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Thread: TV: Heroes

  1. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    Maybe he can pull a Sylar and eat the brains he pulled out and heal himself :P
    Would be really awesome if he did it.... I mean, where did his brain go?

  2. #362
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I think DL just pulled a chunk of it out of his head. That's kinda gross now that i think about it.

  3. #363
    Benevolent Dictator
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    a rather disturbing way to kill someone, to be sure.

  4. #364
    I do think its painless though.

  5. #365
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, touching the actual brain, in theory should be painless, but i think he left a hole in linderman's head, which would hurt a lot...

  6. #366
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I had the impression he squeezed the brain juice out of his brain, since his eyes went red just before he died.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  7. #367
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    -_-...that's even more gross

  8. #368
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Ok finale. Felt like it could have been better. Volume 2 looks interesting with the origins and whatnot. Hiro back in early Edo should be entertaining not to mention that eclipse that they showed.

    I'm not sure if Peter can regenerate in space and come back, so who is going to stop Sylar now?

  9. #369
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    It sucks the season is over, but an AMAZING finale!! I'll discuss after inserting my spoiler warning~~


    I thought it was really good. I especially like how Saving the cheerleader actually did save New York. Considering 1.) Sylar couldn't regenerate, and 2.) Nathan's change of heart (which I totally called). There's of course a few cliff hangers that every finale leaves you with. The one's that I seen (I may have missed some) were:

    What's happened to Peter? We know he lived, but where is he?? Hope it isn't something lame like he was blown out to space. Will he still have his badass scar?

    What's happened to Nathan? Is Nathan actually dead? Or was he able to shoot off in time to save his life. Heck Peter could even use the power he got from Sylar to just knock him flying. Or he was around Hiro at the end there. Maybe he teleported Nathan somewhere and teleported back. Or maybe he's just dead!

    What's happened to Sylar? It looked like the "flash of victims" in his eyes meant he was dead. But the trail of blood said otherwise. Personally I think he's dead, but I think (my next question) will come into play on this one. I think he was taken away by someone... someone worse.

    Who was Molly talking about? Worse than Sylar?? I thought that was impossible (well not really...) Personally I think whoever it was will become the main antagonist. We've probabaly even seen them. I also think they were the one who took Sylar. To do who knows what with his body, somehow absorb his power? Maybe he's the opposite of Peter in that they have unconditional hate not love. Who knows. But I hope Sylar is actually dead. Otherwise it's a tad cliche.

    Is there still more behind Mama Petrelli? She still seems to mysterious to me. Maybe she's the next bad guy (girl)? Id oubt it, but I do think there's more to her.

    What's to become of Hiro? Is Hiro going to be stuck in this past? I hope not because I love him. But it does look like we finally got to see the eclipse. Now just to find out what's behind it. Maybe Kensie is the super villain

    What's behind the eclipse? Is that when the DNA began to change? Did it affect everyone who saw it? Did it affect those soldiers and who looked like Kensie (I hope i'm spelling his name right? The dude Hiro got the sword from).

    A Power we don't know about? Was Charles and Peter's "get together" Charles power or Peters?

    Thoughts on Next season? I think because of the name Generations we might see Hiro stuck in the past for awhile. Maybe the eclipse was the start of all "power" but Hiro seeing it reverts him back to normal. I think we might see Peter and or Nathan in a different time frame as well. Of course we'll also see the struggles of modern day Heroes and their new or old villain.

    It'd be cool to see people's responses and perhaps some more questions that I missed or left out. Either way awesome finale, cannot wait till next season!

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  10. #370
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    J-kun pretty much summed it all up. Hiro in samurai Japan, that's freaking awesome. And I already pre-ordered the Season 1 DVD set through Amazon.

    Although I also do agree with darkmetal's comment above. Somehow, I felt like this whole thing could've ended so much better. Some of it felt kinda anti-climatic. Like, the reason why I predicted a long time ago that Nathan was gonna carry Peter up and fly away was so that Tim Kring can prove me wrong and think up of something more brilliant. But that didn't happen. Boo. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to Season 2.

  11. #371
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    What's happened to Peter? We know he lived, but where is he?? Hope it isn't something lame like he was blown out to space. Will he still have his badass scar?

    What's happened to Nathan? Is Nathan actually dead? Or was he able to shoot off in time to save his life. Heck Peter could even use the power he got from Sylar to just knock him flying. Or he was around Hiro at the end there. Maybe he teleported Nathan somewhere and teleported back. Or maybe he's just dead!

    Who was Molly talking about? Worse than Sylar?? I thought that was impossible (well not really...) Personally I think whoever it was will become the main antagonist. We've probabaly even seen them. I also think they were the one who took Sylar. To do who knows what with his body, somehow absorb his power? Maybe he's the opposite of Peter in that they have unconditional hate not love. Who knows. But I hope Sylar is actually dead. Otherwise it's a tad cliche.
    Peter was alive and scarred only in the future where the bomb went off at street level and Sylar stole Candice's powers to become Nathan (who he obviously also killed). We're now pushed into a different future. DL and Mica are both alive, Parkman is probably dead. I think it's safe to say that Peter and Nathan are both dead for good. Peter could never really control Ted's powers, and he'd be threatening to lose it all the time unless he spent a lot of time controlling it. (Like the month or so Ted took.)

