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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #461
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    Micah's (grandmother? great-aunt?): Oooh, ooh, new power? Maybe?
    Played by Nichelle Nichols no less. First George Takei, now her, who else from the original Star Trek will show up?

    West is really obnoxious. Now he's even got some horrible grudge against her father.

  2. #462
    If I saw right (which I may not have considering my near blindness) I think before Peter's tattoo disappeared it transformed into The Symbol.

    Other Random Thoughts:
    The marketing gimmick spun around 'What's in the Box?' was lame, but fortunately it seems to have been a one time thing. I have no problem with the Irish plot line but I have a strong dislike of the cliché of amnesiacs resisting rediscovering their former life so I'm not pleased with the way they're handling the current situation with Peter on principle. Hopefully they'll force his memories back on him quickly so he can make his own decisions as the Peter we know.

    I think Nicki went to the Company looking to have Jessica's personality suppressed or removed not for a cure to some ailment.

    I think the disease was a Company created method to control other special people that may gotten out of their control.

    I also thought Sylar had the disease but that wouldn't explain why he could still use his super perception but couldn't use his powers so that theory is looking pretty shaky.

    I think Micah's grandmother will turn out to be a voodoo priestess who can actually do magic stuff thanks to her ability.

    And finally I think Clare's flying boy may be a company plant, but that's a pretty light theory at this point. Side Note: Does Clare think her dad is the only person on earth who wears horned rimmed glasses? And if so, what the hell did she think he did for the company? I'd really hoped she'd grown out of trusting total strangers just because they had powers over her father who's given up everything for her.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 10-10-2007 at 09:47 AM.

  3. #463
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura

    I also thought Sylar had the disease but that wouldn't explain why he could still use his super perception but couldn't use his powers so that theory is looking pretty shaky.
    i think sylar is still in an illusion... So the fat gal isn't dead at all.

  4. #464
    I think she might really be dead. The whole time Sylar was screaming for his powers to come out, I was like OK, so this bitch is gonna drop the bomb on him that it wasn't actually an illusion. But I don't think she would reveal her real fatty self.

  5. #465
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If I saw right (which I may not have considering my near blindness) I think before Peter's tattoo disappeared it transformed into The Symbol.
    Ah, you're right. I'd only just noticed the brief appearance of The Symbol when I watched the ep and totally missed the tattoo disappearing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Played by Nichelle Nichols no less. First George Takei, now her, who else from the original Star Trek will show up?
    I can't believe I missed that. I'm the worst Star Trek fan ever, not immediately identifying Nichelle Nichols. That's awesome though! Too bad they already killed off Takei's character. It would have been neat to have an ep with both of them in it. Maybe we'll get a flashback where they're in the same scene.

  6. #466
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    And finally I think Clare's flying boy may be a company plant, but that's a pretty light theory at this point. Side Note: Does Clare think her dad is the only person on earth who wears horned rimmed glasses? And if so, what the hell did she think he did for the company? I'd really hoped she'd grown out of trusting total strangers just because they had powers over her father who's given up everything for her.
    Pretty much any scene with West in it has been terribly written. I'm wondering what the writer's were thinking, 'cause the high school melodrama angle isn't working at all. And the flying scene was just ridiculous. I wanted to change the channel.

    Also does anyone else think that Candice (or whatever the shapeshifting girl's real name is) is pulling one over on Sylar? She might have tricked him into thinking he's killed her, hence why his powers aren't working. It makes sense, since she's clearly working for someone and wouldn't be so careless as to leave herself in a dark room alone with Sylar. I never read the comics, so I didn't know about her "real" appearance either, so that was a pretty awesome revelation regardless.


    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  7. #467
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo

    Also does anyone else think that Candice (or whatever the shapeshifting girl's real name is) is pulling one over on Sylar? She might have tricked him into thinking he's killed her, hence why his powers aren't working. It makes sense, since she's clearly working for someone and wouldn't be so careless as to leave herself in a dark room alone with Sylar. I never read the comics, so I didn't know about her "real" appearance either, so that was a pretty awesome revelation regardless.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish-S
    i think sylar is still in an illusion... So the fat gal isn't dead at all.
    Btw we kinda knew she was fat.. if you can remember her scene's with mica...

