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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #681
    Just watched the newest episode.
    Hiro is funny!!!
    Hello~ Mr African Isack, lol. Then "dame dame, mou ii"/ no more that's it, after getting smacked around.
    What was Peter thinking, he should've at least let Sylar come along. It was nice to see all those little skirmishes though.
    I have been a little torn about this season. I guess they are trying to switch things up and blur the lines between who is good and who is bad. Making the good somewhat bad and stupid and the bad somewhat good and weaker.
    Patriarch Petrelli seems quite bad-ass though. And where is the full power of "The Company?" I know Adam killed most of the 12 heads of the company off, but damn a Company is not a sole-proprietorship. Using the name "Company" means that there should be a lot more in that organisation, rather than just Momma Petrelli and HRG (and some inconspicuous people in the background walking around. What happened to Primatech? Pinehearst is just dominating

  2. #682
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That was easily the best episode of the season, and the culmination of Peter losing his powers was icing on the cake. I wonder though, doe Mr. Peterelli have ALL of Peter's powers, including that weird empathy thing? And If so, did Peter lose that ability? Maybe he'll end up becoming a synthetic or something after getting the shot, and end up with a new ability. I also like the angle they took with Peter's its a bit similar to his dad's, but actually better since he doesn't actually have to touch anyone. But then again, he doesn't actually drain their powers...hmmm. I'm officially looking forward to the future eps ^^.

  3. #683
    lol Adam got owned!!! Holy crap at Papa Patrelli. I love how all of the badasses of last season are just getting owned by PapaP. Why did Tracy decide to freeze lab equipment of all things? x_x Speedster meeting Cop was awfully convenient.
    "Hey!" "Hey..." "We're soulmates" "Orly?" "Rly" "Brb"
    Claire's mom is really smart for jumping into an evil dudes layer without a gun or any training.
    The patrelli sons are badass!!!! How did the senator/president get stuck with flying? Maybe he's not really PapaP's son.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  4. #684
    I find it interesting what happened to Adam... he lost his powers, so his body decomposed like it should've a long time ago. Don't know if this breaks any "laws" of Heroes, but just for the cool effect, it was great.

  5. #685
    I thought that too, but I was unsure if he just drained his power, letting him rot, or he just drained so much out of him that he poofed into dust. Which leads me to wonder, if he can drain them to death, did he leave Peter alive, or does he only drain powers?
    Last edited by animus; Tue, 10-21-2008 at 01:12 PM.

  6. #686
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I thought that too, but I was unsure if he just drained his power, letting him rot, or he just drained so much out of him that he poofed into dust. Which leads me to wonder, if he can drain them to death, did he leave Peter or alive, or does he only drain powers?
    You're right there... we really can't tell what happened. I don't think he drained Adam to death, I wouldn't see the point. Adam is evil enough that he can make use of him.

  7. #687
    He drained his powers. So whatever was keeping Adam alive basically wasn't there anymore, so his cells all died (and didn't regenerate) like they normally would for a 400-something year old man.

    PapaP = Absorb and steal power by touching
    Sylar = Root around in brain and find key to power (assuming they survive, they will still have the power)
    Peter = Sponge power by being around them
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #688
    If Sylar was actually smart, he would become a neuro-surgeon... no need to become a serial killer.

  9. #689
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, his ability makes him want to learn everything about something, so there's no guarantee that he wouldn't take apart people's brains anyway. Plus, medical school ain't cheap.

  10. #690
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I found a screencap of the "villians"

    I'm sure I know who everyone is except for the Errol Flynn lookalike on the top right.
    Some think it's Peter, but I'm not so sure...

  11. #691
    I thought it was Sylar =/

  12. #692
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Doesn't really look like him.

  13. #693
    I guess, but Sylar's really the only one with eyebrows that fucking huge, for now atleast.

  14. #694
    I would think they'd want to have someone in there that hasn't been revealed yet to keep the mystery up. The other side of it, is that they might be playing us so that we think that Sylar will go bad once again. But now that he's good, I hope he stays that way or simply gets killed. Don't want to do the whole "Everyone vs. Sylar" thing again.

  15. #695
    Especially considering he isn't even the most potent villain anymore.

  16. #696
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I hope Sylar doesn't go totally good, but remains sort of an anti-hero. I'm not sure I like the warm, flowery Sylar as much. He should still be kinda creepy; since that's what made him such a good character.

  17. #697
    Then again, I think it's interesting how such conflicting forces are being brought together by an even greater evil. And then we see some more evil characters merging with this seemingly unbearable force, and even some previously "good" characters too. This really does kind of resemble an epic war.I still see it's potential.

    In the "future" Sylar surpresses his power, gets a son (wut he hooks up?) and Peter has obtained his powers again. What does that mean?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  18. #698
    I'm not sure if that future still happens. But then again future Peter hasn't really fixed anything in the past beyond the Nathan shooting.

  19. #699
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Just caught up after watching 5 episodes straight. Questions abound, but still pretty entertaining and that's the most important thing. Are the online web episodes good enough to justify the series?
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  20. #700
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    Just caught up after watching 5 episodes straight. Questions abound, but still pretty entertaining and that's the most important thing. Are the online web episodes good enough to justify the series?
    It's worth watching as it doesn't take too much time... they're very short. But they aren't relevant to the series. It's low budget (as most, if not all, webisodes are)... so if you keep that in mind, you should enjoy it. So don't expect much from them.

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