    I think it's pretty clear the villain for next season will be Molly's phantom person. "When I think about them, they can see me..." Very creepy. Definitely looking forward to it. Sylar better be dead, he was starting to get annoying.

    One more thing to think about. What ever happened to that woman who could used the internet and satellites all the time? She met up with Ted and later Parkman, and was never seen again. Did I miss when she died or disappeared?

  12. #372
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Noah ...

    sorta fits, I guess.

    Nathan being dead makes sense -- if I had been in Nathan's position, I'd have chucked Peter oceanward and flown clear... but maybe he's not that quick-thinking. Peter being dead doesn't. Peter being scarred might, given that he still exploded ... if anything's going to carve a big ol' gash across someone's face, it'd be that, I'd think. Of course, Peter probably should have been able to fly himself away, for that matter.

    Syler ... my money's on hiding out in the sewers. From the wound, should be dead, but remember that his original power was really just insight into how things work, and he gained powers after applying that insight. So maybe he'll be able to fix his broken self before he completely stops working. He's also still got that telekinesis bit, he could probably use that to improvise bandages (hold blood in, pull severed arteries together, etc) and probably also for a bit of self-surgery. Assuming he gets to himself in time, that is.
    Last edited by complich8; Mon, 05-21-2007 at 10:52 PM.

  13. #373
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's not like Peter could fly away from the explosion, he was the explosion. It was centered around him because his entire body generates it. I also don't see how you can regenerate from little bits. Even Claire died in the alternate future when Sylar cut her head open in just the right way.

    I suppose we could say Ted never died when he generated the radiation and blew up the Bennet house for instance, but it was clear that Peter never really had control over Ted's powers.

    The series has a bittersweet ending if Peter died, with the two brothers sacrificing themselves for the greater good. If only Nathan is dead, then it just comes off sour to me.

  14. #374
    Okay ending.

    But I really want to know what is Momma Petrelli's power, Hiro's dad and Charles. And what was the "dream" Peter had?

    Hopefully Sylar is dead because I am getting tired of that "weak" enemy.

    I personally hope that Peter will survive and Nathan dies. One of them must survive.

  15. #375
    Maybe hiro's dad is Kensie (sp?). I also hope (probably not though) that sylar and peter are dead and hiro stuck in the past ,with that, all the sick strong powers are gone. So we will get a x-men like team who will fight the bad guys.

  16. #376
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Kensei, sword saint, someone with god-like skill in wielding a blade, the most famous being musashi miyamoto.

  17. #377
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I was kinda thinking that peter could have just flown real high into the sky, since you know, he CAN fly. I guess that wouldnt have been as emotional, i guess. Oh well. I kinda hope that nathan isn't dead; i kinda liked his character. But you know peter isnt dead, and neither is sylar (comic book rule #1: the main protagonist and villans have allerterative names lots of the time i.e. peter peterelli, gabriel gray). I think the really bad man might've been the hatian, although thats kinda out there. And im hoping Ando gets he looks like he could be fast or something, like quicksliver.

    Also, i think a guy that is way worse than sylar, and like could easily overpower him, yet works with him would be an interesting angle. Think about it...u know sylar would be pissed, and waiting for an opening to chop the guy's head off the whole time, but he just wouldnt be able to...that would be both funny and dramatic (the double whammy!!!1)
    Last edited by rockmanj; Tue, 05-22-2007 at 10:34 AM.

  18. #378
    Student Eddie_Brock's Avatar
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    It was a nice ep with lot of action, drama and progress.
    But i really hoped there would be a peter vs sylar fight but i think they want to keep that for season 2 cuz sylar ain't death or like some others already said about the new villain taking over sylars power or working with him.
    Maybe the new villain is one of the friends of Linderman who ' lost his way'. And Hiro in the past going to be bitching

  19. #379
    ya teh new uber villian could be one of lindermans friends. It could also be some one from the past...i mean like, 'mideval japan' past. We know this kensie guy is connected to the heroes somehow, since his insignia seems to turn up everywhere. And with that eclipse, it realy seems like they're foreshadowing a major even that happened (or rather, is happening) in the past (maybe the origins of the mutation). So im thinking whoever this new villian is, he'll be like 400 years old.....the first villian as it were. Maybe kensei's original enemy.

    That would be awesome, cuz then hiro would play a central role once again, and become even more badass.

    oh, and while im at it.....imagine hiro learning battoujutsu from kensie, and training for like10 years. mutant powers + uber 1337 samurai skillz = BAD ASS

  20. #380
    If the new villain is super old from the long long time ago. That will be exactly like X-Men with Apocalypse. I am not complaining. It would become a even more awesome show.

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