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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #521
    I would think you can recover from whatever it is she does if you're not dead when she finally stops. But of you are exposed too long you die and then stay dead.

    And how can Kensei/Adam have weather manipulation powers as well as regeneration. If he's like Peter and can absorb other powers then he shouldn't need Peter, so I'm confused. And what's up with he so crazy that he's willing to compromise his lofty 'morals' and use Clare as a guinea pig just because she's Bennet's daughter? Or is he just such an idiot he hasn't considered she might not want to be experimented on.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 11-06-2007 at 12:47 AM.

  2. #522
    The way I interpreted it was that Adam had someone under his control that caused a tsunami, then some other person used the tsunami to make it snow instead.

  3. #523
    Hmm, thats interesting. My interpretation was that there was a tsunami, and the original 12 managed to stop it, under the guidance of adam/kensie....and thats how they initially came together and decided they could help humanity. So that snowfall headline was sort of where it all began.

    Mohinder is just being stupid now, but i dont know what to make of the company. Obviously they're not the greatest of people, but we know for sure now that adam is up to no good. So now im thinking that the company is actually 'the good guys', just with a slightly twisted outlook and questionable morals.

    Also, anyone else thing that Kaito Nakamura's killer wasn't parkman's father, but adam? Cuz that person jumped off the ledge along with kaito, and we know it wasn't in his head cuz Ando saw him too. Adam is the logical choice, since he would just walk away from it, and he also has a grudge against kaito, being hiro's father and all. Makes the whole 'i'll make you suffer' thing make sense.

    All in all, a very interesting episode. Loved every minute of it. Even the emotional stuff between parkman/his father and hiro/yahiko was good. I wonder how adam escaped though.

  4. #524
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    Hmm, thats interesting. My interpretation was that there was a tsunami, and the original 12 managed to stop it, under the guidance of adam/kensie....and thats how they initially came together and decided they could help humanity. So that snowfall headline was sort of where it all began.

    Mohinder is just being stupid now, but i dont know what to make of the company. Obviously they're not the greatest of people, but we know for sure now that adam is up to no good. So now im thinking that the company is actually 'the good guys', just with a slightly twisted outlook and questionable morals.

    Also, anyone else thing that Kaito Nakamura's killer wasn't parkman's father, but adam? Cuz that person jumped off the ledge along with kaito, and we know it wasn't in his head cuz Ando saw him too. Adam is the logical choice, since he would just walk away from it, and he also has a grudge against kaito, being hiro's father and all. Makes the whole 'i'll make you suffer' thing make sense.

    All in all, a very interesting episode. Loved every minute of it. Even the emotional stuff between parkman/his father and hiro/yahiko was good. I wonder how adam escaped though.

    Didn't have to escape, probably just healed. Most likely need to cut off his head to kill him completely. I agree with u when u say adam killed nakamura, but they screwed up cause i remember him say "i would have never thought it was you" when he saw who was gonna kill him. but then bob knows it was him and not parkmans dad from the start (because of locking him up and all,and parkmans dad being a tool), makes no sense IMO.

  5. #525
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    Hmm, thats interesting. My interpretation was that there was a tsunami, and the original 12 managed to stop it, under the guidance of adam/kensie....and thats how they initially came together and decided they could help humanity. So that snowfall headline was sort of where it all began.

    Mohinder is just being stupid now, but i dont know what to make of the company. Obviously they're not the greatest of people, but we know for sure now that adam is up to no good. So now im thinking that the company is actually 'the good guys', just with a slightly twisted outlook and questionable morals.

    Also, anyone else thing that Kaito Nakamura's killer wasn't parkman's father, but adam? Cuz that person jumped off the ledge along with kaito, and we know it wasn't in his head cuz Ando saw him too. Adam is the logical choice, since he would just walk away from it, and he also has a grudge against kaito, being hiro's father and all. Makes the whole 'i'll make you suffer' thing make sense.

    All in all, a very interesting episode. Loved every minute of it. Even the emotional stuff between parkman/his father and hiro/yahiko was good. I wonder how adam escaped though.
    Well, whatever the case may be, I doubt Adam caused any of the weather effects. Also, it can be just about anyone that killed Nakamura, if Bob was controlling his thoughts. I think Peter can be a likely candidate. But Adam can be the one that killed him, and the reason he said "I would have never thought it was you" was because Adam should've been in some sort of prison all this time.

  6. #526
    Sooooo... How does a guy without any powers but regeneration escape from a prisson. I think since adam is alive for a fucking long time. He has uber perfected his ability's. Thus making him powerfull enough to escape.. But how much can you upgrade healing?

  7. #527
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Hmm by learning how to die and come back to life. Plus it's not like he didn't have help.(Linderman, Maury)

    But none of that matters, what does is how is Adam going to use Peter to "change history"? Time travel, using him to absorb the virus and become a walking plague? So many questions and so little time(thanks a lot you fucking strike).

