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Thread: Death Note

  1. #201
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    how fucking awesome is Chief Yagami? Heart attack, Kira just killed one of his men, how's he respond? By recklessly driving a big ass vehicle into a damn building! Jack Bauer shit right there man, hardass motherfuckin cop!

    This changes everything. A second Kira, and with a power Light doesn't have (I wouldn't say Misa's more powerful, since she's obviously dumber than Light, and I think even without the Eyes he's the bigger hitter). What I liked best is how Light responds, not rushing out to meet this would-be ally, but use his new-found friendship with L to keep tabs on both. He's one hell of an evil bastard, but he's smart. It makes me enjoy watching him explain his thoughts, even though I'm hoping L catches him.

    Dramatic potato chips, dramatic tennis, dramatic cell phones....

    You wanna know what I think? (well, you're still reading, so guess that's a yes). I think the anime adaption is somewhat mediocre. Now before everyone jumps all over me, let me explain: I love Death Note. I enjoy watching the anime to an unhealthy extent. Top notch story, awesome characters, great context/themes, ultra-suspenseful. True, the anime is all that and, literally, a bag of chips. But you know what? All those awesome things come straight outta the manga, ditto the awesome sequencing. The anime adaption so far has done two things very well: sticking to the manga and providing good voice acting. I can't stress the second one enough, especially since the music and sfx aren't anything to write home about. Bangup job on casting.

    But the actual animation? Today's well-funded anime standard. The camera angles and set ups of shots? Mediocre. The dramatic sequences? I think the potato chips speak for themselves.

    am i crazy, wanting the guys who do the manga to try to improve it? I can't help but feel it though. Anime and manga are very similar, but anime has things it can do that a manga can't, things that it should be better at. Anime is essentially a more fluid, continuous presentation of a manga, but using a second sensory input, sound. So I'm willing to let the stellar job of the VAs take the second category, but the guys doing the first, I'm just not feeling it.

    oh, and goth chicks must die. Especially the hot ones who ruin themselves by turning goth.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #202
    I've said before that this would be a hard story to animate. A lot of the tension is centered around deception and scheming rather than fights with giant mechs. Lots of dialogue, lots of inner monologues. They do work hard to try to make it seem dramatic, but I think they sometimes overshoot and it just gets silly (like the chip scene). I would agree, however, that the chief's scene kicked ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    oh, and goth chicks must die. Especially the hot ones who ruin themselves by turning goth.
    Oh, fuck you. I was goth for about 2 years because I thought it would be fun. And it was. A lot of fun, actually. Not every chick wants to be a pretty, pretty princess and dress and act only to get others' approval.

  3. #203
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Oh so now, chicks are either goth, or pretty pretty princesses ? :P

  4. #204

  5. #205
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Is Misa's outfit considered Goth? Hmm...

    Anyway, I don't think the introduction of Misa will turn this into a three-way battle, mainly because she doesn't seem that smart to me. Sending those video tapes to Sakura TV is a huge and foolish risk. It's like practically giving the investigation team a throve of potential clues to work on. The envelopes, stamps, writing, tapes, voices etc etc... I just feel that it's an unnecessary move. Especially killing off those cops. What good can it do? It sounded like her main motive was to grab the attention of Kira, and you don't need to air the entire tape to achieve that.

    If I were Kira, I'd be extremely annoyed, not to mention worried (just like Light mentioned), since she might turn out to be a huge weak link that can become fatal. If she gets caught, it's basically game over for Light. They'll know everything about the Death Note and it'll be only a matter of time before L finds a way to pin it on Light.

  6. #206
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mae
    Oh, fuck you. I was goth for about 2 years because I thought it would be fun. And it was. A lot of fun, actually. Not every chick wants to be a pretty, pretty princess and dress and act only to get others' approval.
    So instead you dressed like an extra in a Tim Burton movie to get the approval of a bunch of people dressed the same way.

    Good job. You're a rebel.

  7. #207
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Watched all 11 episodes in a row till late in the night yesterday eve.

    I have to admitt it's totally out of what I would like... but it's quite "catchy", or I wouldn't have been able to watch it in a row like that.

    In fact my main concern is that I have to be on the side of the evil one... cause Light is a really bad guy and smart ass... He proved that the second he tried to kill L, even though this was a trap...

