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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #501
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Check this out!!

    Peter's really a woman!!

  2. #502
    Lulz nice find. Seems to be a really silly thing to overlook.

  3. #503
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    wait is West the same actor as clark from smallville? because if he is, thats a cool idea how it was like a replica of when jor-el flew lana's ancestor into the sky in that episode of smallville where clark sees the past in visions.

  4. #504
    You're blind.

  5. #505
    Student Eddie_Brock's Avatar
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    little bit late but this was nice, i really like parkman's dad, he looks like the clown from spawn.i hope peter will stop acting like a wuss after what happened and go start being a bad ass.That sharingan chick is cool, she got the potential to be a kick ass character

    @ mizuchi, nope he is definitely not clark from smallvile

    edit munsu beat me to it

  6. #506
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Yeah, this episode really started to pick things up a notch. Parkman's dad is the total sleazebag after all. That was a pretty awesome scene. I'm interested to see how his powers develop. It looks like he's gained the ability to project things into other people's minds, which could come in very handy. And if Matt's powers are changing and evolving, maybe we'll see some of the same from other characters.

  7. #507
    Yesterday's episode was great, the story progressed nicely I'd say. The creator says that episode 7-11 will be the best episode of the series he has done so far, so we should get rewarded a lot for this slow start to the season, which to be fair, has been the nature of the show since the first episode.

  8. #508
    Yeah, that last episode seemed to set a faster pace from now on. Sylar in the car with them is cool and his going over to see his old friend Suresh. I wonder how he's going to get help there, wonder if he'll start working for the company just so he can get more powers.

    I also liked the conversation between Alejandro and Sylar, about how when he gets his powers back, he's going to kill them and take theirs.

  9. #509
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I liked the part right after that so much more. To paraphrase, "Either way, your sister is developing quite nicely." Sylar knows that even if he doesn't get his powers back, he has been influencing Maya further and further down "his path."

    He's more than happy to use his real name, Gabriel, with her, since he only gains further influence over her. She's very religious, and clearly sees him as her savior and guide to the elder Saresh (whom he wisely neglected to point out is dead).

    It's a very interesting sub plot, Sylar quietly raising his protege.

  10. #510
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I thought it was hilarious how Hiro stopped time to think about whether or not he should kiss Yaeko. Looks like it had worse consequences than he'd thought. Kensei is not happy. I've had a running debate with my brother about whether or not Hiro is actually Kensei as history knows him. He's been adamant that Hiro is Kensei, but I've stuck to my theory that Hiro only helps out and Kensei actually becomes the legend as known in history. After tonight's episode, his theory is certainly starting to become more valid than mine. It'll take a lot for Kensei to redeem himself after this.

    And Claire....well, regardless of how boozed-up that head cheerleader girl was, her statement is likely now on police record. Even this much could be really dangerous to Claire. So much for staying under the radar. You know, I kindof want her to get caught, just so that creepy West can realize that it's all his fault, and if he hadn't interfered, she would have been safe.

    I also agree that the Alehandro-Maja-Sylar plot is getting more and more interesting, especially with the tension rising between the men, and Maja slowly being corrupted by Sylar's ideas.

  11. #511
    What happened to the people around maya when she was a baby...? she never cried?

  12. #512
    What happened with the people around Ted when he was a kid? Did he never get angry?

  13. #513
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    It's pretty obvious that the powers doesn't show themselves at birth since Matt got his as an adult and most of them for that matter........ What we know anyway.

    I would really like to know more about that Electric girl who was hunting Peter down and i also want to know what Petrelli mom can do if she can do anything at all.

    I would have to agree that West is creepy and pretty dumb, shouldn't the Company keep an eye on him since they got him marked? Maybe he even works for them or something, as an informer. I also would love to see his face when/if he ever meets Claire's dad, he is really kickass this season. Could there be any connection between the Petrelli's and West? Since Nathan and West got the same kind of power or is it just a coincidence?

    The thing to remember with Claire though is that she is only 16, there isn't a single 16 year old that got his/her head on straight. I liked to see some underage drinking though, i have no idea how common it is for 16 year olds to drink in the US but since the captain of the cheersquad was the only one i assume that it is pretty uncommon.

  14. #514
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Maybe the white Kensei will be the current day villain. We don't know whether or not his power is immune to disease or old age as well...

    Who is this new guy by the way? The one on the folder that Shuresh seen and then he left his name on the note to Peter as if he knew him. (I think it was Adam or something).

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  15. #515
    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    i have no idea how common it is for 16 year olds to drink in the US but since the captain of the cheersquad was the only one i assume that it is pretty uncommon.
    Drinking is fairly ommon for American high schoolers living in and around big cities, though the degree can vary greatly from person to person. The captain of the squad is much more retarded than most American teenagers I knew, since as she brought hard liquor to school property while doing illegal hazing on new recruits. Usually when an upper-middle class high school clique is having a big hazing event they don't do it at the school they do it at someone's house.

  16. #516
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    Maybe the white Kensei will be the current day villain. We don't know whether or not his power is immune to disease or old age as well...

    Who is this new guy by the way? The one on the folder that Shuresh seen and then he left his name on the note to Peter as if he knew him. (I think it was Adam or something).

    Adam Monroe....We don't want to know
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 11-04-2007 at 03:44 AM.

  17. #517
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Btw to all you nubasaurs Heroes ends with a season finale in a month due to strike:

    The link says it may, but the strike happened sunday so yeah.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  18. #518
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    Maybe the white Kensei will be the current day villain. We don't know whether or not his power is immune to disease or old age as well...

    Who is this new guy by the way? The one on the folder that Shuresh seen and then he left his name on the note to Peter as if he knew him. (I think it was Adam or something).
    Well it looks like I was right... Guess there's no need to call him Kensei anymore. He's Adam Monroe now.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  19. #519
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    Well it looks like I was right... Guess there's no need to call him Kensei anymore. He's Adam Monroe now.
    I had the smae feeling lol when i saw that i shouted "Iknew it" man sometimes i think i can write for the shows (wish i could since the bastards are going on strike, we might not get the extra episodes now >.<). His mom should have told him more cause now it seems adam is going to use him for his plans. and it looks like the pread of the disease starts with nikki now >.< her character sucks.

    Im still wondering how syler will play into all of this and mya, time will tell hopefully we will get something on that the next episode.

  20. #520
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Mya's powers are so corny. How does she kill them? I thought when she stops, the black stuff disappears from the other people too and they come back to life?

    Anyways, so did Kensei turn into the Adam today because of Hiro? Being an evil guy now. At least I think he's evil. I still don't trust that Bob guy. And I agree, Nikki's character sucks so much. What other powers could Adam possibly have that he can control Parkman's father? Well not control, but use him as a puppet or something.

    From the paintings, it looks like somebody shot Claire's father through the eye. I'm not sure if it's Suresh or if it's going to be Bob though. Heck, it might even be West.

    And one more thing,I really hate the drama of Claire's high school life. Kills the mood of the show for me.

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