    Also, looking at the pictures the person Mohinder shoots could be HRG.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #528
    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    Hmm by learning how to die and come back to life. Plus it's not like he didn't have help.(Linderman, Maury)

    But none of that matters, what does is how is Adam going to use Peter to "change history"? Time travel, using him to absorb the virus and become a walking plague? So many questions and so little time(thanks a lot you fucking strike).

    Also, looking at the pictures the person Mohinder shoots could be HRG.
    They want us to think mohinder is going to shoot HGR (what was his real name again?) But i think it will be someone else.

  9. #529
    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    Hmm by learning how to die and come back to life. Plus it's not like he didn't have help.(Linderman, Maury)

    But none of that matters, what does is how is Adam going to use Peter to "change history"? Time travel, using him to absorb the virus and become a walking plague? So many questions and so little time(thanks a lot you fucking strike).

    Also, looking at the pictures the person Mohinder shoots could be HRG.
    This has nothing to do with the strike, this arc was going to be wrapped up in 11 episodes anyways.

  10. #530
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Volume 2 was going to end by ep. 11, but the strike stopped production so they turned into a finale for the season. I highly doubt the end of the episode(11) will be ending anything having to do with the virus or Adam plots.
    Last edited by Knives122; Tue, 11-06-2007 at 12:53 PM.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #531
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    I think Mohinder still knows what he's doing, he's just trying to get even more of Bob's trust. I doubt he's the one who shoots Bennet. It's too obvious for Heroes. Also I agree with Bud about Adam not being the one who controls weather. He was probably just another on of Adam's desciples. Same for whoever killed Kaito. Remember, there is still like 4 or 5 people from the picture that havn't been explained.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  12. #532
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish-S
    Sooooo... How does a guy without any powers but regeneration escape from a prisson. I think since adam is alive for a fucking long time. He has uber perfected his ability's. Thus making him powerfull enough to escape.. But how much can you upgrade healing?

    Its not just healing it is regeneration. And think about it, the only reason you really age is because your cells have to split in half to reconstruct themselves after being damaged or old. But if you have regeneration as a power it isnt hard to assume that a certain level of immortality could be achieved.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  13. #533
    What is regeneration but extremely rapid cell division (healing) to repair any macroscopic problems like a piece of wood in your skull or a burned hand? The trick is that normally cells couldn't maintain that level of replication forever without eventually reaching a preprogrammed replication limit.

    The reason people age is because most of our cells have this built in copy limit in the form of junk bits of DNA at the tips of DNA strands. Once a cell's DNA runs out of this 'padding' it is supposed to stop replicating and just die, if it doesn't the cell division process would rip up the important DNA and cause mutations. Once enough cells in your body are at their copy limit your body would start to slowly fall apart since it couldn't repair itself effectively.

    The cells of fictional regenerators have to have the ability to create more padding for their DNA and thus they should be able to keep perfectly replicating themselves forever. In this situation there shouldn't really be much deterioration over time (aging) as long as the person stays healthy and properly nourished.

  14. #534
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    I'm still wondering about Mama Petrelli's power. They made it look like she used some sort of power on Peter in the future to make him remember her. He didn't regain his full memory it seems like, though, just snapshots of his mom. All in all, very mysterious.

  15. #535
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    To me it seemed like Peter remembered everything, not just the stuff about her. I would guess that she has powers over memory, much like the Haitian does. If that were true, she would have had to been the one to steal his memory in the first place.

    If it wasn't her, they the only memories of his she could transfer over would be the ones with her in them (she wouldn't know about any others because she wasn't there). My guess is that the ones she gave him triggered the rest.

    I just hope Peter is able to get Kaitlin back. Kinda a bad place for her to be...

  16. #536
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I'm glad he left her there. She was terrible in a myriad of ways.

  17. #537
    She may have been annoying but she had an interesting accent and hips that don't lie. I certainly won't miss her attitude but I will miss the voice and the scenes of her walking away.

  18. #538
    I would've thought that if he remembered everything, he would have better control of his powers, unless he didn't know how to use Hiro's power yet. He still seemed like he didn't have control, so I wonder what "I remember everything" meant.

  19. #539
    I was under the impression that the Haitiian's power suppression was passive and he didn't have conscious control over it but Elle seemed to demonstrate that this is not the case. Very confusing, but I guess it would make sense that he'd learn to control it. And the Haitiian's plan seemed fairly stupid, wiping Peter's memory obviously wouldn't take away his powers so while he'd get to start over again eventually his powers would manifest again and he wouldn't know enough to keep a low profile. Thus The Company would just track him down again.

    Peters escape did lack a lot of foresight (invisibility, flight, or time-stop would have been very useful while the Haittian was still far away). However one of the more recent comics does give a pretty good explanation of why the use of those might not have occurred to him.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 11-13-2007 at 10:13 AM.

  20. #540
    Maybe the reason he didn't use his powers was because the Haitian was around surpressing it? We don't know the range of his powers, and I really don't remember Peter having that big of a lead at any point.

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