  8. #468
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Sorry TS, I read over the last few pages of the thread to make sure no one else had mentioned that. I guess I missed yours.

    Also I missed about 3 episodes from the latter half of Season 1, so that other thing must have slipped by me too.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #469
    I didn't even know Heroes had restarted until English class earlier. *Goes to download the eps*

  10. #470
    Tonight's episode was good, but I can't wait for the next one. I think I got a boner watching the previews.

  11. #471
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish-S
    Btw we kinda knew she was fat.. if you can remember her scene's with mica...
    ??? She was hot, and she was a different girl at the time. I don't remember any fat girls. But damn, I laughed so hard when she turned into a fat girl and Sylar saying "now that's silly, being someone your not." LOL... reminds me of internet chicks.

    @Xanbcoo, same here man! I knew it was going to turn into some drama crap along with the dating/flying together. Not what I wanted to see.... All they were missing was a magic carpet and the song "a whole new world".

    Anyways, I still don't know if Claire's dad is a good guy or a bad guy. They always throw in twists and turns so you can't really judge anyone until it ends. But in that picture, it looks like he got shot through his eye..... Nikki Sander's sniper rifle? Claire and West standing in shock? No clue.. But I don't think West and Claire would kill her father.

    Speaking of Nikki, it looked like she was wearing some eye shadow or whatever inside that one guy's office... She offering herself again?

    As for Peter not wanting to open that box, he's going to be a lost hero just doing his own thing while Sylar threatens the world again. It's going to take someone, perhaps Nathan to find Peter and have him open that box. Then he'll be like "This is who I realy am, I'm suppose to save the world!"

    Oh and damn! They got a Sharingan user in Heroes! Whooooo she pwned that robber. And it looks like she'll be getting that manager job after that performance.

  12. #472
    Damn, nice episode tonite. Turns out the freaky supervillain is parkmans father. who would've guessed. Too bad for molly being stuck in that comatose state....anyone notice the thing with her eyes when you saw the picture? her pupils were actually the kanji symbol. pretty nifty.

    also, whats the deal with sylar and the bug? taht giant cockroach always shows it just a metaphor, or is one of his powers making cockroaches appear out of thin air?

  13. #473
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I didnt see that...anyway, i'd take her over sasuke anyday rawr!! Yea, the cockroach thing is weird...

  14. #474
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    The cockroach/sylar thing summed up is supposed to be how they are perfect evolution and how they are really hard to kill.

    Oh and my hate for West is continually growing with each episode.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  15. #475
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    I dont mind west lol people seem to hate him for some reaon. i was emo since peter wasn't in this one his developement seems to always be good. sylar needs to die already unless they wanna do a final battle between him and peter cause of there powers. i dont think he will be cought by a sword in the stomach twice lol.

  16. #476
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    Anyways, I still don't know if Claire's dad is a good guy or a bad guy. They always throw in twists and turns so you can't really judge anyone until it ends.
    He's a good guy. He took a bullet to protect and risked his job and safety to protect Claire last season. It's just poor writing that they've suddenly decided to throw in a new character to stir drama up where there shouldn't be any.

    I missed yesterday's episode. Gonna have to catch up.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #477
    Good episode. We'll probably get to see the nightmare man soon. Next episode is going really nice.

    @Munsu Guess who's appearing next episode :P

  18. #478
    Why do you think I got a boner watching the previews?

  19. #479
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    He's a good guy. He took a bullet to protect and risked his job and safety to protect Claire last season. It's just poor writing that they've suddenly decided to throw in a new character to stir drama up where there shouldn't be any.

    I missed yesterday's episode. Gonna have to catch up.
    So West is that new guy huh? Ughh.... I guess it's clear why they chose HIM to also have a flying power... So they can add in that script where he takes Clare flying I see.


  20. #480
    What happened in the previews? Watched a DL version which didn't have any.

    Anyways, a pretty good episode, totally lacking action though. It sucked that it didn't have any scenes of Hiro, but it was good that there were none of Peter. So I guess it balances it out that way.

    Anyways, I hate the West scenes, but kinda like the Maya and Alejandro scenes. They totally give off the twincest vibe and even better now that Sylar knows wtf is going down.

    Lastly, thank god Nathan got rid of that beaver off his face.

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