how fucking awesome is Chief Yagami? Heart attack, Kira just killed one of his men, how's he respond? By recklessly driving a big ass vehicle into a damn building! Jack Bauer shit right there man, hardass motherfuckin cop!

This changes everything. A second Kira, and with a power Light doesn't have (I wouldn't say Misa's more powerful, since she's obviously dumber than Light, and I think even without the Eyes he's the bigger hitter). What I liked best is how Light responds, not rushing out to meet this would-be ally, but use his new-found friendship with L to keep tabs on both. He's one hell of an evil bastard, but he's smart. It makes me enjoy watching him explain his thoughts, even though I'm hoping L catches him.

Dramatic potato chips, dramatic tennis, dramatic cell phones....

You wanna know what I think? (well, you're still reading, so guess that's a yes). I think the anime adaption is somewhat mediocre. Now before everyone jumps all over me, let me explain: I love Death Note. I enjoy watching the anime to an unhealthy extent. Top notch story, awesome characters, great context/themes, ultra-suspenseful. True, the anime is all that and, literally, a bag of chips. But you know what? All those awesome things come straight outta the manga, ditto the awesome sequencing. The anime adaption so far has done two things very well: sticking to the manga and providing good voice acting. I can't stress the second one enough, especially since the music and sfx aren't anything to write home about. Bangup job on casting.

But the actual animation? Today's well-funded anime standard. The camera angles and set ups of shots? Mediocre. The dramatic sequences? I think the potato chips speak for themselves.

am i crazy, wanting the guys who do the manga to try to improve it? I can't help but feel it though. Anime and manga are very similar, but anime has things it can do that a manga can't, things that it should be better at. Anime is essentially a more fluid, continuous presentation of a manga, but using a second sensory input, sound. So I'm willing to let the stellar job of the VAs take the second category, but the guys doing the first, I'm just not feeling it.

oh, and goth chicks must die. Especially the hot ones who ruin themselves by turning goth.