch this season.

  10. #30
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    IMO L-E > TW
    They are using official names, non-yellow font and the translation seems pretty good. The only thing i have to complain is about the encode, but overall L-E is the best choice atm .

  11. #31
    Hi people, it's been a while since I posted here, but I wanted to come back and comment on this series since I've been looking forward to it.

    The animation seems nice, especially the death god, and I thought the VA's were decent. I was disappointed on how they changed things to hurry the story though. In the manga Light wasn't crazy to begin with. He was a decent kid, and he honestly wanted to help people by using the Death Note. It was only as he kept going he became more and more corrupted by the power he was using, until he felt that he was justified in doing pretty much anything. It made his character more sympathetic and the story a little more subversive. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing where they'll go with this

  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mae
    I was disappointed on how they changed things to hurry the story though. In the manga Light wasn't crazy to begin with. He was a decent kid, and he honestly wanted to help people by using the Death Note. It was only as he kept going he became more and more corrupted by the power he was using, until he felt that he was justified in doing pretty much anything. It made his character more sympathetic and the story a little more subversive.
    That might indeed be something that could bother manga readers, but for me, who has never read the manga, this current situation might be even better. It's hard to justify killing people left and right, to be the police, judge and jury at the same time, and thus I prefer there's no excessive attempts to, but the fellow just is megalomaniac and somewhat cracked.

  13. #33
    unfortunately that aspect of lights personality that they omitted is a big deal a major issue in the manga. i cant imagine that they would change it.

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    well i watched the first episode and immediately went out and read the first two volumes of the manga. I think they did a pretty good job with Light. They added a couple scenes showing how truly disgusted he is with the entire human race, and that seemed to justify him acting so mad so early on. (at least for me)... It gave rationale to his character's actions and i actually thought that was something that came across as a little weak, or just under supported, in the first couple manga chapters.

    but enough about the manga....

    The animation is good. The character designs are true and the voices sound allright (L is going to be a big test.... i wonder who they have lined up for his voice?).

    The premise of this show is weak. A magic book with all that power falling into the straight-A student's hands, bored demons. Sounds totally lame, right? Well, just by itself i'd say yes, but in reality it's not. The concepts in this show are powerful and that (along with the genius cat-and-mouse challenges coming up) really makes it something worth watching. Moral and ethical dilemmas abound, and you really can't be disinterested by them.

    My favorite thing so far: The main character being a villain. At least in my eyes Light is a villain, and I fucking love rooting for villains!

    Least favorite: The overdramatic music and montage scene with L scribbling furiously in the Death Note and people falling to their deaths. I thought that was too standard anime fare.

    needless to say, sticking with this one.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #35
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Lol ! i agree about the overdramatic scene. He's doing it with style..

    As for L , click click!

    He's the VA for Ussop and Ranma. O_O
    Last edited by kenren; Tue, 10-10-2006 at 03:48 AM.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  16. #36
    I really hate that voice actor, especially in a serious role... hopefully it'll work out.

  17. #37
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Translation wise, TW should be better... heck their translator translates DN manga for Viz. I haven't watched either version completely so I can't say very well. But if your going to get the TW version get their v1 over their v2... reffer to a previous post of mine for reasons.
    TW has certainly put out many good subs in the past and there translations are always top of the line. Unfortunately if you don't like the V2 names why would you assume that aspect will be fixed in a future episode they subbed? Also I could be completely wrong about this but I can't recall any series TW has actually subbed from start to finish as they always end up WAY behind on the episodes for instance were they not around episode 30 of Naruto when episode 80 was already out? I personally would recommend avoiding TW subs like the plague despite there quality for that reason.

    That being said episode 1 was quite good. I have not read the manga but I have been told to by friends many many times and now I see why. Everything in this episode makes me want to see more of this series and for now I will definatly be looking forward to future episodes. Heck I might even bother to read the manga at some point

  18. #38
    Because the V2 was probably done by some jackasses of the group without talking to the rest of the staff, especially the translator who is the only real member of TW. As how they'll handle the name changes from episode 2 on, I don't know. But as of right now I can see how disorganized they are, and that's not a good sign. In fact, the real TW group doesn't approve of this one, and that's why they forced them to create their own channel in rizon instead of enterthegame were the real TW channel is.

    But enough of this, I just wanted to point out to you guys, that you should not expect the same quality from the group

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It's hard to justify killing people left and right, to be the police, judge and jury at the same time.
    True, but isn't that the premise of most vigilante super-hero stories? Ordinary guy gets super powers and decides it is his duty to buck the system and right the wrongs of the world (think Spiderman or Batman, the Punisher I believe kills people pretty indiscriminately).

    But his power isn't a magical sword or super strength, and he gets to skip the whole tracking down and fighting the bad guys part and go strait to the end scene, making the whole thing that much harder to justify. And you know how when the villain is down and the hero just stops to talk to him and you're like "Don't be an idiot! Just kill him already!" but he doesn't and the villain has time to escape or use some kind of final trick? Well, Light is the smart "hero" that just kills him.

  20. #40
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    and add C1anime to the fray of groups subbing Death Note!

    Death Note - episode 01 - C1anime

    They did a pretty damn good job with Mushishi, and I think I watched something else of theirs awhile back that was well done also... But it'll still be hard for them to compete with Live and all the others. Anybody who knows quality from crap fansubs want to chime in?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

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