    That very same scene also proved L is not justice either. I think that idea is fine too...

    Although Light is portrayed as a very deep vilain, L is not the very pure arm of justice... they even pointed out that Light and L were pretty much the same. Starting with the inital they use... L and Light.

    I never read the manga, but I wonder if L will use Light... to erase some bad guys.

    What I dislike is Ryuk, totally useless and no interrest in the drawing, his companions: same verdict.

    So we'll see what happens next, I do hope Penbar's fiancee is not dead after all, becausse this is the worst act of felony Light did... that may explain why ryukwas so happy, when he saw her lifespan for example...

    c u

  8. #208
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I think Ryuk was laughing because of how evil he realises that Light is. As for Naomi surviving, the chances are extremely low unless she some how manages to break the system. The rule still stands..... if your name is written on the death note, you die. In her case it's 2 days later, but inevitably, she's most probably going to die (or rather dead now).
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #209
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    As for Naomi surviving, the chances are extremely low unless she some how manages to break the system. The rule still stands..... if your name is written on the death note, you die. In her case it's 2 days later, but inevitably, she's most probably going to die (or rather dead now).
    Actually there's another way a person can avoid dying when their name has been properly written in the Note. It's not in the "official rules" written by Ryuk, but I've seen it in some of the eye-catches. It goes along the lines of:

    "The person whose name is written cannot kill another person".

    Now this is vague, but it leaves lots of "holes" for people to slip through. Light can't have Matsuda or someone else take a gun and kill L, that's obvious. But if Matsuda is flying a plane, and Light tries to kill him with the Note, and that plane will then crash (assume Matsuda is the only person able to pilot it), does Matsuda die?

    That is not so clear-cut. But it seems that Light can only kill ONE person at a time with the Note, the person whose name is written.

    What does this have to do with Naomi? Well, she was supposed to go and kill herself, according to the Note. "Then she's dead!" you'd think.... unless... unless her suicide somehow involved taking a "life"... How does a person taking her own life kill someone else? See what I'm going at?

    it's a slim, slim, slim chance. And I might be barking up a totally wrong tree... but it would be fucking awesome twist.

    and I never trust someone's dead in an anime until I see the dead body.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #210
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs

    and I never trust someone's dead in an anime until I see the dead body.
    My exact thought... and even when they're dead sometimes but I hope we're not in such a poor anime (were people get to relive when it's handy, like say... DBZ )

    Manga references removed. You can discuss things from the manga in the manga section, but if it hasn't happened in the anime yet, it's considered spoiling.

    C u
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 12-28-2006 at 02:50 PM.

  11. #211
    @Masa: I've been thinking along that same line all day and I finally came home to post my thoughts and apparently you we're having them as well.

    When I saw Psyke's post about Naomi somehow I started thinking about how this show might handle unborn children. If Naomi was pregnant when Light wrote her name in...or decided to commit suicide by being fucked to death (unlikely but who knows..,) then maybe she wouldn't die b/c it would kill the baby. Then I thought, Hey, babys usually don't have names until they're born so how the Note shouldn't see them as living people and thus they don't matter. But it is possible (and terrifying) that some sort of baby loophole might bring Naomi back. If Light is to go down I don't want it to be because of some stupid loophole I want it to be because he was outsmarted by L or something.

  12. #212
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Live-Evil_ Death Note_ episode12

    i was just wondering... Some people name their kids before they come out of the womb. Besides, not knowing the name isn't the same as not having one. Honestly I have no clue how/if the story will deal with that loophole... but it'd be a nasty one

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #213
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    "The person whose name is written cannot kill another person".
    Not necessary true, I agree. I'm taking some reference to the movie, but no spoilers as the first movie ends off at the meeting between L and Light, and I've yet to see the second movie.

    In the movie, Light used this method: on 1 page, he wrote the name of a certain individual, and that this person would use a gun to shoot down another, and then commit suicide using the same gun. On another page, he wrote down another name, and that this person would die from a gun shot at the same place as the first person. Obviously, these were 2 separate names on 2 separate pages, but as Light explained to Ryuk, everything will go according to his plan as the chances of 2 persons holding onto a gun at the same place is extremely small, and that it would be "arranged" that these 2 will meet. Hope I've explained this well.

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    What does this have to do with Naomi? Well, she was supposed to go and kill herself, according to the Note. "Then she's dead!" you'd think.... unless... unless her suicide somehow involved taking a "life"... How does a person taking her own life kill someone else? See what I'm going at?
    I'm sorry but I don't really understand.... if the note states that she's going to commit suicide, then any other deaths along the way will not be the doing of the death note, right? End of the day, she will still take her own life, and that the rules of the death note will still stand, right?

    But your point about the plane did made me ponder...... I guess all the other passengers will die along with the pilot, in order to fulfill the rules. But, that's not really killing, just involving other innocent people in the process. It's also hard to imagine what is the extend of the deathnote and its manipulative powers. Can it control what Naomi will do in the 2 days before she dies? If so, Light can just put the date of death as far as a week and control anyone he likes..... I'm sure that there is a way round this, perhaps with the 6 min 40 seconds limit imposed on the user. Not too sure, but I try to avoid thinking about everything, as after all this is still an anime.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  14. #214
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It seems that it's possible to forecast a death very far in the future.

    Light did. He prepared 3 weeks of "work", just in case he is in an hospital and can't write... so that there's no pause in death at the same time.

    Regarding the rule that someone with their name on the DN cannot kill, I agree it would make it impossible for a suicide to involve other death at the same time.
    So one cannot commit suicide in crashing a plane...
    So Naomi didn't choose such a solution. My guess is that she's only a handy piece of story line the scenarists kept available... which doesn't mean they will use it, nor they won't

  15. #215
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Please do not double post.
    Verbal Warning.

    Second message different ideas.


    Well the last ep showed us more:
    max 19 days for death "forecasting"

    the "Jealous" Death God Death, that could let us think Misa didn't really lost lifespan when getting the eyes, as she should already be dead. Plus we do not know how much Jealous had, that could be a lot...

    A question would be for the eyes, does Rem still has them? I was wondering, since his are not red anymore... So does a DG lends their eyes for the time the human who gets them lives, and get these eyes back at the death of this human... Or do they keep them also?


    Well, this series got me hooked, it should have been something I would'nt have liked if it hadn't been so well depicted in this thread.

    c u

  16. #216
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    The ending was awesome when Kira and Misa we're sitting near each other in that coffee shop and thinking what kind of person each other is. Pretty cool.

  17. #217
    So, more maneuvering by L's team and Kira dodges their trap but doesn't really gain any ground. And Misa appears. I like how they portray her as kind of cheerfully amoral. She wants to meet Kira and she doesn't care if someone has to die to make it happen. And after finding out about the shinigami who died she's just happy she has some information Kira can use. Rem looks adequately creepy, and her VA is ok.

  18. #218
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mae
    So, more maneuvering by L's team and Kira dodges their trap but doesn't really gain any ground. And Misa appears. I like how they portray her as kind of cheerfully amoral. She wants to meet Kira and she doesn't care if someone has to die to make it happen. And after finding out about the shinigami who died she's just happy she has some information Kira can use. Rem looks adequately creepy, and her VA is ok.

    Well at least Misa is very different from Light, because she should be dead.
    In a way, we can think she has changed from the moment she should have been dead.

    Very different from Light, who to our knowledge has only been changed due to the power he got from the DN.

    And regarding Misa's dumbness, no one tells us for how long she has had the DN.

    I'm always careful of people dumb on the surface, that proved they travelled a long time with no problems on very dangerous roads....

    c u

  19. #219
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    OK so yea after this ep I officially like Misa. Her reaction to finding out her life was saved by Jealous made me a fan. I'm interested in seeing how Light is gonna handle her though, she's giving out way too much information.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  20. #220
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    OK so yea after this ep I officially like Misa. Her reaction to finding out her life was saved by Jealous made me a fan. I'm interested in seeing how Light is gonna handle her though, she's giving out way too much information.
    I wonder if it's a problem.

    Befor Light decided to mass kill "villains", no one had decided to investigate "abnormal" deaths.
    In that, I think Light is far dumber than Misa.
    For the moment, we don't know for how long Misa had her DN and if she has a high rate of killings with it... at a level comparable to Light.

    If she is using her DN a lot, and has been doing for a time comparable to Light, or even more, I would consider she is better than Light... which would not mean she would win against the main character.

    c u

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